
DxD: The Reincarnated Gamer

So you believe in ghosts and other strange occurrences? That there are many different kinds of races, as well as beings such as angels, devils, and dragons? And that a good number of these entities live alongside humans and cohabit with them? In addition to that, one of these people in particular stood out; what was his name? Altair. This universe would become the arena for his rantings and his jokes if he had his way. Nothing should matter to someone like him, or at the very least, it shouldn't matter at all. _____ like the fanfic and want to read ahead or just want to support you can join my patreo_n to read ahead by 10 chapters patr-eon.com/Rias_gremory174

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Chapter 44: Greetings

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After suddenly appearing in the living room of his home, Altair dashed out of the room and into the restroom.

What could be the cause of this? It was due to the fact that he had not yet been accustomed to the Kai Kai.

He experienced a strong want to throw up as a direct result of the sense of having his cells transferred at a rapid pace from one location to another.

As he emerged from the lavatory, he wiped his lips with a towel while muttering to himself, "Shit, I wanted to surprise them and look what happened..."

But soon he switched his attention back to his house. He was examining the situation of his house because he knew those two females very well and knew that it wouldn't surprise him if the house was completely damaged. He was checking the state of his house because he knew that if the house was completely destroyed, it wouldn't surprise him.

"Well, it looks like everything is back to normal," said the speaker. After having a cursory look around the house, he noted that he felt two separate presences in the kitchen, at which point he made the decision to investigate the situation.

And as he made his way towards the kitchen, he noticed that his two slaves were already seated at the table and appeared to be having dinner.

"Greetings, Master. As soon as Jeanne became aware of his presence at the scene, she greeted him.

Artoria also attempted to speak, but she was unable to do so since her mouth was too full.

Jeanne asked her friend as she got up from the table, "How was your day?" ('How was your day?').

"Exhausting... what about yours? After making his reply, Altair resumed his seat and leaned back.

Artoria tried once again to speak, but the food in her stomach prevented her from doing so.

Jeanne commented, "More or less," as she presented him with a tray of food while she was bringing it to him.

And as a result of that, Altair looked at Jeanne in a peculiar manner.

He voiced the question as he looked down at the dish that was already placed in front of him. "Since when did you become so thoughtful?"

"Ever since the beginning." Jeanne responded while a vein in the middle of her forehead began to pulse.

It would appear that she is the person in question. When he noticed that she had resumed her typical demeanour, he couldn't help but crack a grin.

Altair answered the question in a hushed tone as he started to taste the meal he was eating. "And how are you feeling?" In spite of the fact that he had just a few moments previously consumed a bag of candies, he was still incredibly hungry.

"Thank you for asking about me; I'm doing well, and I apologise for leaving in such a hasty manner." She uttered such words while concealing her reddening cheeks by turning her head aside as she spoke.

This sequence, in which she turned her face away from him, was quite cute for Altair to see. Even trying to suppress a chuckle, he was powerless to stop himself.

They were in the middle of a chat when suddenly they were cut off by the sound of a woman's voice.

Because there was only one other person standing next to Altair and Jeanne, it wasn't even necessary to identify the person who was speaking; everyone knew who it was.

"Seeing the two of you flirting is getting old," she said. Artoria's remark caused Jeanne to feel even more self-conscious about what she had spoken.

"SHUT UP, YOU BREASTLESS BITCH! Jeanne yelled out as her face was red.

And Artoria, upon hearing Jeanne refer to her, displayed an angry expression in response. She realised something as she glanced at her breasts, followed by hers, and then at hers.

While hers were on the smaller side, she had huge ones.

Her expression changed, and it turned angry and very red. In addition to that, the expression that she was making at the moment was very endearing.

''I've made up my mind.'' Jeanne gave Artoria a perplexed expression in response to her comment.

Jeanne questioned in a befuddled manner, "Decided what?"

Altair made the decision to remain silent and proceeded to continue eating his meal because he was already aware of what was going to happen next.

"IF YOU DON'T CUT OFF YOUR COW'S TITS, I WILL!" After making this statement, Artoria rose up and drew her dark sword, Excalibur Morgan, before moving closer to Jeanne. She did this at the same time as she advanced.

Jeanne, who simply let out a startled yell and then promptly rose up, was able to avoid being injured during an assault that involved the chair she was seated on being cut.

When she saw what was happening, the colour of her face changed.

''Why did you dodge Jeanne?'' Artoria inquired while wearing a gleefully malicious smirk on her face.

"As if I was going to let you do that," she responded incredulously. Jeanne responded as she stood, at which point she called forth her black rapier, known as La Pucelle.

"Get a move on!" Having stated that, Artoria proceeded forward towards Jeanne with everything she had, but Jeanne just avoided her attacks and leapt through the window, shattering it in the process.

Artoria looked confused as she blinked a few times, but then she felt a vein begin to pulse in her forehead.

''COME BACK HERE!'' In order to begin her pursuit, she followed his lead and jumped out the window.

"I STILL HAVE TO SLICE YOU," the voice said. Artoria yelled to Jeanne, who was already a few metres ahead of her. Jeanne did not turn around.

Both were moving at a rate that was far faster than typical.

"That's right, you sour puss," he said at her. Jeanne yelled as she picked up the pace of her running. She had no interest in engaging Artoria in battle because she was aware that doing so would almost certainly result in the destruction of the city.

Jeanne showed an incredible level of dexterity and dodged all of Artoria's assaults, which caused Artoria to get extremely enraged. Artoria then began to direct a great deal of evil energy in the shape of a half moon at Jeanne.

When Altair witnessed the situation, he realised that he needed to take action.

"Kai Kai. He mumbled, causing him to teleport closer to Artoria. He did not wait for her to finish speaking before touching her on the shoulder.

"What?" she asked in a state of bewilderment.

''Kai Kai.'' He murmured once again, and as a result, he vanished along with Artoria and reappeared close to Jeanne.

''Hm?'' When Jeanne looked over, she saw that her master was standing right next to her with an Artoria that was simmering with rage. This perplexed Jeanne as well.

The same thing that Altair did to Artoria, he did to her by touching her on the shoulder and preventing her from speaking.

''Kai Kai.'' This murmur was a little less powerful than the one that came before it; yet, it still produced the effect that he desired, as evidenced by the fact that they vanished from where they were and suddenly appeared in the living room.

And as the two young ladies sensed the floor in the living room, they immediately ran to the bathroom.

As poor Altair staggered around, he sat himself down on the couch.

He had shelled out a significant amount of MP already today.

[MP: 500/2000]

After taking a look at his MP bar, he found that he no longer had the desire to think and soon after fell asleep. He was aware that the excessive use of Kai Kai in such a short period of time had been excessive.

Altair... it will be your name...," a young nun whose face is obscured by shadows stated to the young man.

Then, while Altair was still asleep, images started popping into his head.

The latest scenario in Altair's dream featured an angry mob, and the same nun who had given him the name Altair was now impaled on a wooden stake. In the previous scene, the mob had given him the name Altair.


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