
DxD: The King of Time

Kazuhiko Agares is the Younger Twin Brother to Seekvaira Agares. and regarded as little more than the Spare Heir, Kazuhiko is in fact very powerful, chiefly due to the fact this Is not his first Life and knowing the things he does plans to use them to his advantage. And if he can get his dick wet along the way all the better

Reinhardt001Z · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

1: Never Ever Assume

(Agares Clan Estate, City of Agreas, Agares Clan Territory, The Underworld, Dimensional Gap, Earth, DxD / Draconic Deus Universe)


Kazuhiko Agares stood overlooking the Great Floating City of Ageas from his window. He wore nothing but a thin Robe. Kazuhiko had a light but not Pale Complexion, with a trimmed Full Blonde Beard, and Sandy blonde hair tied by a ponytail, but shaved on the sides. All this contrasted with a hauntingly beautiful pair of Lilac Eyes.

Kazuhiko turned his head to gaze at his lover. Long Black Hair, Twin Tails, and large Cat Ears. Kuroka, the Black Cat. He'd offered her safe haven and amnesty years ago. Because of the Sex alone it had been worth it, but more importantly it gave him his first Peerage Member. Kuroka taught him the Art of Touki and Senjutsu, in exchange for helping shelter the survivors of the Nekomata/Nekomata Purge, and repopulating the badly diminished numbers of Nekomata and Nekoshou with New Kittens.

A Portion of Agreas was called the Nekomata Zone, and was shielded by so many layers of protection only a True Friend of the Nekomata could enter.

But Kazuhiko was bothered by a matter, many Devils saw him as little more than the Spare Heir, and while annoying it served him well. Gave him more freedom to experiment or adventure. But it also limited the scope of what he was able to achieve. Some day soon he'd Challenge Seekvaira for the Position of Heir. But he needed more Peerage members first. He had his eyes on his Contracted Magician, who he left with a standing offer to become his Queen. Likewise he had his eyes on three other potentially game-changing Servants.

Bova Tannin, Tobio Ikuse, and Lavinia Reni. Kazuhiko had a flirty relationship with Lavinia. As for Tobio he kept an eye on the kid through Sae Toujou who was one of his contracted clients. Now Bova was a Sparring partner who he sparred with as often as he could. He'd yet to make the offer to Bova, but Lavinia had a standing offer to become his Bishop.

Kazuhiko had no desire to marry within the Pure-Blooded Devils, but if it proved advantageous he was willing to swallow that lack of desire. That was gonna come up sooner or later, so he might as well do it on his terms.

But to do that, he needed more Peerage members. Perhaps it was time to make a move....


(POV Change: Georg Faust)


Georg was tired.

The annual meetings were becoming increasingly dull and more tedious. Of course there was that Cao Cao who wanted him to join his "Hero Faction", but Kazuhiko Agares had taught him to be extremely wary of anybody who called themselves a Hero, especially a Hero Descendant. Such claims bred arrogance, and arrogance was as big a weakness as Holy Power was for Devils.

Kazuhiko wasn't like most typical Devils, he was lustful yes, but he never let that distract him from his goal, merely let it have the appearance of distraction. Georg had begun to give serious consideration to the offer from his Contracted Devil. From what Kazuhiko had passed along to him, Cao Cao for all his talk and charisma was a lackey to a God. Kazuhiko didn't try to convince him not to accept Cao Cao's offer. No he simply gave information that Cao Cao had neglected to share and the pro's and con's of it all.

Georg respected him for that.

It was like Kazuhiko always said; Never Ever Assume. Always seek confirmation, and confirmation of the confirmation. You can never truly be certain the truth is the truth, you can trust but verify, or you can verify and then trust.

Georg truly respected Cao Cao for his Goals and wished him luck, but ultimately it was about trust, and Unlike Cao Cao, Kazuhiko had never outright lied to him nor had he ever explicitly lied to him. Oh he kept things from him true, but he always provided a reason that Georg could accept. In turn when Georg kept things from Kazuhiko, Kazuhiko would press him for details, but if Georg wished not to speak of it, then Kazuhiko respected that. How could he be sure that Cao Cao would live up to the standard created by Kazuhiko Agares? He couldn't, and it was because of that reason that had made his dificult decision remarkably more easier.


(POV Change: Lavinia Reni)


Lavinia spun around in front of her mirror, wearing a new dress that perfectly accentuated her figure. She'd never openly admit it, but since meeting Kazuhiko, she'd become more aware of the effect her body had on men, Kazuhiko especially.

At first he displayed lustful feelings towards her, which Lavinia had used to tease him. Yet when she invited him as her date to the Grauzauberer Ball, something surreal happened. His open lusting vanished and he himself changed. He became a better man.

