
DxD: The King of Time

Kazuhiko Agares is the Younger Twin Brother to Seekvaira Agares. and regarded as little more than the Spare Heir, Kazuhiko is in fact very powerful, chiefly due to the fact this Is not his first Life and knowing the things he does plans to use them to his advantage. And if he can get his dick wet along the way all the better

Reinhardt001Z · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Interlude I: Aftermath

(Gremory Clan Estate, Gremory Clan Territory, The Underworld, Dimensional Gap, Earth, DxD /Draconic Deus Universe)


(Venelana Gremory POV)


The Underworld had been rocked by Kazuhiko Agares Rating Duel with Riser Phenex. Riser had been turned to Stone and nothing thus far had been even remotely successful in unsealing Riser Phenex from being a Stone Statue.

Zeoticus had been trying to get Archduke Agares to make his Son unseal Riser. In response to this, Kazuhiko come to their home said nothing and proceeded to have sexual relations with Rias. Venelana was actually deeply amused at the boy's boldness. He was literally coming in saying no words snd yet speaking volumes by Bedding Rias.

The fact that Rias had actively begun seeking out Kazuhiko was further credence to her desire for an actual relationship with him. But sadly for Rias The Contract was still in place.


(POV Change: Sylvie Phenex)


Nothing had worked, not even Phoenix Tears, Riser was effectively sealed away forever unless Kazuhiko Agares chose to release her youngest son.

It was deeply upsetting, and even if Riser had it coming due in no small part to his arrogance and betting of Ravel, he was still her baby boy.

Reiner had been attempting to apply pressure on Lord Agares to have Prince Kazuhiko release Riser together with Lord Gremory. In response to this Kazuhiko had apparently been showing up to have anal sex with Rias frequently, and now Rias had begun going to Kazuhiko for it as well according to Venelana.

Truthfully Sylvie was mad, but not at anybody but herself. She never nipped Riser's arrogance in the bud nor did she do anything to rid him of his less than ideal marriage candidacy on account of his.....Lackluster image in the eyes of Rias Gremory.

Oh why beat around the bush? Riser was - As Kazuhiko stated publicly -The biggest cunt in the Underworld since the Old Satan Faction. Okay maybe not the biggest, but he certainly was a cunt. Not an easy thing for a mother to admit, but it was the truth. Here's hoping Ravel could worm her way into Kazuhiko convincing him to unseal Riser....

''Hehe.'' If it went well, she might just have a new son-in-law. Wouldn't that be just the greatest? It would cause Riser to be reflective that was to be sure.

Her and Venelana both, now wouldn't that be grand?


''Ravel Dear, are you ready?'' Sylvie asks, entering her daughters room to find Ravel wearing a beautiful Red Dress that perfectly accentuated her growing bosom.


''I'm ready mother. Brother might have bet me and lost, but I will make the most of this. Do my duty if need be.'' Sylvie's heart melted at her daughter's resolve, but enveloped her in a hug nevertheless.

''You must make him trust you Ravel, and given time....love you. Only then can we ask him to unseal Riser. Find what makes him tick, exploit it, but don't overplay your hand.'' Sylvie advised her daughter.

''I Know mother.'' Says Ravel.


(POV Change: Kazuhiko Agares)


Kazuhiko held a single Pawn Piece in his grip. He would Make Ravel his Pawn. This particular Pawn was a Mutation Piece, it had an additional Pawn Value of Five, making it sorth Six. He'd use this on Ravel and make her his Tactician. Riser hadn't had the chance to make Ravel his Bishop, allowing him to possibly use his spare Bishop on the likes of Asia, Lavinia, or some other Magician Type.

His Strongest Piece was his Mutated Rook, who had an additional Pawn Value of Ten, whereas his Queen had an additional Pawn Value of Five. Queens were worth Nine Pawns, so the Mutation Value adds in an additional Five making it Fourteen. His Rooks were worth Five Pawns Average, so the additional Mutation Value of Ten made it worth Fifteen.

Right now Kazuhiko was thinking about his goal....He wanted a Harem; Ravel, Rias, Xenovia, Serafall, Irina, Asia, Latia, Kuroka, Rossweisse, Yasaka, Lavinia, and Akeno to name a select few.

He was already actively fucking Kuroka, Rias, and Akeno. Though he was only having Anal Sex with Akeno and Rias. This would soon change. He knew Ravel would try and work her way into his heart, but what she failed to realize was he knew her personality and knew how to make her fall for him.

As for his ultimate Goal? He wanted to sit at the Top, as the Satan Lucifer. Nothing more and Nothing less.....


(POV Change: Zekram Bael)


Zekram Bael was rarely entertained by current events, but the Rating Duel between Kazuhiko Agares and Riser Phenex had caught his attention.

Young Kazuhiko had defeated Riser Phenex with a single cut from a Freshly Forged Demonic Sword of his own making. Have watched and rewatched the footage Zektmram was quite impressed.

The Sword injected Senjutsu into the Body, using Youjutsu as a Medium. This in turn began to turn Riser to Stone as he'd never practiced it. The rate of transformation was alarmingly fast because of the Prince Agares Clan Trait speeding up the stone and slowing down his Regenerative Immortality. This child was a subtle genius. That kind of Use of his Clan Trait was very rare in the younger generation of Devils in recent memory.

Zekram decided that he'd invite the boy, and make an offer over a nice cup of green tea. This child, he was going to be someone to watch closely that's for damn sure...


(POV Change: Ravel Phenex)


Ever since Big Brother's defeat Ravel's thoughts had been drifting more and more to Kazuhiko Agares. The Devil who defeated and sealed Riser with a single cut of his Demonic Sword. That kind of power appealed to Ravel who followed the Path of Supremacy.

Unbeknownst to her, her body had changed accordingly, her breasts had become fuller and firmer. Her but had become firmer and her Demonic Power had slightly increased.

She was attracted by his power, but she wanted him to be attracted by hers. To be expected by a believer in the Path of Supremacy.

''Okay, time to meet my new household.'' Ravel says softly before he eyes light up with Fiery determination to make the best of this situation and come out not only ahead of the competition but on top of every single one of them. She would see Riser unsealed and wrap Kazuhiko Agares around her fingers. He would be such a valuable Pawn for the Geand Marquis Faction....and maybe something more to Ravel's Heart of Phenex Hellfire....


Admittedly I scrambled a little to fill this out, added more hints to the future plot than I wanted, but you gotta do what you gotta do I suppose.

Now then Chapter 4 will debut Lavinia into the Story together with Tobio Ikuse and Sae Toujou. Well perhaps I should say that Lavinia will meet Kazuhiko in person while Sae and Tobio make the Story Debut. Also, Next Chapter has a special Lavinia treat in store.

Also I'm considering a Lemon soon.

So who should it be with:




Rias and Akeno

Rias and Kuroka

Kuroka and Akeno?

Lemme know you guys thoughts. Be aware that this is less of an actual official poll and more of an informal sort of one btw.