
DxD: The Dragon Oppai

In a world where destiny weaves its intricate threads, Issei's life takes a remarkable turn. His sacred gear awakens at an early age, leading to intense training with Ddraig, the indomitable Welsh Dragon. But destiny has an unexpected twist in store. Issei forms an unlikely bond with Great Red, the Dragon God. As his strength grows, two captivating newcomers arrive at Kuoh Academy—a silver-haired enchantress and her azure-haired friend. Issei's heart races as he realizes his rival is the beautiful silver-haired girl. -- Like the fanfic, if yes, consider supporting via patron and you will be able to read ahead by webnovel chapters. (P).(A).(T).(R).(E).(O).(N) http://patreon.com/Marin_kitawaga

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Chapter 74: You have a talent for attracting girls!

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23+ advanced chapter on my patr(e)on.


"Riser Phenex isn't high tier or anything, but I doubt any of the pushovers around here could beat him in a fight. Why'd you help Gremory out anyways?" Vali asked.

Issei exhaled a thoughtful sigh as he faced Vali's inquiry. "The whole situation was a bit complex. I wanted to help my friends, Xenovia and Irina, transfer into Kuoh Academy. Sona Sitri, our student council president, offered to assist but had a condition—she wanted me to represent Rias Gremory in her Rating Game against Riser Phenex. I was reluctant at first, but then Phenex's arrogance rubbed me the wrong way."

Vali's eyes narrowed slightly, as if piecing together a puzzle. "Ah, so these are the friends you mentioned, the ones staying with you? Exorcists, right? I must admit, I was picturing something less… alluring."

Issei nodded and turned slightly, gesturing toward the two young women standing behind him. "Meet Irina Shidou, a childhood friend, and her best friend Xenovia Quarta."

Irina scanned Vali and Tiamat, a note of cautious curiosity marking her features. "And who are these people, Issei? You've never mentioned having such—let's say—visually striking friends."

Vali smirked, clearly pleased by the subtle compliment. "Flattered, truly."

Issei filled in the gaps. "These are Vali and Tiamat. They're acquaintances, let's say, from another circle of my life."

Irina's eyes widened dramatically at the name, a flicker of astonishment overtaking her expression. "Tiamat? As in Tiamat, the Chaos Karma Dragon?!"

Her voice tinged with awe and trepidation, Irina seemed to reevaluate the situation entirely, as if suddenly realizing the depth of the waters they were all wading in. The social dynamics were growing more intricate by the moment, each introduction weaving a more elaborate tapestry of alliances, rivalries, and histories. It was like a game of multidimensional chess, and Issei felt acutely that he needed to tread carefully lest he tip over a piece that could set off a cascade of unintended consequences.

Tiamat couldn't suppress a pleased smile at Irina's recognition. "Ah, you're well-informed. Yes, I am a Dragon King, or more accurately, a Dragon Queen. Titles can be so cumbersome, don't you think?"

Irina seemed caught between awe and apprehension. "Titles or not, it's no small matter to be in the presence of a Dragon King—or Queen, in this case."

Issei exhaled, rolling his eyes a little. "Don't inflate her ego, Irina. Trust me, she's got enough self-assurance for a small army."

Vali, who had been following the conversation with a kind of detached amusement, suddenly looked at Issei with a raised eyebrow. "Did you just categorize us as mere 'acquaintances'? Here I was, laboring under the assumption that we were good friends. Especially considering we address each other by our first names, which, as you should know, holds a certain weight in this culture."

Issei felt a wry smile cross his face. "Ah, the nuances of friendship, a subject forever elusive and complex. But speaking of complexities, I had the opportunity to meet some of your other associates last night, Vali."

A flicker of curiosity lit up Vali's eyes, animating her otherwise stoic features. "Oh, did you? And who might these individuals be?"

Issei glanced cautiously around, as if ensuring that no stray ears were near enough to catch their conversation. Leaning in, he lowered his voice, "I bumped into some peculiar characters last night— a cat girl and some dudes claiming to be from the 'Hero Faction.'"

Vali's eyes narrowed thoughtfully. "That is intriguing. You were in Kyoto for that infamous street race, weren't you? Did you happen to glean what they were up to in Kyoto?"

Issei gave a nonchalant shrug. "Not much. I heard something about 'opening a dragon gate.' Met them by chance, right after my race was done."

Vali's eyes flickered with an emotion that was hard to read— a mixture of curiosity and caution. "We'll delve deeper into this in a more private setting. For now, let's head to class. Our current spectacle seems to be attracting a lot of attention."

Indeed, they had become the reluctant focal point of a schoolyard theater. Spectators—students and faculty alike— watched with a mixture of awe, intrigue, and perhaps a hint of fear, as Issei nonchalantly led his entourage towards the building. The presence of four strikingly attractive girls, each unique in their own way, added a layer of inscrutable authority to his already dominant aura. 

Irina and Xenovia, though quiet, stayed in close physical proximity to Issei, their eyes skimming the surroundings with a touch of apprehension. Neither was entirely comfortable in a school teeming with devils, and despite their strong front, it was evident that they were uneasy. Their instincts were heightened, their senses on full alert, as they moved alongside Issei—both were palpably aware of the demonic energy that emanated from Vali.

Xenovia's voice carried a hint of skepticism as she finally broke her silence, "Issei, I was under the impression that you had a strong aversion to devils. So what's going on here?"

Vali, catching the insinuation instantly, shifted her gaze towards Xenovia. Her expression was a study in cool detachment. "I should clarify—I'm not fully aligned with the devils around here. I'm a half-devil, to be precise."

Irina, her eyes narrowing slightly, decided to weigh in. "Half-devil or full, you're still on the devil spectrum. How did you come to know Issei?"

Before any sort of altercation could escalate, Issei intervened, his voice tinged with mild annoyance. "Ease up, Irina. Vali is cool; she's not going to harm us. No need to start conflicts right now; I've got enough on my plate without adding drama."

Xenovia and Irina shared a look—part skepticism, part acquiescence. Both were mindful of Issei's capacity for irritation, especially given the previous situation involving Raynare and Kalawarner. No need to add fuel to an already volatile situation.

Navigating the labyrinthine hallways of Kuoh Academy, Issei steered the conversation toward more practical matters. "Irina, Xenovia, head over to the faculty offices to drop off your paperwork. Someone will escort you to your classroom from there. I'll catch up with you guys later."

"Alright," Irina murmured, her voice tinged with a trace of apprehension. Issei gave them both a gentle nudge in the direction of the faculty offices before they hesitantly parted ways.

As Irina and Xenovia receded into the distance, Issei felt Tiamat's laughter bubble up beside him. "You have a talent for attracting an interesting circle of females. Are you assembling some sort of harem?"

Issei shrugged, the corners of his mouth lifting into a wry smile. "They're friends. They're on some sort of mission dealing with fallen angels or the like. Honestly, the specifics don't concern me too much. They're staying with me for a while, and that's pretty much the extent of it."