
DxD: The Illusion Killer

A certain boy reincarnates into the world of DxD, the anime world where gods and demons exist. The boy didn't awaken any cheats or powers of any sorts. he couldn't control minds or shoot fireballs out of his fingertips. He was just a plain normal human. However, that didn't mean he was totally helpless. He still possessed a special right hand that was full of mysteries. However, it was more of a curse that ate away his luck. ************************ (P)(A)(T)(R)(E)(O)(N) (Link) patreon.com/user?u=43059593 For those who want to support the author and receive a few extra chapters early. ************************ (D)(I)(S)(C)(O)(R)(D) (Link) https://discord.com/invite/4zqxmAX9ry *************************

ImmortalClown · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
28 Chs

Most Trusted Delivery Man

"God damnit! I might be able to finish before midnight if I'm lucky. Fuck! I just jinxed myself!!"

At the sense of that terrible premonition, Kamijou starting ridiing his motorcycle at full speed.

It was late in the night. So it was rather strange for anyone to be riding a motorcycle at this hour.

The reason is simple.

He was delivering packages to customers. The package in question was food. Namely, Pizza.

That's right. Kamijou was currently working as a food delivery man, his part time job.

Of course, he always received money from his parents. But if that was enough for the unfortunate Kamijou then he would be doing this kind of work in the first place.

He couldn't even begun to count the amount of times he lost his lunch money or the times his money has gotten stolen by a street delinquent with a gun.

There was even a time where all the eggs he waited for two hours to get from the supermarket fell and cracked on the ground. One week of lunch gone just like that. That was how bad his situation was.

But it's like crying about it is going to put money in his pockets. He really needed the cash and sitting around and complaining about his terrible luck was not going to solve anything.

Kamijou looked at the portable device in his hand. The monitor is displaying the map of the town he was currently in and there were red lights flashing on it.

He was heading to those areas by riding his motorcycle.

When he arrives at those marked locations and deliver the package, namely the food, to the customers.

When he is done, he will proceed to the next marked points.

He kept repeating that procedure.

Over and over. It was like being trapped in an infinite loop. But in this case, this was just the daily life of a delivery worker.

"Fuuuuuuukk!! It can't be helped. It really can't be helped. I just turned out to be the unfortunate one here!"

Ryuji Kamijou clicked his tongue. With luck as terrible as his, the universe might consider his words as a challenge.

He pulled a leaflet from his pocket and looked at it. It was an occult-looking thing with a weird magic circle.

If he was a normal person he would have laughed but he was part of the special people that knows the occult is real. There was a deep meaning behind those letters.

Runes: Twenty four characters used to indicate mysteries and secrets have been used as a magic language since the 2nd century and are found in the roots of old english.

Essentially, they were "words of power" and each rune has different meaning, thus having different functions. The purpose of the runes in this magic circle is summoning.

...What's going on? Kamijou thought, dumbfounded. It was because of the ridiculous amount of knowledge flowed naturally from his mind.

It was certainly abnormal. It was pouring oil in the middle of a clear river, like a large gaping hole in a logical world.

Kamijou could not fully recall his memories of his past life. Any attempt to look into his memory will end in failure. Looking into his memories was like trying to find a pencil in a thick foggy forest. But the same logic did not apply to his knowledge.

To put it simply, it was like knowing the extent contents of a book without actually reading said book or knowing the taste of an apple without eating one.

His apparent "knowledge" was like a dictionary. A dictionary about strange things like the occult and it was rather disturbing.

But one question remained though.

Who the hell was he in his past life?

Was he part of a secret magical organisation in his past life? Or perhaps he was the leader of a powerful cult?

For the first time, Kamijou feared his past self.

He dismissed all those needless thought. The package behind his seat shook occasionally.

His mind drifted to the past.

Several days have passed since the meeting with the devils. The leaflet he was holding was given to him by Rias. The reason behind that was if he changed his mind or needed help, he would summon her.

Not only for help against the Fallen angels but also Devils. In order to reincarnate humans into devils and increase the numbers of their peerage, there are many devils in human world. There was also the devils that come to the human world like Rias.

To put it in a nutshell, the town was crowded by strange creatures. Namely, Devils and Fallen angels.

Despite being supernatural beings, they had the physical appearance of humans. If you put a normal person and a devil in the same room, it will be hard to differentiate between the two.

Though there are people who can distinguish which ones are devils and those who can't. A person with a strong greed or a person who wants to get help from devils usually can distinguish them.

Each devil is given a certain territory in the human world, and they can only do their job within their territory.

The job in question— was making contracts with humans and granting their wish. As a price, the devils receive an award fitting for the particular wish their contracted human makes. It can be money, an object, and at times even their life.

Kamijou doubted there was anyone who would go as far as to use their own life to make a wish. Even if there was a person like that, it usually gets cancelled since the price doesn't match up with their wish.

"People's value are not equal." Or so he heard from Rias-senpai.

Reality was just that cruel.

