
DXD: The Awakening Of Phenex

"A guy reincarnated in the body of Riser Phenex with a system. This work is a piece of fiction, a fanfic created based on the original universe developed by its creators. I want to make it clear that I have immense respect for the work and vision of the original creators. The intention of this fanfic is to explore imaginative possibilities within this universe, without any intention of devaluing or replacing the original work." pat reon.com/22Mirko22

Mirko22 · Anime & Comics
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155 Chs

Chapter [144]

Riser, smiling at the crowd, maintained the composure expected of a newly promoted leader. While his external expression radiated confidence and gratitude for the recognition of his achievements, internally, he was calculative and focused.

From the corner of his eye, Riser carefully observed the reactions of each individual present. He noted the smiles of some, the surprise of others, and the calculated neutrality of those he knew to be potential rivals or allies in future negotiations. Each expression, each movement, was a piece in the chessboard he was beginning to assemble in his mind.

Riser was particularly attentive to his future former enemy, Issei. Riser knew that he would end Issei, without needing any luck points to kill him; for him, Issei was already doomed, it was just a matter of time.

Serefall, concluding her speech with a radiant smile, looked out over the gathered crowd and, with a graceful gesture, drew everyone's attention. "And now, I would like to invite a very special person to say a few words. Please welcome Riser Phenex."

The hall fell silent as Riser, with his confident posture and determined gaze, walked to the center of the hall. Each step resonated with the authority of his new position as the head of the Phenex family. He knew all eyes were on him, and he was ready to make the most of the moment.

Riser, reaching the center stage, looked at the crowd with a smile that exuded confidence. "Good evening everyone," he began, his voice firm and clear. "It is an honor to stand here before so many illustrious figures and influential leaders of our world. The promotion to Supreme Class Devil is an honor I accept with great humility and responsibility."

He paused, sweeping the hall with his gaze, observing the reactions carefully. Then, in an almost imperceptible movement, Riser activated the Haoshoku Haki, a rare and powerful technique that demonstrated his overwhelming authority. An invisible wave of pressure swept through the hall, causing those of weaker spirit to waver, some even needing to hold on to something to maintain their balance. Those who already respected Riser felt their admiration grow, while those who had doubts were suddenly overwhelmed by a profound sense of respect and awe.

"This promotion is not just a recognition of my personal achievements but also a reaffirmation of the Phenex family's commitment to the prosperity and stability of the underworld. We are ready to face the challenges ahead and to work tirelessly for the security and well-being of all."

Riser then turned his gaze to Sona, who watched him with a supportive smile. "I want to thank my family and those who have always stood by my side, especially my dear wife, Sona, whose support and wisdom have been invaluable. Together, we will continue to strengthen our position and contribute to our world."

He paused, feeling the intensity of the moment, before continuing. "We are at a critical juncture, where unity and collaboration among us are more important than ever. I promise to lead with integrity, courage, and vision, always seeking the best for all of us. The Phenex family is committed to a bright and prosperous future, and I look forward to working with each of you to achieve our common goals."

With these words, Riser concluded his speech, but before stepping off the stage, he called his father. "Victorius, please join me in the center of the hall."

Victorius, who had until then remained in a discreet corner, walked to the center of the hall with a look of seriousness that contrasted with his usual demeanor. He stood beside Riser and, looking at the crowd, made the announcement many were expecting.

"As the current head of the Phenex family, it is my duty to ensure that our lineage continues to thrive under strong and visionary leadership," began Victorius. "Today, I officially announce that Riser Phenex will be the new head of the Phenex family. His promotion to Supreme Class Devil is just the beginning of a new era for our family, and I am confident that under his leadership, we will reach even greater heights."

Victorius's statement was met with a mix of surprise and approval, as applause filled the hall. Riser, maintaining his composure, thanked with a nod of his head. The transition of power was now official, solidifying Riser's position not just as a leader but as a formidable force in the underworld.

Issei's reaction was negative. He looked at Riser with a mix of resentment and frustration. Riser's rise meant that his own path to protecting those he loved became even more challenging. Riser's arrogance and the way he exuded power only fueled Issei's determination to take him down, but it also highlighted the magnitude of the challenge he faced.

Rias felt genuine happiness for her friend Sona, who now saw her husband reach such a high position. Despite the political complexities and personal challenges it brought, the friendship and mutual support between them were stronger. Rias knew how much this promotion meant to Sona and couldn't help but feel a shared pride.

For Diodora, the announcement was irrelevant. He was more focused on his own plans and resentments. Riser's rise did not change his personal goals, and he continued to plot his next moves, with his mind geared towards his own ambitions and vendettas.

Venelana, though applauding, internally lamented that her daughter Rias had not married Riser. She saw the power and influence Riser now possessed and couldn't help but think of the advantages that alliance could have brought to the Gremory family. It was a missed opportunity that, in her view, could have further solidified their position in the underworld.

Romina was filled with pride for her son. Seeing Riser recognized and elevated to such an important position was a moment of fulfillment for her. Romina felt that all the efforts and sacrifices made by the Phenex family were now being rewarded. She saw a bright future ahead under her son's leadership.

Sirzechs, on the other hand, was worried. Riser's rapid ascent to political power represented a potential threat. He knew Riser was ambitious and aggressive, traits that could lead to future conflicts. Sirzechs began to consider the strategic implications of this change and how he would need to adapt his own actions to protect the stability of the underworld and the security of his own family.

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