
DxD: The Dragon Oppai

In a world where destiny weaves its intricate threads, Issei's life takes a remarkable turn. His sacred gear awakens at an early age, leading to intense training with Ddraig, the indomitable Welsh Dragon. But destiny has an unexpected twist in store. Issei forms an unlikely bond with Great Red, the Dragon God. As his strength grows, two captivating newcomers arrive at Kuoh Academy—a silver-haired enchantress and her azure-haired friend. Issei's heart races as he realizes his rival is the beautiful silver-haired girl. -- Like the fanfic, if yes, consider supporting via patron and you will be able to read ahead by webnovel chapters. (P).(A).(T).(R).(E).(O).(N) http://patreon.com/Marin_kitawaga

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Chapter 73: Saw ur show on tv!

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Issei sighed, his own face mirroring Irina's newfound seriousness. "Most dragons are adrenaline junkies, constantly chasing the next high whether it be in the form of a battle, a treasure, or in this case, a high-stakes race. The thrill of it, the challenge, the prize—it's like catnip to them. But we're getting sidetracked. We need to leave soon if we're going to make it to school on time."

"So, what's the plan, Issei? Trekking on foot, or should we opt for public transit?" Irina questioned, her voice tinged with a subtle blend of curiosity and concern.

Issei flashed a mischievous grin, clearly enjoying the intrigue. "Why speculate when you can experience? You're both riding with me." With that, he pivoted and made his way towards the garage.

Irina and Xenovia exchanged a glance that mingled disbelief with a dash of apprehension. They trailed behind him into the garage, their eyes widening as they saw Issei flick the lights on and stride confidently toward his motorcycle. With a flourish, he swung open the garage door and then revved the bike to life, its guttural growl echoing in the enclosed space. Easing the machine out onto the driveway, he looked over his shoulder at the two girls. "Well? Are we doing this or not?"

Irina hesitated, clearly wrestling with her sense of caution. "Issei, you're already under a cloud of suspicion! What if someone recognizes this bike—or us—and decides to alert the authorities?"

Issei scoffed, a rebellious glint in his eyes. "What are they going to do? Slap cuffs on me right in the school parking lot? Get on!"

Somewhat reluctantly, the two girls approached the bike. This time, it was Xenovia who took the seat closest to Issei. She slid her arms around his waist, gripping him as though preparing for an imminent roller-coaster ride. As her chest pressed against his back, she felt a tremor of excitement ripple through her body.

"You know," Xenovia mused, her voice tinged with an offhand enthusiasm, "I could definitely get accustomed to this sensation."

Irina, who had just settled herself on the bike behind Xenovia, looked slightly annoyed. "Accustomed to what, exactly? There's no need to latch onto him like he's some life raft. I've got space here, you know!"

Before the banter could escalate, Issei twisted the throttle abruptly, rocketing them out of the driveway with a force that had both girls emitting involuntary shrieks. As the motorcycle sped down the street, a rush of wind whipping past them, it was clear that any lingering concerns had been replaced by the pure, adrenalized thrill of speed. But beneath that thrill, unspoken yet palpable, lay the complex interplay of feelings and fears that the day's earlier events had stirred up—a tapestry of emotion they would all have to navigate in the uncertain days ahead.


Kuoh Academy's campus loomed ahead, its familiar facade doing little to quell the apprehension gnawing at Issei's stomach. 'I've made headlines in both the Underworld and Japan now. This week is going to be a whirlwind. At least mom and dad are still out of town; one less thing to worry about,' he mused inwardly.

As Issei maneuvered his motorcycle into the school's entrance, he felt as though he had just stepped onto a stage. The air seemed to thicken with palpable tension as heads swiveled en masse toward him. Students, many of whom were rushing through the gates to make it to their first class of the day, suddenly paused, their eyes widening in disbelief. It wasn't just the spectacle of Issei arriving on a motorcycle that caught their attention; it was also the sight of Irina and Xenovia clinging to him, awkwardly seated behind him on the same bike.

Choosing to ignore the collective gaze—half curious, half judgmental—he guided the bike toward his customary parking spot. As he did, his eyes met those of Vali and Tiamat, who had been standing there as if expecting him. The smirks they wore were not just amused but borderline gleeful, making it clear that they were privy to his recent escapades.

Issei dismounted, his face a calm mask, though internally he braced for the forthcoming interaction. Xenovia and Irina, visibly relieved to be back on solid ground, gingerly stepped off the bike. They cast uneasy glances at the crowd that had now, unabashedly, turned into spectators. It was as though the entire student body had paused to see how this scenario would unfold.

Wasting no time, Tiamat approached Issei, her grin almost predatory in its width. "Saw your little prime-time feature on TV last night, Issei. Quite the spectacle you put on."

Issei's eyes briefly swept the crowd as he responded to Tiamat, catching the wavering gazes of onlookers. It was as if they thought meeting his eye would somehow invite calamity; they'd look away or glance downward hastily, as if he were some Gorgon whose stare could petrify. "I can't say I'm surprised," he finally spoke, redirecting his attention to Tiamat.

Tiamat's grin persisted, curving her lips in an almost wolfish delight. "You've become something of a celebrity, both in local circles and the Underworld. Quite the day you had yesterday, wasn't it?"

His eyebrows arched in mild confusion. "Excuse me?"

Tiamat erupted in laughter, seemingly unable to contain her amusement. "You in a Rating Game, Issei? Now that's what I call unexpected entertainment!"

A flicker of surprise crossed Issei's features. "You watched that too? The Gremory vs Phenex game?"

"Absolutely," Tiamat affirmed, still grinning. "I follow nearly all the Rating Games. Seeing you out there, particularly when you called that Phenex fool a 'moron for picking a fight with a dragon'—that was the highlight for me. You've always had the fire of a powerful dragon, which is why you fit right in with us."

Issei maintained a composed facade, though internally he was genuinely taken aback. "I see," he replied, the words emerging more as a contemplative murmur than a statement.

A flurry of thoughts cascaded through his mind. 'Good thing I didn't bring out my Boosted Gear during the Rating Game. That would have been complete overkill, sure, but more critically, it would've drawn even more attention to me. If Crom Cruach could sense it during our race, there's a high chance Tiamat might have noticed it too. I can only hope the media footage didn't capture any specifics during the actual race.'