
DxD: The King of Time

Kazuhiko Agares is the Younger Twin Brother to Seekvaira Agares. and regarded as little more than the Spare Heir, Kazuhiko is in fact very powerful, chiefly due to the fact this Is not his first Life and knowing the things he does plans to use them to his advantage. And if he can get his dick wet along the way all the better

Reinhardt001Z · Anime & Comics
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4: The Golden Oriole - Ravel Phenex



So I've decided to knock off one Pawn from the Baby Gorgon, so as to add a new member, that'll be the last change for the foreseeable future. Oh, and anybody who guesses Correctly the entire as yet unrevealed Peerage Completely will be given Six Free Votes in any future Poll for a story of there choice, so start guessing people!!!




(Kazuhiko Agares Manor, Agares Clan Territory, The Underworld, Dimensional Gap, Earth, DxD / Draconic Deus)


(Kazuhiko Agares POV)


Kazuhiko stood watching the Workmen build his Manor. Hehe it was more a Chateau inside of a Mountain surrounded by The Dragon Mountains in the east, the Belial Hot Springs in the West, and Sitri Valley Gardens to the South. He'd spent a pretty penny on having the materials imported; Asgardian Marble and Olympus Adamantine to name a few. The ''Manor'' was built into a semi-active volcano, The heat warmed the Hot Springs beneath the Manor while also heating the Manor itself.

He had ordered this built to specifically serve as his Territory. The Volcano would serve as an excellent Training Ground, especially for Resilience Training. The heat would be ideal to train against Pyromancers or other fire users. Plus fighting on a volcano as dangerous as it is would make anybody who does far more aware of their surroundings in an actual rating game.....huh...

''Hey! Foreman? Change of plans we're building this and a complex. The Complex is going up on the Volcano so don't skimp on materials!'' Kazuhiko calls out before immediately beginning to design something.

'Sorry Sona, gonna beat you to the punch. The Manor will be my private residence, while the Complex will Serve as my Rating Game and Rating Duel School.'

This would be his Magnum Opus, and make the Rating Game and Rating Duel scenes far more interesting to watch.

He could see it no, Sairaorg, Roygun, and Rudiger teaching classes as guest speakers, wouldn't that be interesting. Jokes aside this would be a pet project that would make him a more desirable Heir to his father, and thus use the Agares Lordship as a Stepping stone to The Seat of Lucifer. Sairaorg would have to settle for being Asmodeus it would seem.

But what to call it? Duel Academy popped into jos head but no, this wasn't solely a Rating Duel School, this was a Rating game and Rating Duel School. He could call it Agares Academy, but that felt egotistical. He could dlso steal Sona's name but that felt more than a little bit petty. Hmm, mayhaps something like Einherjar Academy? Either way it would need to be made before he announced it.

Also....Time for a new servant. Kazuhiko had been tracking down the Wooly Mammoth of DxD, and was almost ready to recruit the Little Lion, Big Bad Wolf, and Winnie the fucking Pooh. He'd get his hands on the Mammoth as soon as Ravel was settled, and once that was done he'd target DxD's Big Bad Wolf.

Everything else would more or less fall into place afterwards. Oh! That reminds him, he wanted to ask Lavinia something. And now he had another reason to reach out to her, Lavinia as the Deputy Headmistress? Sign him up quick!


(POV Change: Lavinia Reni)


Lavinia was equally nervous and excited, Kazu had invited her to have lunch with him ar his Manor in The Underworld. Kazu had never taken her anywhere in the Underworld it had always been in the Human World.

Suffice it to say, this was very new and unexplored territory for her. But She adored her sweet Kazuhiko. As a Friend! No need to read into it anymore than necessary. But it thawed her Ice to read more into it. Kazuhiko used to eye her lustily, did he still want to wet his wand with her? Or did he want something more?


''What do you think Yuna? Does Kazuhiko love me or lust for me?'' Lavinia asks her pet Cat. It was a gift from Kazuhiko, and Lavinia cherished the kitten as if it were her own daughter. Yuna was a Hell Kitten, meaning that she would imprint onto the first Five People she saw. Those people were Lavinia, Kazuhiko, Pops, Va, and Azazel. Though Yuna was fond of annoying Azazel more than showing affection.

''Meow!'' Yuna bobbed her head once and then twice. Indicating that she was of the opinion it was both.

''Ahh!'' Lavinia clutched he body as a cute moan left her. Reaching down, Lavinia felt the smooth blonde hair between her legs slick with juices. Did she cum just from imaging both? Oh Kazu, your Lavi missed you and couldn't find her way to you fast enough....


(POV Change: Kazuhiko Agares)


Lavinia looked more beautiful than he could remember seeing her, but alas he couldn't appreciate her beauty right now as he had an important question to ask Lavinia. He also planned to have sex later....in front of Ravel. Power in Battle was just one Path of Supremacy, Power in bed was another. He just had to decide between Rias, Akeno, Kuroka, Rias and Akeno, Akeno and Kuroka or Rias and Kuroka. It would be far more effective if he pet Ravel believe she fad stumbled upon it accidentally and maybe give her a small aphrodisiac to increase her voyeurism.

But that could wait for now as he wanted to extend his offer to Lavinia. Her official Job would be Deputy Headmistress and Head Teacher for Wizard-Types. But first he has to make the pitch.

''Lavi, I have an offer for you. I'm opening a School, A Rating Game and Rating Duel School oriented towards Lower and Mid-Class Devils. I want you as my Deputy Headmistress and the Head Teacher for Wizard-Types. I need you Lavi, I can't do this without you.'' Says Kazuhiko.