"It's not like Devils suddenly became Genies that grant wishes. If I remember correctly, performing jobs was an act to gain approval from the Maou, right? Even so, I have no reason to summon the Devils. At least, not at the moment."

Not that Kamijou would be powerless against any lowly devil or fallen angels he comes face-to-face with. There was no need to be scared.

After all, he had the power to kill even God.

Kamijou parked his motorcycle infront of an apartment, carried the package and walked over to the front door.

He quietly pressed the door bell and waited. When the customer opened the door, Ryuji would confirm their order and deliver the package.

He mounted his motorcycle and headed to his next destination. He looked at the portable device and crossed the customer name on the touch screen.

"One down and..."

Kamijou's expression changed quite unsightly. Just because he delivered the package to a single customer, didn't mean the other customers will magically disappear. And there was alot of red lights flashing on the screen too.

He sighed.

What kind of joke was this?

He was supposed to have the power to kill even God but he was just a lowly delivery man. It couldn't be helped, he really needed the extra cash.

Kamijou drove across the silent streets with his motorcycle.

Part 2.

"Such misfortune."

Says the grumbling Kamijou.

It was funny how those words always slipped out of Kamijou's lips as if it was a running gag.

Just as he feared, he wasn't able to finish his Job on time and now it was late in the midnight. After returning the motorcycle to the workplace, he was silently heading back to his apartment.

The streets seemed deserted.

It was late in the midnight so there is nobody walking on the sidewalks or vehicles moving on the streets and there was this eerie silence too.

Even so, Kamijou felt something was off. It was too quiet. Plus, he felt as though he was being watched for a while now.

...An enemy? Kamijou looked around but he didn't catch the sight of someone watching him.

At this moment, he frowned. He remembered this strange feeling. It was the same feeling as when Raynare tried to kill him on their date.

But as if feeling impatient, a man revealed before Kamijou. It was a middle-aged looking man wearing a suit, glaring at Kamijou. Not to mention, Kamijou could smell the strange perfume coming from the man despite being ten metres apart.

Why is he here? Kamijou glared at the strange man.

Despite not having the ability to sense energy, Kamijou could definitely feel the pure killing intent coming from this man.

That man wasn't a street thug that attacked helpless women in the night. No, he belonged to the supernatural world.

To be more specific, he was part of a supernatural race. Namely, Fallen Angels. Those who have fallen from grace.

"This is rare. For someone like you to appear in a small town like this."

The man said and took a good look over Kamijou. It was as if the man was trying to examine him. What was he, a pervert?

"Who the fuck are you? Are you some kind of pervert? Don't you know it's not nice to stalk people in the middle of the night?"

Says Kamijou. From the nature of his tone, it was obvious Kamijou was not pleased to see the man.

Even so, the man just laughed.

"Ha ha ha! Please, I'm not that kind of pervert. Besides, seeing your calm reaction, I assume you already know what kind of being I am."

"Yes, I'm well aware of your kind. I thought I sent a message across with that girl."

The man's eyes seem to lit up.

"So it's true. You're the one that defeated Raynare. It's strange for her to lose to a human but there's also that."

The man glanced at Kamijou's right hand and continued.

"But let's forget about that. If you were able to defeat Raynare, then that must mean you are rather skilled, yes? Which faction do you belong to? Or are you perhaps alone?"

However, Kamijou nonchalantly shrugged his shoulders.

"Does it matter which faction I belong to? Is that what you should be asking though? Shouldn't you guys be happy this didn't turn into a fight between factions? Besides, my faction is not pleased with you guys existence to begin with. If it is a fight you want, I can arrange that. But will you be able to handle the consequences, I wonder?"

Kamijou lightly clenched his fist and opened it again. The fallen angel flinched from such a simple action.

It was unsurprising. If Kamijou really defeated Raynare then that must mean he would be able to do the same to him. And they didn't know which faction he worked for.

It was unlikely such a skilled opponent won't be in a faction. If they attacked him carelessly, then this might really evolve into a fight between factions. Simply put, the boy was a complete unknown horror.

Well, that was just what the man thought. In truth, it was just a big lie. Kamijou didn't belong to any faction and he definitely didn't have anyone backing him. He was completely alone.

Even though he had a special right hand, he will be utterly useless if this guy flew in the air and started spamming him with attacks. So he had to create a brave front.

"...Fufu. Well, well. Since it turned out like this, there is nothing that can be done. Besides, I have already gotten what I came for. Well then. For today, I will apologise. But I advise you not to walk around carelessly. Someone like me could attack you while having a walk."

"I will keep that in mind. But if you get in my way of life, I won't forgive you."

"I can say the same to you. My name is Donaseek. Make sure to remember it."

The man manifested his black wings and began to float. He then flew up into the sky. But before he left, the fallen glared at Kamijou and then disappeared into the sky.

So it's safe now?

Kamijou released a sigh of relief. Somehow he was able to solve this situation without swinging his right hand. He was glad this didn't develop into the situation he feared.

He's gone, right?

Kamijou looked left and right, searching if someone else is watching him. Once he realised he was alone, he proceeded to run to his house.