
DxD: The Illusion Killer

A certain boy reincarnates into the world of DxD, the anime world where gods and demons exist. The boy didn't awaken any cheats or powers of any sorts. he couldn't control minds or shoot fireballs out of his fingertips. He was just a plain normal human. However, that didn't mean he was totally helpless. He still possessed a special right hand that was full of mysteries. However, it was more of a curse that ate away his luck. ************************ (P)(A)(T)(R)(E)(O)(N) (Link) patreon.com/user?u=43059593 For those who want to support the author and receive a few extra chapters early. ************************ (D)(I)(S)(C)(O)(R)(D) (Link) https://discord.com/invite/4zqxmAX9ry *************************

ImmortalClown · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
28 Chs

Strange Foreigner In Kuoh Town

The yesterday passed and next day came. But


Kamijou Ryuji sighed.

Today was a long day. He would be lying if he said it was not interesting. In the morning, his lunch money got stolen by a cat. Now any normal person would wonder how anyone can lose their lunch money to a cat.

But the answer was rather simple actually.

On his way to school, he came across a helpless cat stuck on a tree. Classic, isn't it? Kamijou always wondered how they could easily climb up there and would be afraid to come back down.

Weren't cats said to be agile? Truly, they were strange creatures. Even so, Kamijou could not leave it alone. He climbed up the tree like a movie character and pulled a hero move.

How was he awarded for his efforts?

Maybe it was because it was frightened or it found Kamijou's face unpleasant, the cat pounced on Kamijou's face and bit him over. Of course, that caused Kamijou to fall on his back.

Satisfied, the cat took his lunch money and ran away. How could he lose to a helpless cat? And he even lost his lunch money too. Kamijou wanted to cry.

But the universe really liked to kick him when he was down. A passing bird took a huge shit on his black blazer. Simply put, he had to travel back to his house.

When he got back though, he removed his blazer and wore his summer uniform. Since he lost his lunch money, he decided to make lunch and wrapped it up in his lunch box.

But he didn't account for the glutton in his school. When lunch break arrived and he was about to eat his well deserved lunch, he saw Koneko standing before him with her cheeks red.

Was kind of character was she playing? Then, he remembered she was most likely after his lunch. His heart sank at that moment.

"Seriously! First of all, it was the fallen angel of yesterday, then my lunch money got stolen by a cat. How the fuck does that happen? And to make matters worse, my backup lunch got devoured by a wild Koneko."

He realised a depressed sigh. It's not like the genre of his life had suddenly changed into romantic comedy.

"If I were to describe my daily life then it would be like a boat cast into a stormy water where sharks are always swimming around. Such misfortune. If I had the choice to be reincarnated, I will rather be reincarnated into a penguin."

It was weird to think of reincarnating as a penguin. Maybe it was the summer heat of above 40°C that had really drained Kamijou of all his mental capacity. Yes, the heat was the most likely culprit here.

Those weather broadcast channels are really no good. Kamijou thought.


A sudden cry.

Huh? What was that?

As the same time that strange cry was heard, there was also the sound of something dropping on the ground.

When Ryuji turned around, he saw a white futon on the floor.


He tilted his head as if he had witnessed something strange.

...Something is not right here.

If they were inside an apartment, Kamijou wouldn't have considered it strange. But he was currently on the street. So why was a futon laying around here?

When he looked closer, he realized it was not a futon at all, but a girl wearing white clothes.

It was a real mystery. The girl was spreading her arms wide open and had her face buried on the ground. Was she clumsy enough to fall like that?

...Wait... on second thought. Did I really have the right to think like that?

Regardless, he shook his head and approached the girl.

"Hey, are you okay?"

"Hmph. Why do I keep on tripping... Oh, I'm sorry. Thank you very much."

The girl took his outstretched hand and stood up. It was only then that Kamijou was able to get a good look at her.

Her age was about 17 or 18. She looked about the same age as himself. She was definitely a foreigner because she had blonde hair and green eyes. Her white skin was also nice as well. It was very rare to see a girl with natural blonde hair in this parts. If you removed gyarus from the equation, it was practically impossible to sight a Japanese woman with blonde hair.

There was also the matter about her choice of clothing and the travelling bag she was carrying on her shoulder. A real sister. The accurate term was a nun. Her habit was white unlike the normal habits that were jet black. However, he couldn't help but find this sister familiar.

Naturally, this was the first time he was seeing a sister face-to-face unlike the ones he saw in movies. But what was this sense of familiarity he was feeling from her. Perhaps he had indeed seen her before. No, that's not right.

Then he remembered. In the past, he had indeed met someone that looked identical to this sister infront of him. Both of them had blonde hair and were foreigners but their facial and body features was different. If this sister was cute then that person could be called beautiful.

But when he thought about that person, he also recalled an unpleasant memory. Naturally, Kamijou grimaced. It was a memory that he wanted to forget. A very painful memory that hunted him in his nightmares till this day.

"U-Umm... is something wrong...?"

Perhaps it was because of the expression he was making, the sister looked at his face and seemed worried.

"Ah. Sorry, It's nothing."

Kamijou replied and awkwardly scratched his cheek.

...Wait...now that I think about it, Isn't it very rare for a sister to be seen around this parts?

"Seeing you are carrying around a travelling bag, you just arrived in Kuoh city, right?"

"Ah, that's right. I just got appointed to the church in this town. But I have been in trouble since I got here. You see... My Japanese is not very good so I got lost and anyone I asked for directions didn't understand what I was saying."

The Sister lowered her head and looked really sad.

...So she doesn't know Japanese. Plus, getting placed in a church? Was there a church in this city to begin with? Ah, I remember, there was a church in the outer part of town.