(POV Change: Lavinia Reni)


''Lavi, I have an offer for you. I'm opening a School, A Rating Game and Rating Duel School oriented towards Lower and Mid-Class Devils. I want you as my Deputy Headmistress and the Head Teacher for Wizard-Types. I need you Lavi, I can't do this without you.'' Says Kazuhiko.

Immediately, Lavinia felt heat rise to her cheeks. But the intent to target Lower and Mid-Class Devils for uplifting? That was very appealing to Lavinia. It would surely make Glinda Proud and would fall well in line with Pops own views. And Lavinia had always been fond of the low-born and disenfranchised.

''What is this School going to be Called Kazu?'' Lavinia asks.

''Still settling on a Name, I wanted Potential instructors settled before anything else. As The Head Teacher of Wizard-Types you will have the freedom to select your own Staff in accordance with that Typing. As my Deputy Headmistress your authority is second only to my own. I plan to invite Lord Tannin to serve as am instructor for Power-Types, but I am as of yet still selecting others.'' Kazuhiko replied.

''Your a Paragon of Virtue among Devils Kazu.'' Says Lavinia in praise, while also enjoying the small blush that tinged his cheeks.

''So dear Lavi? Do you accept?'' Kazu asks hopefully.


(POV Change: Kazuhiko Agares)


''So dear Lavi? Do you accept?'' Kazuhiko asks hopefully.

''I do, but I would ask one thing.'' Says Lavinia.

''Anything for you Lavi. Anything.'' Says Kazuhiko with firm conviction.

''Make me yours.'' Says Lavinia and Kazuhiko is caught off guard.

''I love you Kazu.'' Lavinia admits shyly as she sees hus confusion. ''You excite me in mind, body, and spirit. When I feel joy I seek to share it with you, when I feel sadness or pain I ache to be consoled by you. I don't know if this is Love or not, but please make me yours...'' Lavinia says as she is red as Rias, but in the face.




Wordlessly, Kazuhiko stands up and approaches Lavinia. Drawing her by the hand to stand up. He cups both her cheeks and gazes into her eyes.

''I've wanted you ever since I met you. For years I have fantasized about you. Imagining the many ways to enjoy you to the fullest. But now I only want one thing.'' Says Kazuhiko as he kisses Lavinia on the lips.

Lavinia melts under his kiss, and presses into his body. She gasps as she feels his Cock grow rigid and shivers in excitement as Kazuhiko Slips her hand between his pants and onto his cock.

As Lavinia starts stroking, A Ping can be heard.

''Son of a bitch.'' Kazuhiko mutters as he retrieves a glowing piece of paper from his Pocket. Immediately froning as he knows what this means. ''Lavinia. Get your Broomstick, go see Lord Mephisto and tell him we've got a big ass fight on our hands.'' Kazu says summoning a Magic Circle beneath his feet and one beneath Lavinia's too....


(POV Change: Tobio Ikuse)


Sae was gone, and she'd left instructions to activate this flyer if she ever mysteriously disappeared.

He didn't know what this was supposed to entail, but if it gave him some answers so be it.

The flyer glowed snd pulled before erupting into Flames. The ashes ghgn spelled out; Message received be coming around midnight, K.A and Co.

Who was K.A and Co.?


(POV Change: Kazuhiko Agares)


''Welcome Ravel, This is my Mutation Pawn, it has augmentated magical power, worth about six Pawns in total. I am sorry to rush this but I got confirmation. A client has been kidnapped alongside her entire school year, Pretty sure The Ozzites are involved meaning we're pressed for time.'' Kazuhiko explains.

''Of Course, I understand. How can I help?'' Asks Ravel.

''Kuroka will be stepping up your education. You'll receive education in Senjutsu, Touki, Youjutsu, and Additional Magician studies from her and Georg. Lavi's at Grauzauberer trying to rally Mephisto, so we need to also ramp up everyone's physical training.'' Says Kazuhiko.

''Any Suggestions?'' Georg asks.

''Georg, we're making a stop at the Dragon Mountains, and then headed to the Human World.'' Kazuhiko replies.


(POV Change: Varin Agares)


Kazuhiko was becoming problematic.

And yet....

He just received an invitation from the old bat Zekram Bael fur a cup of Tea between Zekram and Kazuhiko.

People often wondered why his son had a Japanese name. Well it was after a previous White Dragon Emperor. Kazuhiko Nagao. Nagao was an Ashigaru under Oda Nobunaga, and at one point fought against Varin when Nobunaga broke q deal between Agares and Oda spanning many generations.

Kazuhiko Nagao was immensely skilled, and Vatin oft sought him out. Until one day a Fallen Angel killed him and butchered his remains. That was when Varin decided his first son would be Kazuhiko Agares.

A pity that they would not ever be able to meet.....


(POV Change: Sae Toujou)


Kazuhiko-Kun's plan had worked like a charm. She was in. Together they'd nip this in the...what was she talking about? Why was it...what? what w...so sleepy....


And with that...the Curtain falls. That Lavinia Citrus wasn't the best idea admittedly and I was rather distracted with family drama at yje writing, but I wanted to cock block him before the lemon I had planned and had you guys unofficially vote on was written.

Also, anybody else got a problem with the Name? Then you can fuck right off. If your not satisfied with the explanation I wash my hands of your ilk.

Sorry if that's blunt but I'm sick of the comments.

Anyway next Chapter we will see Kazuhiko officially meet Tobio and maybe place the offer of Knighthood on the table. But that said, please do remember folks that just cause he's got a Big Bad Wolf in that Longinus Sacred Gear of his doesn't necessarily mean he's the Big Bad Wolf in the Peerage List over in the auxiliary. I could be talking about Loup Garou for all you Beautiful Bastards know.

Anyways My Roadtrip is soon, I'll be in the Motherland so expect a break Between postings.

See ya's later you Beautiful Bastards!!!!