
DxD: The King of Time

Kazuhiko Agares is the Younger Twin Brother to Seekvaira Agares. and regarded as little more than the Spare Heir, Kazuhiko is in fact very powerful, chiefly due to the fact this Is not his first Life and knowing the things he does plans to use them to his advantage. And if he can get his dick wet along the way all the better

Reinhardt001Z · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

3: A Duel Of Fire, Steel, Wits and Stone

(Agreas Stadium, City of Agreas, Agares Clan Territory, The Underworld, Dimensional Gap, Earth, DxD /Draconic Deus Universe)


(Kazuhiko Agares POV)


Kazuhiko stood in the Arena, the argument had been made and the Judges were making a decision. Kazuhiko had argued he had far more to lose than Riser and demanded Riser raise his own stakes to match his loss. Riser complained he was trying to back out to which Kazuhiko countered that Riser was willing to put his own sister up as a Wager but not three members of his Peerage? Calling him out as a coward and KFC.

The Judges as expected intervened and took the matter to deliberation. Right now, Kazuhiko was ogling Ravel, mostly just to Piss Riser off, but also because he had a natural attraction to blondes. The Author seemed to have an average of more blondes than not. Gabriel, Lavinia, Asia, Valerie, Kuisha, Ravel, Lady Phenex, Jeanne, and Marion being standouts among the female portion of the Blondes.

''The Duelling Committee has reached the Decision that Prince Agares is correct. Therefore three of the Following Servants will be available for selection by Prince Agares should he be declared the Victor:''

Kazuhiko ignores the names as soon as Xuelan, Marion, and Bulent are announced amongst the names, instead grinning as Riser makes a grumpy face as Kazuhiko's contract is presented and signs it with grunble. Little shit didn't even read the fine print, he'd regret that later on.

''This Duel will now begin, Prince Agares as chosen his Demonic Sword Anima carceris as his Weapon. Marquis Riser has chosen his Hellfire as his.''


(POV Change: Rias Gremory)


Rias watched as Kazuhiko drew a single sword from his Pocket Dimension, the Translucent color glinting as the artificial moonlight hit the blade.

Instantly the blade released a powerful Demonic Aura unlike anything she'd ever felt before. Even from the stands the Blade's Aura could be felt so keenly. Rias felt a burst of desire shoot through her, The Aura hitting a well of pent up sexual dissatisfaction inside her.

Subconsciously rubbing her legs together at the heat pooling between her legs.

She watched with Rapt attention as Kazuhiko swung his blade experimentally a few times before sheathing the blade, but keeping his hand on it's Hilt.

Riser Summoned a large Storm of Fire and hurled it at Kazuhiko. Kazuhiko simply stood unmoving. As the Flames dispersed, they revealed a unburnt Kazuhiko who's only damage was to his clothing.

''How did he resist Big Brother's Fire?'' Rias heard Ravel ask.

''Do you know Princess Seekvaira?'' Rias head Sona ask the other female member of the Four Novice Kings.

''Kazuhiko is unwilling to share much with anyone in regards to his training. I know he spars with Lord Tannin's Three Sons, but little else. And Kuroka doesn't tell me anything.'' Says Seekvaira.

''Not Surprising, given my master's rather low opinion of you all.'' That voice was unfamiliar to her, indeed the lot of then as they turned to regard the newcomer.

''And you are?'' Seekvaira asks pointedly with her hand on her hip.

''His name's Georg Nya', he was Kazu-Nya's Contracted Magician and now serves as his Queen.'' Says Kuroka lazily lounging about.

''I've heard of you, Georg Faust, Descendant of Grauzauberer's Founder, the former Contracted Magician of Lord Mephisto Pheles; Johann Georg Faust. Until recently you were the Chairman of the Entire Magician's Association.'' Sona says, but Eias is drawn more to what this Queen said than Sona's own words.

''What do you mean by relatively low opinion on all of us?'' Asks Rias with a glare.

''Kazuhiko spoke of your beauty Princess Rias, but found your desire to be Rias Gremory the person undercut by your weaknesses. As for miss Sona he spoke of you as a Cunning young woman, but as stiff as stone. He spoke of his dissatisfaction with you Mistress Seekvaira extensively. More than that I won't say '' Says Georg.

The words cut deep in each of them, Rias especially, given her intimacy with Kazuhiko. She could not understand the weaknesses he saw in her. She had a lot of talent according to her tutors! So what failings in her did Kazuhiko see? She would find out she resolved.

As for Sona and Seekvaira, Sona looked as though she'd been slapped by her sister, while Seekvaira was left shocked that her brother was heavily dissatisfied with her.


(POV Change: Riser Phenex)


How in the name of Queen Lilith's mammoth tits was he still standing unaffected by Riser's Hellfire? Was he that resilient to Superior Demonic Power of Superior quality and quantity?

Or was something else at play here?

''Pathetic, the damage to my clothes not withstanding the only thing I feel is cold from having my clothes burnt off down to my knickers. Good thing their enchanted otherwise your pretty little sister might faint from excitement.''

Riser felt his blood boil, which naturally increased the temperature of his Hellfire. He dared suggest Ravel in such terms? The little thieving bastard?

''Enough of this, I've grown tired of entertaining your foolish beliefs.'' Kazuhiko Agares said as a blinding white Aura surrounded him and he blurred our of Riser's line of sight.

''Gahh!'' Clutching his side, Riser saw a large gash in his side, as his golden blood dripped before evaporating as the wound began to turn to stone.

''What is this?'' Riser screeches as he begins to lose control of his body.


(POV Change: Rias Gremory)


''You really are fucking idiot you know that don't you? Your first issue is being the biggest cunt in the Underworld since the Old Satan Faction. Your Second is the fact your own Fiancé finds you so repulsive that you continue to sleep around. Your third was coming to my house, in my room, demanding my servant as a pet and then agreeing to wager your own sister as collateral. I might not like Seekvaira all that much, but I'd never sell her out like that. Your last mistake was letting me dictate the time frame in order to finish creating this Sword.'' Says Kazuhiko.

The Crowd who had stood silent throughout hid explanations suddenly become thunderous as he made mention of creating that Demon Sword as that would make him the only Swordmaker left in the Underworld still active.

''What is this? Riser can't move!!!'' Riser demanded.

''As I said your last mistake was letting me dictate the time frame in order to finish creating the Sword. See the name is very telling. Anima carceris, it means Soul Prison. This Blade was forged with the power of Touki, Youjutsu, and MG Clan Trait of Time. One cut will slowly begin to turn you to stone, sealing you away. And Only I know the secrets needed to unseal you. Consider this punishment for being an ignorant Prick.'' Says Kazuhiko.

Rias feels immense relief to be free of Riser, even if Kazuhiko hinted at being capable of unsealing Riser. Her heart swelled with happiness at being free if it so happened to be only temporarily.....


Well now that wasn't quite what I had initially intended but I think Georg's revelation will allow .e an opportunity to develop Rias, Ravel, and Seekvaira more. Plus, next Chapter will feature the story debut of The Flaxen-Haired Ruin Princess Venelana Gremory and her thoughts on the outcome. Of course Lady Phenex will also feature. Both MILF's will be reflective and reveal how their husband's have reacted and their responses.

Also making his Story Debut in the very next Chapter..... Zekram Bael, First Generation Devil and the First Great King.