
DxD: The Lustful Gamer

When I died away as a consequence of making my first poor choice, I did not anticipate being reincarnated in a world inhabited by Yokai, Devils, and Angels as well as Fallen Angels. I had no idea that I would end up being the "main character" of the story. I didn't anticipate that my life would turn out to be a game. Despite that, I'm going to try to find the silver lining in this strange circumstance. There will be 18+ contents. -- Like the fanfic, if yes, consider supporting via patron and you will be able to read ahead by webnovel chapters. (P).(A).(T).(R).(E).(O).(N) http://patreon.com/Marin_kitawaga

Orael · Anime & Comics
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99 Chs

Chapter 15: Double The Fun

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[A unique action has resulted in the development of a new ability.

It has been decided to create the ability known as "Hand-to-Hand Combat."

Active at level 1 [0.0%], Hand-to-Hand Combat is passive at that level. Hand-to-Hand Combat is the art of using your own body to attack your opponents, as well as using your own body to defend yourself against opponents who are either undamaged or who have been injured. Strength and Dexterity are both increased by 10%.

Both your STR and DEX will increase by one point if you engage in combat against many foes.

When you engage in combat with many adversaries, your VIT will increase by 2!

The quest has been finished!

You've gained one level thanks to your hard work!]

When I looked at the news, I couldn't help but smile in smug satisfaction since I knew what this meant for me.

It appeared as though things were going to be simpler than what I had anticipated, but considering that I had basically come from another dimension, I suppose that it was... understandable? No? Meh. I don't care.

I simply desired to amass power, acquire a Harem in the course of my endeavours, and project an image of toughness while doing so.

It was not a difficult request, and it appeared to be... the entire universe? Gaia? Whatever it was, it was on my side, but I don't know what.

I turned my attention away from the warning boxes and toward the area where Katase and Murayama were engaged in combat.

I saw Murayama land a blow to the Lieutenant's stomach, which caused him to double over, and then

Katase finish him off with a powerful blow to the head. He was rendered unconscious, but other than a quick observation, I didn't pay him much attention.

Instead, I focused on Murayama and Katase with a slightly worried look on my face that was partially faked. I pretended to be concerned about them, but I didn't really feel concerned.

"Are you two okay?" Before making a show of glancing at their slightly agitated states and then at the unconscious thug, I asked them what was going on. I gave a nervous giggle while nervously scratching the top of my head. "I suppose that rather than you asking me that question, I should be asking him."

Murayama displayed a sneer that was borderline condescending, while Katase smiled politely at me. "Issei-san, your care is very much appreciated. As was the assistance," As she stared at the six unconscious thugs behind me, the one with the pink haired one of the pair and the one who was gentlest of the two stated.

She said, "I had no idea you were skilled in martial arts," and as she glanced at me, I could see the curiosity in her eyes as she did so.

When Murayama stared at the dead lying on the ground, she maintained her smirk and whistled in amusement.

"It all started when you stopped being that worthless pervert, and now it turns out that you are a really good fighter. Issei-san, you have most assuredly been concealing information from us all this time "She said it in a playful manner as she and Katase both put their shinais away. Katase did the same thing.

I gave a little shrug of the shoulders. "As I mentioned the other day, I became aware of a few things, and I recognised that I couldn't openly gaze at girls because doing so will only produce issues for me in the future. As for how I fight, well, if I'm being completely honest, that's another thing that came about quite recently," I was ready to smirk, but I restrained myself so as to give the impression that I was unconcerned about the matter.

Calm, cool, and a little bit removed from the situation. That was the thing that made girls interested in him. You managed to keep them by acting romantic and engaging in all of the lovey-dovey activities. "And it would appear that conflict does have a purpose in some situations."

Katase nodded in agreement. "Indeed. Even though I was confident that Mina and I would have been able to quickly eliminate these individuals on our own, it is to Issei's benefit that you assisted him. If there is anything that we could do to make up for what you've done "She paused, and then she looked at me in anticipation as she did so.

I noticed that Murayama –Mina had a smirk on her face as she also gave me the same look, and I realised that this was a test to determine whether or not I was truly going to change'my' perverted ways. She also gave me the same look.

I was on the verge of smirking, but I restrained myself and shrugged my shoulders instead, which caused them to appear surprised.

"Reward? No way, what exactly are you referring to? I didn't do anything with the hopes of getting something in return. I made this in the hopes that it will assist two of my adorable classmates who were the targets of harassment. I'll take whatever you want to give me as a prize, but I don't really expect anything in return."

It took them a moment to digest what I had just said, and during that time, Katase gave me an astonished look, a larger smile spread across her adorable face, and Murayama smiled at me in satisfaction.

"So, you're going to make some major life adjustments, huh?" Her question was just rhetorical.

"I am."

Katase gave a small nod of her head. "Then, if it's not for helping us out, let's commend you for going out of your way to ensure that we don't have to deal with any more of your annoying antics. Do you have any interest in hanging out with us tomorrow afternoon after school? We don't have any club activities, but both Mina and I are interested in getting to know the new you, so I think I can speak for both of us when I say that "She popped the question while wearing a smile that was both endearing and adorable.

I looked over to Murayama and noticed that she was nodding her head in agreement, so I shrugged my shoulders and smiled in response to hers.

"Sure. Why shouldn't they? If two such lovely women make such an offer to me, I'd be a fool not to take them up on it, wouldn't I say?" I said it rhetorically, and I came very close to grinning at him as he flushed slightly and laughed.

This was sufficient proof that it was not a person's physical characteristics that attracted girls, although they undoubtedly played a role in the process, but rather their attitude. And the one I was using at the time was doing miracles for me.

After that, Murayama gave me a nod. "If so, we'll catch up with you tomorrow. Let's go Miko," she remarked as she grabbed her friend's hand and they began to walk away.

I positioned myself in the middle of the defeated thugs and watched as they walked away while staring at the backsides of their swaying bodies. I have to say that it was a pretty spectacular view.

[Quest Alert!

Two Young Ladies. It's twice the fun.

You have left Mina Muruyama and Miko Katase with a very favourable impression thanks to your skill to fight and your willingness to reform the blatantly improper ways in which you conduct yourself.

They have extended an invitation to you to hang out with them during the afternoon. Make the most of this opportunity to further impress them.

Rewards: One Thousand Experience Points greater familiarity and comfort level with Mina Murayama. greater familiarity and comfort level with Miko Katase. A fantastic time with Mina Muruyama and Miko Katase

Failure resulted in a significant lessening of my proximity to Mina Murayama and Miko Katase.]

Mina Murayama and Miko Katase. Once I get a hold of them, they'll make wonderful additions to my harem, and if the quest is any indication, that will happen a lot sooner than I was anticipating it would, just like it did with Aika. Despite this, I wasn't going to complain about anything. Never in a million years will that happen.

After mentally drawing the blinds, I turned my attention to the surrounding area and noticed, to my great surprise, that nobody appeared to be out and about on the streets. After raising an eyebrow in response to it, however, I shrugged it off as a coincidence and proceeded to the thugs in order to relieve them of the money that they were carrying on their person.

When I put it into my inventory, even though I had gathered it in yen, it automatically transformed into dollars; however, I didn't let it bother me because I just shrugged it off as a game mechanic.

After that was over, I swiftly left the location while whistling a joyful tone and slipping my hands into my pockets. It was time to start doing some grinding.


If you want to read ahead you can visit my patreon there you will be able to read 5 chapters ahead now. There is a fanfic of naruto 18+ too with many lemon scenes. Thanks you

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