
DxD: Issei The Abomination

You all know what happened at age beginning of DxD anime. Where Issei got saved by Rias or to be exact he was all along planned, Rias set him up to use him, thpigh later on she unknowingly developed feelings for him. But that is the story of alternate timeline. So, what would happen if Issei got to know the whole truth of the incident where he got killed, why Rias saved him, and all the otger tgings that he didn't know. So, if you wanna know what will happen what will he do and how he will react when he got to know the truth of it, want to know then you have only one choice which is to read the story.

Franklin237 · Others
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83 Chs

Chapter 15 : Emperor

"Wow, they are that strong Ddraig?" Asked Issei as he felt that even at his full power and then some he wouldn't stand even a second against any of them.

[They are partner, and I won't lie. If you want to get your own peerage, you would need to up your training regiment even more. But we will need to find a strong dragon to train you.

Since only a dragon can train a dragon. And you need to be ready for pain, a lot of pain if you plan to go to the next stage of power and unlock Balance-Breaker.]

Said Ddraig with a battle-hungry smile at a thought that his partner was going to get to fight a strong opponent and that he was going to fight someone that was at his level or higher.

Issei just sweated and shivered at the thought of having to train and maybe fight against the Full Grown Dragon.

"Yeah, that sound's like fun." He said sarcastically as he sounded terrified of that idea.

As he finished his conversation with his dragon resident, Issei fell to sleep having no idea what was going to happen tomorrow.

As the morning came, Issei woke up having a very bad feeling about this meeting at the old school. With that in mind, he got ready and headed to towards school.

After about ten to fifteen minutes he arrived at the clubroom only to be surprised at seeing the maid standing beside his King.

"Oh, Ise you made it. That's good now we can start the meeting." Stated Rias as she felt a little at ease that her Sekiryuutei had finally arrived.

"My lady do you want me to tell them?" Grayfia asked politely

Shaking her had to the sides Rias replied, "No, I will tell them after all this is my problem and my peerage should hear it from me."

Taking a deep breath, Rias started to say until something interrupted her

"Everyone, the truth is that I'm in enga..."

Everyone turns to look at what stopped her from saying anything further and what they saw was a magic circle with an unknown symbol to Issei at least.

Though that only lasted for a moment since Rias answer his unasked question with venom in her voice.



"Phenex!" Rias said with venom as she saw who appeared out of a magic circle.

Out of the circle stepped a young looking man that appeared to be in his twenties. He had short blonde hair and dark blue eyes. His outfit was a burgundy blazer with matching pants and black shoes. Underneath his open blazer was a simple white shirt.

"Ahhh. It's been so long that I have set foot on earth." Voiced the young man.

"Riser. What. Are. You. Doing. Here?" Rias questioned as she tried to keep her voice neutral, but it was obvious that she was very close to exploding.

"Ah, Rias my love. Have you forgotten already about it?" Replied the now named blonde man as he took her arm.

"No, I didn't forget and it was agreed that I have at least until I graduate from college in a human world. So I ask you again what are you doing here?" She said as she yanked her arm from his grasp.

Seeing this and not knowing about anything that was said or what was the talk about, Issei decided to ask the obvious question that was on his mind.

"Um, what the fuck is going on here and who is this guy?"

"Issei, this here is Riser Phenex from the Nobel House of Phenex," Kiba politely answers making Issei look at him.

"And that mean's what?" He questioned again, still not understanding the situation at all.

Riser seeing this exchange decided to intervene.

"Riser is surprised that a simple peasant doesn't know who I am. The Riser is disappointed in you Rias. I thought that you told them about Riser." He said while referring to him in a third person making them want to facepalm. Hard.

"Who are you calling peasant? You overgrown Fried Chicken?" Issei demands as he glared at the nobleman.

Predicting that the fight is about to begin, Grayfia decided to intervene.

"Issei, Riser here is from a Noble house of Phenex, as said he is also Rias fiance. And thus they are in an arranged marriage."

Issei was left stupefied with this info. While he didn't like Rias, he hated arranged marriages. What was the point in being with someone for eternity if you don't love that person?

Rias was still fuming about an idea of having to marrie a playboy devil who wanted nothing more than to fuck her senseless.

She wanted to get married to someone she loved and love her back. Not for political or any other thing just from love. She wanted nothing short of killing Riser but she also knew that she didn't have power and experience to do it.

That was why she had the Red Dragon Emperor. Even one as weak as Issei could beat him, given enough time to train.

While she was in deep thought, Riser decided to take this opportunity to check out the other girls of Rias' peerage, specifically her queen.

"Come on my dear let get married already, you know it's for the greater good of our race." He told her after he finished his gazing and grabbing her hand.

That made her return to the real world, where she immediately pushed him back.

"For the last time, No Riser! I will not marry you, I will marry someone that I love and that loves me back!" She snapped at him, while her eyes turn red and a scary aura surrounded her.

" If you don't want to marry me the easy way than Riser will do it the hard way.."

Riser said in a serious tone as he started generating extremely hot flames in his hands ready to incinerate anything.

"What do you say Rias, if Riser burns you servent's to ashes, will that finally make you see reason?" He questioned as he was lifting his arm up and pointing the flames toward Issei and Raynare that were standing opposite of him.