
DXD: The Awakening Of Phenex

"A guy reincarnated in the body of Riser Phenex with a system. This work is a piece of fiction, a fanfic created based on the original universe developed by its creators. I want to make it clear that I have immense respect for the work and vision of the original creators. The intention of this fanfic is to explore imaginative possibilities within this universe, without any intention of devaluing or replacing the original work." pat reon.com/22Mirko22

Mirko22 · Anime & Comics
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155 Chs

chapter [145]

With the official announcement concluded, Riser and Victorius withdrew from the center of the hall, each heading towards their respective groups. Victorius, with his dignified and imposing posture, walked towards Romina. The crowd respectfully parted, recognizing his authority and the importance of the moment.

Riser, maintaining his confident expression, headed towards Sona. Along the way, several devils present congratulated him. Each greeting was met with a nod or a firm handshake, reflecting Riser's new position as head of the Phenex family and Supreme Class Devil.

"Congratulations, Riser," said a devil, extending his hand.

"Thank you," replied Riser, shaking the devil's hand with a smile.

"You deserve this position," commented another, with a respectful nod.

Riser nodded back, thanking them with a steady gaze.

Upon reaching Sona, she greeted him with a proud smile and a tight hug. "You did an excellent job, Riser," she said, her pride and admiration evident.

Riser returned the hug, feeling the strength and support of Sona. "Thank you, Sona. Your presence by my side means a lot to me."

Issei, watching the scene from a distance, muttered to himself, "What a show-off."

Beside him, Sairaorg laughed, hearing Issei's comment. "I'm eager to trade some blows with Riser and see who really is the strongest of our generation," he said, his eyes gleaming with the anticipation of a good challenge.

Rias, hearing the declaration, replied confidently, "Obviously, it's Riser."

Sairaorg raised an eyebrow, amused. "Rias, you should have more faith in me."

Issei frowned upon hearing Rias speak so highly of Riser. Her admiration for the new head of the Phenex family deeply bothered him, and he couldn't hide his displeasure.

In the center of the party, an imposing figure stood out. Zeoticus, with his authoritative presence and firm posture, stepped away from Venelana and walked towards the center of the hall. His movement attracted everyone's attention, creating a wave of expectant silence.

Upon reaching the center, Zeoticus raised a hand, signaling that he had something important to say. The conversations ceased, and all eyes turned to him. "Ladies and gentlemen," he began, his voice resonating with clarity and authority. "I have an important announcement to make."

Rias, standing next to Issei, immediately tensed, her expression revealing irritation. She knew what was coming, and the idea of being used as a bargaining chip again enraged her. "I can't believe he's doing this again," she murmured, clenching her fists in frustration.

Sirzechs, observing the scene beside Grayfia, whispered to her, "It's started." His expression was serious, knowing that his father's announcement would have significant repercussions.

Riser and Sona, holding hands, watched with curiosity. Riser, ever the strategist, was attentive to how this revelation might influence the balance of power. Sona, by his side, maintained a neutral expression, but her eyes were fixed on Zeoticus, analyzing every word.

Venelana and the Astaroth family, for their part, watched with anticipation. Dimitri and Svetlana Astaroth, Diodora's parents, exchanged quick glances, anticipating what was to be said.

Issei, beside Rias, was confused. He did not fully understand Zeoticus's attitude and what it meant for Rias and himself.

Zeoticus took a deep breath before continuing, his voice filled with formality. "I am here to announce the marriage of my daughter, Rias Gremory, to Diodora Astaroth. This union not only strengthens the ties between our families but also unites the families of two Maous, promoting a future of stability and power for the underworld."

The hall filled with murmurs of astonishment. The guests whispered among themselves, surprised and intrigued by the news. It was evident that many did not expect such an announcement, and the political implications were immediate and profound.

Rias felt anger rising within her, her gaze fixed on her father, who remained in the center of the hall, ignoring his daughter's feelings for the sake of politics. Issei, still trying to process the information, looked at Rias with concern, understanding the gravity of the situation and the impact it would have on their lives.

While the murmurs continued, Zeoticus remained firm, knowing that the decision he had just announced was a crucial move in the complex power game of the underworld.

Riser, watching from afar, couldn't hide his disdain. "That old man is trying to compete to see which announcement is more important, mine or his? What an idiot. He seems to have forgotten that when someone assumes the position of Maou, they have to distance themselves a bit from the family, even if only on the surface. And now he pulls this card."

Sirzechs, hearing his father's announcement, couldn't hide his discomfort. The idea of his father using his status to promote Rias's marriage deeply irritated him. Grayfia, always attentive to her husband, noticed Sirzechs's discomfort and discreetly held his hand, offering a silent gesture of support.

Zeoticus, maintaining his firm posture, called the couple to the center of the party. Diodora, with his usual confidence, walked to the center of the hall without hesitation. Rias, though clearly reluctant, also made her way to the center, forced by the circumstances and family pressure.

Issei, watching the situation from a distance, felt a wave of frustration. He wanted to help Rias, but he knew he was powerless against the political complexities and decisions made by the family leaders. Anger and helplessness burned within him as he watched Rias walk towards the center, against her will.

Once in the center of the hall, Diodora thanked Zeoticus for his words with a courteous smile. "Thank you for your words, Lord Zeoticus. This union is an honor for me and my family. I promise to do everything to ensure this alliance strengthens our ties and brings mutual benefits to our families."

As Diodora spoke, Rias stood beside him, her expression reflecting a mix of resignation and discontent. Riser, observing from afar, immediately recognized that expression. "I know that expression," he commented in a low voice, only for Sona to hear. "It's the same one she had when we were engaged."

Sona, hearing this, didn't like her husband's comment. However, instead of responding, she squeezed Riser's hand more tightly, showing her discomfort. Riser, noticing Sona's reaction, leaned in and gently bit her ear. Sona blushed and lowered her head, trying to control the flood of emotions.

Taking advantage of the closeness, Riser whispered in Sona's ear, "Tonight, when we get home, we're going to have a long conversation that will last for hours non-stop." Sona nodded silently.

Diodora finally concluded his speech with a courteous smile.

Rias, feeling the weight of the moment, walked towards Riser and Sona without saying a word. Upon reaching them, her expression showed exhaustion and frustration, but she chose silence over publicly exposing her feelings.

Diodora, satisfied with his performance, returned to his parents, Dimitri and Svetlana, who received him with approving smiles. As the crowd dispersed into murmurs and conversations, the future of Rias and Diodora seemed once again to be decided by fate and the politics of the noble families of the underworld.

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