
DxD: The Dragon Oppai

In a world where destiny weaves its intricate threads, Issei's life takes a remarkable turn. His sacred gear awakens at an early age, leading to intense training with Ddraig, the indomitable Welsh Dragon. But destiny has an unexpected twist in store. Issei forms an unlikely bond with Great Red, the Dragon God. As his strength grows, two captivating newcomers arrive at Kuoh Academy—a silver-haired enchantress and her azure-haired friend. Issei's heart races as he realizes his rival is the beautiful silver-haired girl. -- Like the fanfic, if yes, consider supporting via patron and you will be able to read ahead by webnovel chapters. (P).(A).(T).(R).(E).(O).(N) http://patreon.com/Marin_kitawaga

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Chapter 120: Phenex Vacation!

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Sirzechs nodded in agreement. "Indeed, dragons value humility and respect. I had a conversation with Tannin about it following your son's Rating Game, and he emphasized the same point. Winning over a dragon requires earning their respect."

Lord Phenex turned his attention to Sirzechs, seeking his insight. "Do you anticipate that anyone within the court will dare to defy your command, Lucifer-sama?"

The Maou let out a weary sigh. "I am less concerned about the pillars directly disobeying the order. My primary worry lies with the possibility of a devil from the Old Satan Faction attempting to attack Issei Hyoudou. He may not be able to discern the difference between them and us. It is crucial that he is made aware of this distinction to prevent them from manipulating him into launching an attack against our faction."

Before anyone could utter another word, a familiar voice interrupted their discussion. "Otou-sama, Okaa-sama..."

Both Lord and Lady Phenex turned around, their gazes falling upon Ravel standing behind them. Lady Phenex was the first to speak, her tone filled with surprise. "Ravel? What brings you here?"

"I came to seek your permission for something..." Ravel began tentatively, her voice laced with anticipation.

Lady Phenex leaned in, her curiosity piqued. "What is it, dear?"

Ravel took a deep breath, gathering her courage. "Can Riser and I... umm... can we go on a trip?"

Lord Phenex arched an eyebrow, intrigued. "A trip? Are you telling us that you have finally managed to coax your brother out of his seclusion and back into the outside world?"

Ravel nodded, her eyes gleaming with determination. "Yes, he just wants to escape the confines of the Underworld for a while. I offered to accompany him to ensure his well-being. Would it be acceptable if we were away for a few days?"

"Hmph... I am relieved to see the young man returning to a semblance of normalcy. So, where do the two of you plan on going precisely?" Lord Phenex inquired.

Ravel shifted nervously, averting her gaze. "Um... Nii-sama wishes to keep it a secret. He desires to have some uninterrupted time away from any disturbances. I believe he hopes to rediscover his motivation or something of that nature."

Lady Phenex shook her head disapprovingly. "Given his current state, is it truly wise to allow him to venture off secretly? It concerns me."

Ravel's voice brimmed with confidence as she reassured her parents. "He will be fine. I will be by his side to ensure his safety. I am certain the rest of his peerage will want to join us as well. Trust me, Riser onii-sama will be well taken care of."

Lord Phenex nodded approvingly. "Very well, Ravel. I see no issue with your plan. It's commendable of you to undertake this for your brother's sake."

Ravel smiled gratefully at her father's understanding. "Thank you, Otou-sama. We'll be back in a few days."


Phenex Mansion

Inside Riser's room, Ravel confronted her brother, determination etched on her face. "I'm not giving up on this, Riser. I managed to convince Mom and Dad to allow us a few days of vacation. You need to face this problem head-on, nii-sama."

Riser shook his head adamantly. "You're being unreasonable, Ravel. If he ever lays eyes on me again, he'll kill me. I don't want to suffer the same fate as Diodora Astaroth. Not even his own brother could defeat that dragon. If we so much as look at him the wrong way, our entire family could be endangered."

Ravel sighed dramatically, frustration evident in her voice. "Well, if you refuse to go, then I'll go alone!"

"What?!" Riser gasped, disbelief written across his face.

"Yes, I can, and I will!" Ravel retorted defiantly, placing her hands on her hips.

Riser shook his head in disbelief. "What are you trying to prove, Ravel? He will kill you! And then he'll come after me and the rest of our family!"

Ravel raised an eyebrow, her voice firm. "Really? Because as far as I can recall, he didn't harm any of your peerage or even you during the Rating Game. Dad even mentioned it during the Pillar Meeting with all the Maou. Don't you find that peculiar, considering how effortlessly he dispatched Diodora Astaroth? All I'm suggesting is that an apology might go a long way here. You claimed you wanted to make amends, right? Well, here's your chance!"

"I can't face him again... What am I supposed to say?" Riser muttered, his voice filled with uncertainty.

Ravel shrugged, her tone resolute. "Say anything. I just want you to break free from this slump you've been in. Even if he rejects us, at least you would have confronted him once more. You won't progress as a devil unless you overcome this inexplicable depression and fear of dragons."

Riser's voice grew distant. "I suppose I don't have much to lose. In the worst-case scenario, he kills me, and the Phenex family's embarrassment finally disappears."

"Stop wallowing in self-pity, Riser! Just do it! If he's willing to attend school with the Sitri and Gremory peerages, then it's highly unlikely that he'll slaughter us for attempting to apologize. It's about time you faced your fears," Ravel ranted logically, her words filled with conviction.

"Fine, but let's keep it low-key. I don't want to turn this into a spectacle," Riser sighed, finally relenting.

Ravel nodded, a small smile playing on her lips. "Agreed. As long as we take this step, I'm satisfied."

Ravel crossed her arms, her expression challenging. "Are you absolutely sure about this? If we don't bring the rest of the peerage, I can't guarantee that you won't back out. If they know we're going, you'll have to face their disappointment if you chicken out. Besides, I already informed Mom and Dad that they would accompany us on a 'trip.' It would raise suspicions if we suddenly went on vacation without your servants, wouldn't it?"

Riser sighed, his resolve wavering. "You and your clever, yet foolish, ideas, Ravel... But maybe you're right. Nothing will change if I don't confront this head-on."


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