
DxD: The Dragon Oppai

In a world where destiny weaves its intricate threads, Issei's life takes a remarkable turn. His sacred gear awakens at an early age, leading to intense training with Ddraig, the indomitable Welsh Dragon. But destiny has an unexpected twist in store. Issei forms an unlikely bond with Great Red, the Dragon God. As his strength grows, two captivating newcomers arrive at Kuoh Academy—a silver-haired enchantress and her azure-haired friend. Issei's heart races as he realizes his rival is the beautiful silver-haired girl. -- Like the fanfic, if yes, consider supporting via patron and you will be able to read ahead by webnovel chapters. (P).(A).(T).(R).(E).(O).(N) http://patreon.com/Marin_kitawaga

Orael · Anime & Comics
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178 Chs

Chapter 17: Milkey-hime!!

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With a heavy sigh, Issei dismounted his motorcycle and reluctantly agreed, "Fine, I'll hang out for a little bit... but only until the traffic clears."

"Yay!" the girl cheered with uncontainable excitement, waving her cosplay wand around. "Sparkle Shine, your command is mine!"

Issei couldn't help but feel a wave of embarrassment wash over him as the crowd erupted in applause and began snapping pictures of both the girl and him. Thankfully, most of them seemed apprehensive about approaching the delinquent biker.

Rolling his eyes at her antics, Issei took the spare VIP ticket she offered and promptly started walking away from her, making his way to the front of the line.

A sea of envious onlookers watched in disbelief as the guy who had just arrived on a motorcycle bypassed the line, earning himself an expedited entry into the convention.

"Hey, wait up!" called out the pigtailed magical girl as she hurriedly chased after Issei.

The male attendees in the crowd seemed to be burning with envy at the sight of Issei not only cutting the line but also being accompanied by the sexiest cosplayer there.

"Who does that pretty boy douche think he is? And why is such a stunning magical girl following a punk like him?" muttered one disgruntled guy.

"Milky-hime, can we please have a picture?" pleaded an anxious otaku.

"You look absolutely amazing!" shouted another excited fan.

With a friendly smile, the girl graciously waved at the onlookers and struck a brief pose before catching up to Issei. As they entered the convention hall, they quickly realized that it was packed with attendees.

The pigtailed girl's eyes sparkled with excitement as she pointed towards a display, exclaiming, "Look, look! They have Milky Spiral Seven figurines! Let's go check them out!"

Before Issei could voice his objections, the overly excited girl grabbed his hand and enthusiastically pulled him towards a section on the convention floor dedicated to merchandise from the anime she was cosplaying.

All eyes within a two-hundred-meter radius were fixated on them as if they were celebrities. Issei started to feel increasingly uncomfortable as strangers approached, requesting pictures with the girl.

'I should just slip away and check out the Drag So-Ball Z section,' Issei thought, contemplating leaving the girl behind and blending into the bustling crowd.

After about fifteen minutes, Issei managed to distance himself from the girl and explore an area that aligned more with his interests. He surveyed the surroundings, considering the items available. 'I've got enough money, but I don't want to lug a bunch of stuff back home. Hmm...that banner would look great in the garage, next to my toolbox.'

"There you are!" a loud and excited voice exclaimed, causing Issei to startle as he felt someone jump onto his back.

"What the...?" he uttered, momentarily confused until he recognized it was the black-pigtailed girl once again.

"Why did you leave me? I was so sad when I couldn't find you," she melodramatically expressed in a cutesy manner.

The crowd of fervent fanboys and fangirls who had been following the girl froze in place as Issei turned around to face them.

"Is that her boyfriend?! I'm so jealous!" an overly animated man exclaimed.

"Milky-hime, can we take a picture?!"

"Milky-hime!" echoed throughout the crowd.

Issei's frustration grew, and his anger surged. He growled through gritted teeth, "Back off right now!"

An eerie silence fell over the area as the crowd of people pursuing the girl on Issei's back became frightened.

Issei clenched his fists tightly and took a deep breath, his voice resonating with authority, "Get lost! She's had enough goddamn pictures for all of you! If you want another photo, you'll have to go through me!"

No one dared to challenge Issei's fury as the crowd dispersed in all directions, scattering like startled roaches. Although the pigtail girl had always been gracious to her fans, she seemed somewhat relieved that Issei had effectively sent them away.

"Are you going to get off me or what?" Issei asked, his gaze fixed on the girl still clinging onto his back.

She beamed and shook her head, refusing to let go. "No! I don't want to lose you again in here! Especially if you're going to protect me!"

"Why are you still hanging out with me anyway?" he asked, his confusion evident.

"Becauuuuuuse I think you're cool!" she replied, tightening her grip on him.

"The feeling is not mutual," he retorted, shaking his head.

"AWWW, you're so mean!" she exclaimed dramatically.

'Man, that perfume she's wearing is overpowering this close,' Issei thought, finding himself distracted by the strong scent.

"OOOOh, is that Drag So-Ball Z? We should go check that out!" she suddenly pointed towards a nearby stand.

Issei looked back at her, surprised by her interest. "You like Drag So-Ball Z?"

"Who doesn't?" she countered, her excitement shining through.

'Well... maybe she's not as bad as I originally thought,' Issei pondered, realizing that there might be more to her than meets the eye. With that thought, the two of them headed towards the booth to explore more merchandise.

The two of them found themselves immersed in the convention atmosphere, laughing and indulging in impulsive purchases. Time seemed to slip away, and before Issei knew it, they were attending various panels and events, losing track of the hours.

As the convention was winding down and they stepped outside into the darkening sky, Issei was taken aback by the realization of how much time had passed. He shook his head in disbelief, muttering to himself, "I can't believe I spent the entire afternoon here."

"That WAS SO FUUUUUN!" the girl exclaimed, her excitement resonating through her voice as she clung onto his arm during their walk.

"Yeah... I actually had a good time... surprisingly," Issei admitted, a hint of surprise coloring his words.

'Did I seriously spend the whole day with a quirky otaku magical girl? This has been the weirdest week ever...' Issei pondered to himself.

"I never get to do so many things at conventions because everyone always wants to take pictures of me. Going with you was a brilliant idea! Your mean, grumpy face scared everyone away!" she giggled.


As always if you Want to read ahead visit my part(e)on.
