
DxD: The Lustful Gamer

When I died away as a consequence of making my first poor choice, I did not anticipate being reincarnated in a world inhabited by Yokai, Devils, and Angels as well as Fallen Angels. I had no idea that I would end up being the "main character" of the story. I didn't anticipate that my life would turn out to be a game. Despite that, I'm going to try to find the silver lining in this strange circumstance. There will be 18+ contents. -- Like the fanfic, if yes, consider supporting via patron and you will be able to read ahead by webnovel chapters. (P).(A).(T).(R).(E).(O).(N) http://patreon.com/Marin_kitawaga

Orael · Anime & Comics
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99 Chs

Chapter 14: save the princesses

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If this fanfic get 300 power stones I will release a bonus chapter! And if this fanfic gets 100 comments/paragraph comments I will upload another bonus chapter!



Since their lustful eyes and the way that they were leering at them was anything to go by, it didn't take me long to figure out what they wanted. Furthermore, judging by the expression on Muruyama and Katase's faces, I could tell that they were also aware of what they wanted.

Despite the fact that I couldn't fault them because those two were so hot, what they were trying to do was reprehensible and, of course, only acceptable when they were pretending.

Anyway, the only genuine danger was posed by the 'Lieutenant Thug,' and given that both Katase and Muruyama were armed with shinai and were on an individual level higher than he was, it was likely that they would be able to handle the situation on their own, while I would be able to assist with the 'Lowly Thugs.' Why were these individual people viewed like a mob? I eventually shrugged my shoulders and chalked it up to the logic and gameplay of the game.

[Quest Alert!

Find a way to save the princesses who don't really require your assistance!

Lowly Thugs and their Lieutenant are sexually harassing Miko Katase and Mina Muruyama. The Lowly Thugs are in control. You can be of assistance to them by taking care of the Lowly Thugs, which will demonstrate to them how much of a badass you are and how much you have developed.

Rewards: 2,000 Experience Points. greater familiarity and comfort level with Miko Katase. greater familiarity and comfort level with Mina Murayama.

A loss of reputation with Miko Katase and Mina Muruyama as a result of the failure. [An occasion that was lost.]

I instantly agreed to do the quest, and shortly after that, the bandits moved closer to Murayama and Katase, who stiffened up and started getting their shinai ready to defend themselves.

After seeing this, I made the decision to get myself ready for a battle, which I soon discovered would be the first one I'd been in since I arrived here.

I used the Reinforcement ability on my body, and because my MP Regen was half of what it cost, I was able to keep it active for quite some time, considering the amount of Mana I had in comparison to the amount of Mana I was spending per minute, which meant that I now had double the STR and DEX for the duration of this fight. I would imagine that it would be plenty for the lowlife thugs.

After that, I turned on Stealth and quickly crept up behind one of the lowlife goons. My stealthiness was rewarded with an increase of one level, and the fact that no one even noticed my presence made me happy.

When I got close enough to the thug to throw a punch at him, I pulled my hand back with all the strength I could find in my fortified body and landed a heavy blow on the back of his skull. He hit his head on the floor like a sack of potatoes and is almost certainly suffering from a concussion.

[You've Made the critical hit!]

I did not pay any attention to the message box and instead proceeded for the next lowly thug, where I gave him a backhanded punch to the temple, which caused him to fall to the ground as well.

It was also a crucial strike because of where I hit him, and just like the other opponent, he became unconscious and was eliminated from the battle right away.

It was a stupid move, but in order for me to finish the mission, it was required for me to run up to the third one and kick him in the balls.

I was rewarded with another critical hit, which resulted in another lowlife thug falling unconscious. I have no doubt that he has lost the capacity to have children, but the fact that he has done so is of no concern to me at all.

I used Observe to check their remaining health points, and despite the fact that I had just taken away approximately half of their maximum health, I have given them the "Unconscious" status. This is most likely due to the nature of my blows and the pain that I caused with them.

"What the heck!?" I heard the leader of the crew yell as he realised that three of his cronies had been rendered unconscious by an admittedly scrawny looking teen in less than ten seconds. I was the one who overheard his shout.

His initial state of shock was swiftly replaced by fury, and he growled at her. "Kill that motherfucker!" the person yelled. He yelled, and not even a fraction of a second later, Katase and Muruyama were on him, their shinai swinging quickly and skillfully in a dance that was intended to kill him.

The Lieutenant Thug drew a bat from somewhere – game logic, I'm guessing – and proceeded to defend himself, but I'm confident that it won't be enough to take care of Katase and Murayama.

However, when the three remaining thugs rushed on me, their faces contorted into horrifying snarls of rage and hatred, and I was unable to appreciate the amazing exhibition.

The realisation that I no longer had the advantage of surprise made me anxious, but using Gamer's Mind helped me relax and I was able to think more clearly as a result.

They had the advantage in numbers, but I had the advantage in intelligence, and thanks to reinforcement, I probably had the advantage in strength and skill as well. I had this printed on the bag, but I had to think strategically about how to use it.

My left hand made the motion of a "come hitter," and I grinned as I did it. "I don't see why you all are dragging your feet. Come and get me! Or... let me guess... are you afraid that I will knock the wind out of you like I did to your other worthless friends?"

[A unique action has resulted in the development of a new ability.] The talent known as "Taunt" has been developed.

Confronting and lively. Lvl 1 [0.0%]. You are aware of the appropriate times to act like a jerk in order to provoke your adversaries into assaulting you and to make blundering decisions. The power of foes that have been taunted will increase by 100 percent, but they will make careless errors as a result of their rage.

Well… I was not anticipating it, so your thoughtfulness was very much appreciated. I watched as the three of them grew more enraged, and then they all charged towards me with the intention of giving me the worst beating of my life... as if I would let them.

The first one to reach me attempted to punch me in the face, but his punch was sluggish and telegraphed, so I avoided it. It had power behind it, probably enough to seriously injure me, but as I said before, it was slow, and my mind directed my body into what to do. The power behind it was probably enough to seriously injure me.

I grabbed him by the forearm as I sidestepped and then used his momentum along with my own strength to twist around so that I was facing the second assailant. This caused me to send him flying into the path of the second assailant.

Because of the extremely severe blow that each of them took as a result of the collision with the other, their total HP was reduced by a sizeable amount.

They were writhing in agony on the ground, and it was clear that they weren't going to get up for at least a minute, which gave me the opportunity to deal with the last criminal while waiting for those two to recover.

When I turned to face the lone remaining assailant, he was only a few feet away from me. He swung a punch at my head, but I was able to avoid it thanks to the increased DEX I had. I then moved into his guard and delivered a powerful elbow blow to his stomach, which nearly knocked him out.

I started by leaning back and taking a little stride back before twisting my body to the left, rotating with my right leg, and delivering a roundhouse kick to the side of his head. I sent him flying a few feet, and as he landed on the ground I used Observe to see that he was unconscious immediately.

Then I switched my attention to the two remaining goons, who were attempting to pull themselves to their feet at that moment.

I quickly moved towards them, and as I did so, I gave him a spartan kick to the side of his face, which knocked him to the ground. Then, I gave him another kick to the head, which knocked him out and rendered him unconscious.

If I had correctly interpreted the final thug's intentions, he was going to try to run towards me. However, I quickly moved closer to him, grabbed his head with both of my hands, and pulled it down while simultaneously raising one knee.

The final assailant suffered a fractured nose as a consequence of the fight, and since he was bleeding from his nose, he was knocked unconscious.


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