
DxD: The King of Time

Kazuhiko Agares is the Younger Twin Brother to Seekvaira Agares. and regarded as little more than the Spare Heir, Kazuhiko is in fact very powerful, chiefly due to the fact this Is not his first Life and knowing the things he does plans to use them to his advantage. And if he can get his dick wet along the way all the better

Reinhardt001Z · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

2: Prelude to A Duel of Fire

(Agares Clan Estate, City of Agreas, Agares Clan Territory, The Underworld, Dimensional Gap, Earth, DxD / Draconic Deus Universe)


(Seekvaira Agares POV)


It was out of their hands. The odds were against him, and the Great Archduke Faction would take a hit from this. Her brother would lose hie lover and Servant, but if he somehow won, it would be nothing short of Miraculous. Kazuhiko was no Low-Class Newby, but his level of Demonic Power was simply not enough to beat Riser Phenex.

Seekvaira wanted to ask Sairaorg to help her brother train, but he had instead shut himself away in his Lab with Kuroka....Satan that Cat caused no end of trouble for her, it didn't help that Kazu found it endlessly amusing thus encouraging the naughty cat to annoy her.

Still, the way he was acting right now unnerved her. Seekvaira loved her brother, but she wished he'd grow up a little. Whenever he left his lab he'd be faked in sweat and ash, only dome out to relieve his bowels or eat a small meal. This meant only one thing, he was creating something....


(POV Change: Kazuhiko Agares)


It was done. Before him laid a beautiful Saber, with a Jade Hilt. Kuroka had poured a significant amount of Youjutsu into the Blade while he hammered his Power of Time into it in addition to his Demonic Power.

This was a hobby of his, creating Demonic Swords, he created this one with the express purpose of Absorbing attacks and slowly sealing an Opponent, of course there was a way to unseal them, if just wasn't going to be actively advertised

This would allow himto put himself out there as the only living Demon Sword Maker, as all others had perished ''mysteriously''. Now don't get the idea that he'd had them killed, at least directly. He simply undercut their rates for supplies, and kept them in a Pocket Space. Eventually they all disappeared and were declared dead.

All he needed to do now was name this Blade.

''What shall we call it Nya?'' Asks Kuroka.

''Anima Carceris.''

''Soul Prison? Nice.'' Says Kuroka.

Wrapping the blade In a Cloth he proceeds to place it in a Pocket Dimension before he kills the heat of the forge and snaps his fingers to clean his body of sweat and ash with a quick spell, with this he could seal Riser Phenex with a Cut and keep him sealed until he decided to release him.


(POV Change: Ravel Phenex)


''How could you agree to this?!'' Ravel shouted.

Her brother placed her as a Wager to match the Price of His opponents Servant! He's just lucky his opponent is from a Higher Pillar Family, she'd never agree to it otherwise. Still on the off chance her brother lost, Ravel knew she had to be prepared for anything.

''Seriously Riser, that is just wrong. Thank Lucifer you aren't the Heir!'' Ruval spoke in contempt of Riser's Agreement.

''At least someone cares how I feel!'' Ravel says pointing at Riser Accusingly.

''Riser won't lose, why is everyone acting like Riser has no chance? Riser can only lose to Big Brother Ruval.'' Says Riser.

''Idiot! If you lose, you've all but sold me like Cattle to another family! So don't you dare lose!'' Says Ravel as she hikes up her dress and storms out.

''You idiot!'' Lady Phenex shouts entering the room.


(POV Change: Georg Faust)


He'd made his choice. He'd join Kazuhiko Agares as his Queen and Right Hand. It was a dificult decision, but had been made considerably easier once Georg removed Cao Cao from the equation completely.

At the end of the day, Kazuhiko had always been good to him, treated him fairly and provided the necessary compensation for his services. But ultimately it was the conversations they had often that made him decide to resign from the Chairmanship of the Magicians Association. Once a week at four o clock each Sunday they met up at a nice little coffee shop in Florence, Italy. By all accounts Joining Cao Cao would make him an Inter-Pantheon Terrorist meaning he would be unable to enjoy his Friend's Company without putting them both at risk.

Finalizing his resignation letter, he knew the moment had come and he'd be reborn.

''Hehe.'' It was really ironic his ancestor founded Grauzauberer and when he died his Contracted Devil became Chairman. Now here he was resigning his own chairmanship to become a Devil. But he was certain in his decision to resign and be reborn.


(POV Change: Kazuhiko Agares)


Kazuhiko was fighting hard to keep the Joker smile from hitting his face as he watched Georg Faust accept the Queen Piece and became reborn as a Devil.

''Congratulations my friend, and welcome to the fold. Kuroka will instruct you in Touki and Senjutsu. For now your introduction shall have to wait, as I have Rating Duel to attend to. Ignorant Prick by the name of Riser Phenex needs a clap round the ears. You and Kuroka will be coming with me. Fair warning though it will be more thane likely devolve into little more than a street fight than an actually fair and honest duel between two Nobles. Not that Riser would know nobility if it bit him on his little KFC cock.'' Kazuhiko says as the discussion to bring Georg up to speed will take about a week, maybe slightly less.

Rias glossed over shit in Cannon to Issei, but she at least got the fundamentals out. In truth The Underworld had Five Factions that lead the Clan Politics. The Great King Faction headed by the House of Bael was the most singularly powerful, but not collectively. The Great Archduke Faction headed by his own Family was Collectively the Most Powerful as they held two Current Satan Families in their ranks, The Gremory and Astaroth Clan's respectively. Then there was the Great Prince Faction headed by the Vassago Family, with the Samigina and Botis Family controlling the Grand Marquis and Grand Viscount Faction's respectively.

Just getting through the names and Important Faction stuff took four days as the common rate, never mind everything else.

And the Duel was day after tomorrow, where every Major Family would be in attendance. But Kazuhiko planned to both spite Riser and enjoy a bit of eye candy. Of course it would also make The Gremory-Phenex Marriage Game easier for Rias, but that was just a slight perk.

Kazuhiko knew that Riser would never agree to giving up more than Ravel during his challenging of Kazuhiko, but if Kazuhiko made a certain argument shortly before the Duel began, the Committee would likely agree to his argument and capitulate. So Kazuhiko would make a Play for Xuelan, Marion, Bulent, and Ravel.

Of course the three would join Ravel's Peerage, as he had no desire to waste a Rook Piece or any Pawns. Instead, he'd keep Riser from being able to replace them. It had already been drawn up in a legally and magically binding contract. So there was no need to provide further details on the matter....


Well, that was a blast to write, didn't flow as naturally as the first, though it did it's job, just adequately enough I should think.

Next Chapter will be slightly delayed as I have a Star Wars story bug that is itching at the back of my mind just begging to be scratched.

It will follow a Miraluka-Human Hybrid, who is as skilled at healing as he is fighting. Will make fir an Interesting write, especially as his Namesake is a Ghost of the Old Republic. Three votes to the first one to get that reference in any future Poll for the story of their choice, Polls that have already been published don't count btw.