Lavinia felt unburdened around him, she felt...wanted for who she was rather than merely her Longinus or her body. Perhaps it was no surprise then that when she met with him her outfits began to change. They became slightly tighter, more revealing, and sometimes she surprised him by stepping out of the shower in naught but a wet towel. Kazuhiko had never lied to her, she knew that for a fact.

''I hope Kaz likes my new dress.'' Lavinia mutters softly, a faint blush on her cheeks at the idea of any compliments he'd provide for her.


(POV Change: Rias Gremory)


Rias laid propped up against her pillows, a low moan escaping her lips as she played with herself. Fingers sliding up and down across her wet slit. One Week ago she lost her Anal Virginty together with Akeno. She'd tried to tempt Kazuhiko Agares into her Peerage, he said that if she and her Queen beat him he'd join, but if he won, he'd have them all to himself for one night.

Obviously they lost.

Rias had never been so satisfied with losing. Kazuhiko didn't force them he took things slow and tender, at least with Rias, Akeno made him be much rougher with her. Kazuhiko held her naked in his arms as he caressed every sensitive spot and kissed her softy.

Somehow things had gotten as far as him being able to get her to take seven inches of his remarkable Cock of ten and three quarters in her ass. It bothered her that Akeno was able to take it all, more than it probably should have if she was being perfectly honest. After the night, he made them breakfast in the morning and told her if she ever wanted to be treated as Rias Gremory the person to call him. That was partly why she was masturbating right now, because no one had ever spoken to her like that...well not any male Devil at any rate.

The following days she spoke of a desire to cancel her Betrothal to Riser Phenex in order to arrange one with Prince Kazuhiko. Her Father admitted that it was not without merit as it would increase their standing in the Great Archduke Faction, but it was simply too late. Even so Rias would be lying if she said she was Longing for him to be inside her again, albeit fully this time because if Akeno could then so could she!

She felt her body stiffen, before he back arched and her honeypot squirted her love juices in a wide Arc, enough that the pelted her door.

''Ahhh, Kazuhiko.'' Rias moaned.


(POV Change: Riser Phenex)


Riser was furious, he was being laughed at. Kazuhiko Agares had had sex with his bride, thankfully not true lovemaking, but if the rumors of his Rias Frequent Masturbation while moaning The Agares Thief's name were any indication he had to take a stand. His Honor and Reputation as both a Phenex and a Man was at stake!

The Brat had one Servant, giving Riser a drastic Ratinng Game advantage. But no, Riser would settle this as Devils did in the old days, one on one Duels. The Dueling circuit was still active but Comparitively far smaller than the Rating Game Circuit. It elso carried far higher stakes, and Riser would demand the Bastards Bishop to be his. That would surely teach him a lesson as Zephyrdor and Diadora advised.

''Mother, I'm going out!'' He calls before Vanishing in a flash of showy fire.

''Well, time to prepare. Big brother has made His move, time to clean.'' Ravel says, knowing it was only a matter of time until Riser went after Kazuhiko Agares.


(POV Change: Kazuhiko Agares)


Kazuhiko sat on his couch twirling a Mutated Evil Piece in between his Fingers, he had five Mutation Pieces, this just happened to be his most powerful.

As soon as a Golden Orange and Fiery Magic Circle appeared, Kazuhiko knew it was time to take a stand.

''Kazuhiko Agares! Riser Phene- Oh Fuck!'' Riser was thrown back clutching his nose, as Kazuhiko just decked him between the eyes hard.

''Yes, Yes. Get to the fucking point.'' Kazuhiko said clearly nor interested.

''I Riser Phenex challenge you to a Duel and if I win your Bishop becomes my own Bishop and pet!'' Riser says, though the Room temperature sharply declines at the word pet. Lightning begins to Arc across Kazuhiko.

''If I win, I get your sister. As my Bishop and Pet.'' Risers face shifts at the realization that this clearly won't be as easy as he hoped nor as easy as he thought.

Luckily this boy was a weakling compared to the Immortal Phenex that was the Grewt Riser Phenex. Otherwise he might be inclined to just outright refuse.

''Take out the Pet and Riser agrees.'' Says Riser.

''Only if you do the same! Otherwise you can fuck off while I ho pay a visit to Rias, see what's tighter, her ass, her mouth, or her pussy. Maybe I'll send you a video.'' Says Kazuhiko making a show of opening a Magic Circle.

''Nnn, Riser agrees to these conditions.'' Says Riser with a jealous Growl.

''Good now fuck off, I got work to do. The Duel will occur at Agreas Stadium in three days time. Goodbye dnd don't come back unless it's to deliver Ravel.'' Says Kazuhiko opening a Magic Circle....under Risers feet sending him to Antarctica to freeze his small Kentucky fried balls off.....


Don't know about the Rest of you beautiful bastards but that felt like the best flowing DxD Chapter I have written so far. I've got two others in the works but one is so disappointing it's not even funny the other one just feels off. I'm also working on My Pokémon Story but mostly this...