"You are looking for the church, right?"


"Well, this old man might actually know where the church is."


Maybe it was because of Kamijou's strange manner of speaking or the fact he knew where the church was located, the sister seemed shocked.

Even so,

"You really do?! T-Thank you~! This is all thanks to God!"

The Sister seemed glad. She thanked God for their meeting even though it was a pure coincidence.

Just like that they made their way towards the outer part of town. The destination was the Church.

Kamijou thought it was strange. Wasn't that church rumoured to be abandoned?

He felt there was a connection somewhere. Something important he was missing. So he recked his head searching for an answer.


As they walked past a park, Kamijou heard the cry of a child. A boy.

"Are you alright, Yosh-kun?"

It seems the boy had tripped over and hurt his leg. It will be fine though. All the mother had to do was apply some bandages and kiss him on the forehead. It wasn't that serious.

Even so, the Sister walked past Kamijou and headed towards the park.

"Hello there."

The Sister had entered inside the park and approached the crying boy who was sitting down. Of course, Kamijou also followed after the Nun.

"Are you okay? Oh dear, boys shouldn't cry over a minor injury like this. Don't you already know?"

The Sister patted the boy's head with a smile as she was patting her favourite cat.

The boy looked confused. He probably didn't understand what she was saying but the sister had a very kind expression so the boy just stopped crying and stared at her.

The Sister placed her palm where the boy had injuried himself and in the next moment, a greenish light flashed and the boy's knee began to heal.

...Magic? No, that's not right. She's obviously not a devil so she can't use demonic power either. Then, it's a sacred gear.

Sacred Gears: A special power which is bestowed upon certain humans. It was created by God to perform miracles. As a result, allowing beneficial events to transpire that is statistically unlikely to occur.

Knowledge flowed naturally into Kamijou's mind. He had already experienced something like this before but something did catch his attention.

...A Sacred Gear that allows the user to heal others.

Where had he heard that before? Then, it suddenly clicked. Among the main characters, there was a character that could heal anyone regarding of their race: Humans, Fallen Angels and even Devils.

It was the holder of the sacred gear 'Twilight Healing', Asia Argento.

What kind of bloody coincidence was this?! Kamijou clicked his tongue and began to think deeply.

According to the plot, this girl was supposed to meet Issei, the protagonist. But she had met him instead. Why was that so? Why did she meet a nameless side character like him?

He suddenly remembered. Issei was the red dragon emperor but in this world, he had not awakened. Why? Because he was never killed by the fallen 'Raynare'. Instead, that fallen angel was defeated by Kamijou's right hand.

That was never supposed to happen and because of that, the plot has changed. Was that it? Issei never died or got saved by Rias so he never became a devil.

Wouldn't that mean Issei was no longer the protagonist?

No, no, no! That can't be right. If Issei was no longer the protagonist, who was then? Could it be him? Hell no, he can never be the protagonist of this story.

...Even if Issei was no longer the protagonist, this girl's situation has not changed.

When Kamijou frowned, the boy's leg was already healed. There wasn't even a trace left of said injury.

The mother looked very shocked. Anyone who saw an unexplainable phenomena will react the same way. Perhaps if Kamijou wasn't aware of the supernatural, he would have a similar reaction.

The boy's mother shook her head as if to regain her composure and then grabbed the boy's hand so they can leave quickly. She was probably trying to get away from Asia.

"Thank you, Onee-chan!"

The boy gave his thanks but the Sister won't be able to understand since she doesn't know Japanese. (Sometimes the language barrier was major pain in the ass.)

So Kamijou was kind enough to translate what the boy had just said to Asia.

"Is that so, then I'm glad."

"...That power..."

"Oh, you see, it's the power to heal. It is a wonderful power that God bestowed upto me."

She said so with a smile but she seemed somehow sad. Kamijou, who was well aware of her past, did not push the matter further.

The conservation ended there. They silently walked towards the location of the church. In a few minutes, they reached an old church building.

Now that they stood infront of the church, Kamijou frown deepened. After all, they were standing infront of the enemy's territory.

Fallen Angels.

They had taken over this church as their stronghold. Kamijou felt he should take Asia and run away from here. But what then and he doubted Asia would just willingly follow him. After all, he was a stranger.

Another troublesome fact was what was he going to do when the fallen angels choose to attack him. Beings like the fallen and devils were much stronger then humans.

Even if he managed to take out one of them, what will happen if all of them choose to attack him at once. Of course, he would be overwhelmed and defeated.

Even if he wanted to save her, there was nothing he could do to help her. There was really nothing he could do. This was not a war he could face alone.

Kamijou clenched his fists. He clenched his fists so tight, he thought he would break his fingers. Even though he had the power to slay even God, he was unable to help a someone in need.

He clicked his tongue. There was really nothing he could do.

"Yes, this is the place!"

The Sister released a sigh of relief as she compared the location to the one on the map she was holding.

At this point, Kamijou unconsciously clenched his fists even tighter. Even if he did anymore, he would probably break his fingers and how was that going to help.

He scratched his head angrily.

"Well, I will be on my way. But..." Kamijou removed something from his pocket and handed it to the Nun.

It was a small paper and on that paper, his number was written with black ink.

"That's my number. You have a phone, yes? If you need my help, just give me a call. Oh, my name is Kamijou Ryuji. Be free to call me Ryuji."

"Ah, thank you very much. My name is Asia Argento! Please call me Asia!"

"Well then, I will see you around."

Kamijou left the place after waving his hands towards her. The Sister watched him until he was out of sight.

If she could see his expression now, she would have been shocked. At the moment, Kamijou's expression was cold. He had the expression of someone who was planning something very unpleasant.

He would defeat the enemy with any method he deems fit.