
DXD Issei: The Mind of Games

Waking up to reality with the view of a system, the stats that he could see described his powers. Issei died to only be revived once more to see the world in a different view. This view was the supernatural world... the same world that killed him. Getting up and with this new gamer like system, Issei would strive to become the strongest there was. He would be the epitome of strength and resilience just to get his revenge on that fallen angel. (Title cover is not mine and is drawn by Juan Acosta)

DatBoiEraser · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs

Chapter 15

"Really? My son really helped you do that?" Rias was at it again... speaking about all the good things that he did during the meeting. He really thought he didn't do anything good.

"My little sister really admires your son." When Sirzechs had shown up to his house, his mother was more welcoming seeing him make more friends, especially friends that looked very wealthy. That just made the fear of them using him just... lessen since... what would they even use her son for?

Grayfia was sitting down next to Issei's mother while his father was gone again. Work really was demanding a lot from him... "My husband isn't the brightest... But he's right when he says that his little sister truly does see your son as her hero."

Rias was blushing while Issei was staring up at the ceiling. He had received his reward not too long ago, before all these shenanigans happened. "Hey!... don't say that in public brother!"

"What am I saying that's wrong?"

"Don't... just don't... don't say that!"

Sirzechs chuckled at his sister's dismay. "Oh, come on... what am I saying that is wrong?"

Rias leaped towards her brother and began having a cat fight with him while Grayfia screamed them to stop. Miki could only chuckle... she wished that her son could have had these moments. She wished that her son could have had siblings... it saddened her to know the miscarriages could have been Issei's siblings.

While they continued bickering, Issei received a new message saying that a new icon had opened up. Clicking on the icon, Issei noticed that the only things that were highlighted were his two Great Swords.


Welcome to the infuse section of equipment. Here, you can take two of the same types of weapons and infuse them. This will bring them to being more powerful while taking one less slot of equipment.

First infusion will be free...


Clicking on his two Great Sword, Issei received a new message.


2 x Great Sword (Rare) —> Great Sword (Epic)

Attribute Increase: +10 STR —> +15 STR

Attribute Added: +10% Pierce Damage

Pierce Damage: Damage that can cut through damage reduction depending on the percentage of pierce damage.

Will you continue the infusion: Yes/No


Clicking Yes, Issei would rather have one stronger sword and his shield rather than two of the same swords even if having two swords would bring more strength to him. Not only that, but that pierce damage would probably balance out the strength that would be lost. He would definitely take this deal.

Once the infusion happened, Issei was happy with his newfound sword and immediately replaced it with where his Great Sword used to be in his build. Now... he was much more powerful and felt more confident for the next dungeon. Speaking of which, he would definitely enter the new dungeon the moment that Rias and her family would leave.

"Issei... are you okay?" His mother asked him while he continued staring at the ceiling.

"Yeah... I was just thinking about school..." He was lying out of his ass with that one and his mother knew it... Issei being studious, yeah like that would ever happen. The last time that happened was during a math test last year... He spent multiple hours and still only got an average score.

His mother, seeing how he didn't want to actually answer her concern, just dropped asking and instead smiled. "Guess what I'm making today? Cheesecake!"

Issei snapped his head towards his mother with a cheerful smile. He loved cheesecake, "Really?"

"Wait... Issei, is that a gaming console?" Sirzechs pointed towards the console sitting in front of Issei's television.

"Yeah... Why?"

"You play smash?"

Narrowing his eyes, Issei walked towards the console," What's your main?"

"Luigi," Sirzechs also narrowed his eyes back. Rias watched as the tension in the room was beginning to increase.

"I am about to cook your ass in this game." Grabbing one of his controllers and throwing the other spare one at Sirzechs, he looked to Rias, who was staring back at him with puppy eyes, and threw another one of his spare controllers at her. "I am about to cook both of you."

Turning on the console... His mother looked at the three and sighed knowing that hell was going to break loose. Grabbing Grayfia's arm, Miki began dragging her to the kitchen. "Come on... let's leave the children alone with each other. I have some things I want to show you." Grayfia didn't even get a word in as Miki was going to have fun showing all her cooking recipes and receiving help from Grayfia to make a large cheesecake for everyone in the room to enjoy.

