
DxD: The Lustful Gamer

When I died away as a consequence of making my first poor choice, I did not anticipate being reincarnated in a world inhabited by Yokai, Devils, and Angels as well as Fallen Angels. I had no idea that I would end up being the "main character" of the story. I didn't anticipate that my life would turn out to be a game. Despite that, I'm going to try to find the silver lining in this strange circumstance. There will be 18+ contents. -- Like the fanfic, if yes, consider supporting via patron and you will be able to read ahead by webnovel chapters. (P).(A).(T).(R).(E).(O).(N) http://patreon.com/Marin_kitawaga

Orael · Anime & Comics
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99 Chs

Chapter 16: Mana Affinity!

Hey guys if u like the fanfic and want to read ahead or just want to support take a visit on my patreon.




And do tell me about the word count I have heard many people don't like like too long chapters or too short chapters. So do tell me that word limit is okay or should I increase it or decrease it. Usually words count : 1.3k to 1.6k


I had arrived in the same park as the day before, and after making my way to a lonely area of it that was surrounded by a large number of trees, I used the programme ID: Create to transport myself from the dimension of my home to the one that I had created myself — it rhymes! After that was over, I examined my new stats to verify what I had fleetingly considered after completing the final mission, which awarded me a new level.

[Name: Issei Hyoudou

Not Applicable:The Gamer's Level is 5, and their job title is "The Gamer."

Status: Not Applicable Race: Human Next Level: 1.9%

HP: 550/550 R: 1% (5.5) per Minute

MP: 932/932 R: 1.8% (16.8) per Minute

STR: 6.6 (6+0.6)

VIT: 10

DEX: 5.5 (5+0.5)

INT: 33 (30+3)

WIS: 18

LUCK: 10

20 Stat Points and 300 Dollars in Prize Money]

Just like I thought I had twenty points to spend on stats, and my mana regeneration increased with both the augmenting of my mana pool (whether it was by levelling up or by increasing my INT), and my WIS.

It would be rather impractical for me to grind and battle in their current states; however, my INT was already pretty high, and I had the points to rapidly remedy that issue right now.

Therefore, without going into too much detail, I'll just say that I put the twenty points into INT, upped the basic stat to fifty, and brought the total to fifty five owing to the passive boost that Mana Manipulation provided me with.

The alert windows sprang up in front of my face not more than a second later, and I couldn't help but grin as I took a look at them. It appeared that, in contrast to the Manhwa, I would acquire two passive skills and a random active skill for every fifty base points per stat. That is just amazing.

[You have been awarded the skill 'Mana Affinity' for earning level 50 in Intelligence!

After reaching level 50 in Intelligence, you will gain access to the skill 'Medium Mana Capacity'!

The skill "Knowledge Absorption" has been unlocked for you as a reward for earning level 50 in Intelligence!

Affinity with Mana Passive. Lvl Max. A talent that heightens the user's awareness of mana and improves their ability to control the substance. A 10% boost in the rate at which MP is recovered. a 5% increase to the overall amount of MP. 5% increase in the power of your magical attacks. 5% improvement in the defence against magic. a thirty percent boost to the effects of skills that are related to MP.

Capacity for Medium Amounts of Mana Passive. Lvl Max. A talent that is bestowed upon those select users who are endowed from birth with an outstanding capacity to control mana. Mana Based strikes are 15% stronger. Uses 10% less mana for all abilities.

Absorption of knowledge, active, level 1, [0%] percentage. A talent that enables the user to directly absorb the knowledge contained in any textual source by employing mana to do so. The amount of mana that must be expended in order to absorb the knowledge is directly proportional to the amount of knowledge that must be absorbed. [Price: Varies depending on the customer.]

Before opening my status window and my skill window to see how much my actions have affected, I closed the new windows after revelling in the sensation of gaining power exponentially and becoming more in tune with my mana. Then I opened those windows to see how much my actions have affected, and I was more than pleased.

I had about sixteen hundred mana points at this point, and the pace at which I regenerated mana was above thirty, which was pretty darn good.

I didn't bother to check how much damage I could dish out now because I couldn't be bothered to check how much damage I could dish out now but I was sure it was significantly more than it was yesterday. The cost of the skills had dropped fairly.

And the irony was that I wasn't even close to being finished. I eased myself into a peaceful state by sitting down on the soft grass, leaning my back against the bark of the tree that stood behind me, and taking a deep breath as I did so.

After that, I started counting, and as soon as I did, I forgot about everything else and focused solely on the numbers. I had a strong Gamer's Mind, a high INT, and I was confident that my WIS also played a role in how easy it was for me to concentrate on what I wanted to do, so it was extremely simple for me to do what I set out to do.

[A unique action has resulted in the development of a new ability.

The talent known as "Meditation" has been developed.

Meditation. Active. Lvl 1 [0.0%]. The practise of continuously focusing inward has resulted in the development of a skill that allows one to sharpen their attention, order their thoughts, and strengthen both the clarity of their mind and their awareness of their body. The user's VIT, INT, and WIS are each increased by 20% passively. When active, both your health and your mana points will regenerate at a faster rate. Warning: You are unable to use this ability while you are engaged in combat. ]

Having accomplished that, I am aware that possessed eighteen hundred MP and a recovery rate of forty two per minute.

My VIT improved thanks to the advantage that Meditation provided, and as a result, my HP grew to 600.

Because I was so brutal in putting an end to it, a part of me questioned if I was gaining authority too quickly. I was reminded that DxD characters generally developed their abilities quickly, with Issei serving as the most prominent example; nevertheless, the Gamer ability would take that developing rate and amplify it by a significant number.

So I guess you could say that I was growing quickly, but not as much as one might assume if they did not have this talent.

And at this point, I believed that I was prepared to begin honing my skills. When I looked at the time displayed on my HUD, I knew that I had somewhere around six hours to try to level up my abilities as much as possible in preparation for tomorrow, which was going to be the day that I would take on the ID: Zombie to further grind my levels and that of my talents. That was the justification for expending those points.

I was a low level, that much is true; nevertheless, due to the skills I had acquired, I was significantly stronger than what my level would suggest I should have been. This indicates that increasing the level cap at this point will be as simple as pushing a button. And given that my power would increase as I progress through the levels...

After letting the information settle, I came to the conclusion that it was time to get started. The first thing I did was engage meditation, which increased the rate at which my MP was regenerated to eight and a half.

Then I activated mana shield, the clear blue sphere of protective energy, and it began to grow into existence around me like a cocoon.

Because the process of activating the talent and sustaining it were separate and distinct from one another, my MP did not decrease even if the activation of the skill now cost me thirty-six and keeping it cost me fifty-four.

I still had thirty MP on my RR, so I activated Reinforcement, which cost twenty-seven MP at the time, and decided to grind those two skills at the same time since I only needed to keep them activated for them to rise in level. This allowed me to make better use of my MP.

They were able to advance by two levels in just five minutes, but it took them twice as long to advance by one level.

After an hour and a half had passed, neither of the two skills had even come close to reaching level five. At that point, I stopped giving the skills any more mana and began to let out a sigh of relief as I began to unwind.

Both Reinforcement and Mana Shield were now at level five, and their effects had become slightly more powerful while the costs required to use them had also decreased slightly. During that time period, Meditation also advanced by two levels, but the talent itself did not appear to undergo any changes.


When we will reach 20 patrons on Pat-reon I will mass release of 10 chapters of my both fanfic on webnovel and on patre-on too. So If you want to read ahead you can visit my patreon there you will be able to read 6+ chapters ahead now. There is a fanfic of naruto 18+ too with many lemon scenes. Thanks you




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