In a couple hours, all that was heard was...

"WHAT THE FUCK! HOW THE HELL ARE YOU THIS GOOD?" Sirzechs screamed while watching his dear Luigi getting three stocked to Issei's Captain Falcon.

"Brother... I give up..." A sobbing Rias was seen getting comfort from her brother as Issei continued sitting back and enjoying watching the two suffer.

Did he destroy them? Destroy would be generous to what he did... He still had 3 stocks while Rias and Sirzechs were already eliminated...

"I don't know what to say... Just get better you scrubs."

"And he even shows no mercy... This monster is no hero... He is a sadistic monster!"

As the triumphant echoes of victory faded into the air, Issei couldn't help but bask in his glory, feeling like a conqueror of smash. But his moment of self-satisfaction was short-lived as his mother returned from the kitchen, bearing a large cheesecake in her hands. Grayfia was right behind, holding onto Miki from tripping over from excitement of finishing her masterpiece.

"Behold! The fruit of our labor!" she announced, presenting the decadent dessert like a trophy.

Issei's eyes widened in awe, momentarily distracted from his gaming conquest. "It's... it's beautiful."

Grayfia, standing beside his mother with a smirk, added, "It looks almost too good to eat. Sirzechs and little Rias, how about we all dig into this?"

Within seconds, the first person to arrive towards the cheesecake was Issei. With lightning speed, Issei grabbed a fork and plunged it into the creamy depths of the cheesecake, savoring the first heavenly bite. Instantly, he rushed towards the table in the middle of the living room, right in front of the television and began munching on the cheesecake.

Sirzechs and Rias, even if their pride were destroyed, still chuckled upon seeing Issei acting like an excited child, especially when he was nearly stoic throughout the entire day. "I guess we should hop in as well..."

Rias nodded to her brother's words and the two quickly followed Issei. Sirzechs still had his competitive gaze, trying to keep up with Issei's speed in devouring the cake. However, that was short lived when Grayfia stood behind him and gave him a smack on the top of his head. "Have some manners when eating!"

Issei laughed at Sirzechs's dismay, however, that was short lived when his mother also gave him a smack on the head. "Hey!"

"Don't you dare hey me! You were acting like an animal eating this cheesecake! You should also have some manners too!" Rias looked at the two and began giggling... That earned her two glares from both women... Rias shrunk back in fear and decided that maybe she should eat quietly.

Little later, it was time for the three to leave. Issei watched as Rias looked at him with a saddened expression. Walking up to him, Issei could only sigh knowing what was going to happen. Rias hugged him tightly once more... Sirzechs and Grayfia were standing in front of the two and laughed at Issei's dismay.

Sooner or later, the three left leaving Issei and his mother alone. "Issei... what do you think of that girl?"

In an instant, Issei responded, "She's an interesting... friend."

"Just a friend?" His mother teased, but Issei stared at her with an emotionless expression.

"Only a friend..." With that, he walked past his mother before patting her on the head. "Rest mom... You've already done so much today."

With that, Issei walked up to his room... Finally, it was time to grind...


Dungeon name: Dungeon of the Drakes

Recommended Level: 30

Host is much higher level than the dungeon recommended level. Dungeon will be scaled upwards to be challenging for host.


It was time for the grind... Entering the dungeon, Issei was met with a blazing inferno tornado right in front of him. Backing away, Issei narrowly dodged a lightning bolt striking the ground near him. Getting a better view of the area around him, Issei was met with an infernal hellscape. Jagged obsidian peaks rise from molten ground all around, while rivers of lava snake through desolate terrain that stretched into the oblivion. The sky, a canvas of swirling shadows, occasionally lit by bursts of sulfurous flames and infernal tornados. Amidst glowing veins of phosphorescent minerals, fiery geysers erupt, casting an ethereal light. However, what truly threw Issei off was the many drakes flying around. Soaring through the sky, there were nearly a thousand drakes all in the sky. Issei watched as all of them slowly began noticing him...

This was going to be a hellish time for him... He watched as the many drakes began zooming towards him with their claws. They were readying themselves to land a lethal blow onto him.