
DxD: I got Isekai’d In Ecchi girls World

A 16 year boy who is just in hospital youth to enjoy the outside world just happen to chosen by an god where in japan it is hailed as a Almighty Isekai Transfer God. And this 16 year old shin boy was chosen by him to just isekai’d in DxD pr you can call its alternate name Ecchi world. Well lets see how he will survive and live his new life with all the knowledge of world amd cannon. Want to know well you have to add this book to you library and read it.

Vengeance9578 · Anime & Comics
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80 Chs

Chapter 8 How are you doing today?

"I know what you mean. Just the other day, in a conversation we had about what superpowers would be cool to have, he said it'd be awesome to have a mirror that could reflect any attacks back at the person who sent it." Tsubaki said, remembering back to how flustered she got when Shin indirectly called her powers awesome.

"That's an, oddly specific answer," Sona said, now starting to think it was entirely a possibility he knew about the supernatural. This hadn't been the only time that Shin would have hinted at it either, only to do something that would dismiss their thoughts.

"Then why don't we do a test?" Momo said from her corner of the room. "You know, like subtly hint at supernatural things and see if he has any reaction to them," Momo suggested.

"That's a good idea. We'll do that during lunch then." Sona said.

"Morning, Rias," Shin said as he sat down in his seat. Over the last four months, he had developed a semi-close friendship with Rias.

"Morning, Shin. How are you doing today?" Rias asked, flashing her smile. Rias was one of the only people besides Momo that he would often flirt with, but in the case of Rias, it was more of a silent game between the two of them to get the other to blush.

"It is good so far. Made Momo pass out again." Shin said as he sat down in his seat and sat his school bag by his side.

"Really? What did you do this time?" Rias asked, curious about what he did to make Momo pass out, which was a relatively common occurrence, but always happened in a different way.

"I started talking about my penis," Shin said, just as the class took that exact moment to become silent, causing everyone to look at him. Rias smirked and covered her mouth in order to try and hide her chuckling.

"Really? You all had to choose that exact moment to be silent? For fucks sakes." Shin said as he shook his head.

"Ara, ara, this seems to be an interesting conversation." Someone said as they sat on Shin's desk, causing Shin to look to the side and see one Akeno Himejima.

"Well yea, of course. Naturally, a conversation about my penis would be interesting to any girl." Shin said sagely as he rubbed his chin, his eyes closed and his head nodding.

"You're an idiot. You know that, right?" Rias said from his side as the whole class deadpanned at him.

"Speaking about penis', has anybody seen Bofa today? He was supposed to be here." Shin said, internally smirking and cackling madly.

"Bofa? Who's that?" Rias asked curiously but regretted it the instant she saw the grin on Shin's face. Meanwhile, Shin was laughing like a madman on the inside at finally getting the chance to use some memes from his previous life.

"Who else? Bofa deez nuts! HA!" Shin said as he laughed madly, meanwhile, everyone else in the room just looked at him like an idiot. "Oh, come on, that was funny!" Shin said as he started to sulk.

"I was wrong, you're not an idiot. You're a complete moron." Rias said, Shin seemingly being physically attacked bye her words as he grabbed his heart in pain.

"You are all uncultured," Shin said as his face fell and smacked his desk in depression. Despite all this, everyone started to laugh. Although the joke he made could definitely be considered offensive, they all knew that's just how Shin was, and he didn't mean anything by it.

"So now you all laugh," Shin said as he only went deeper into depression. After a little bit, everyone went back to what they were doing while waiting for class to start and Shin was knocked out of his depression as he felt a pair of squishy things land on his head.

"No need to be so depressed, Shin. If you wanted, there is always, certain, ways we could cure that depression." Akeno's voice tickled his ear.

In an instant, his depression gone, he sat up and punched his fist into his hand. "To the janitor's closet!" Shin said excitedly, causing Akeno to giggle.

"Shin." Rias' voice called out, a dangerous edge to the voice.

Turning around, Shin looked at Rias, before suddenly coming to an epiphany. "Oh, how rude of me," Shin said as he suddenly had an arm hanging around Akeno's shoulder. "Rias, would you like to have a threesome in the janitor's closet with Akeno and me?" Shin said, causing Rias' face to go red.

"Ara, ara. It sounds like a good idea to me. What do you say Rias?" Akeno said as she leaned into Shin and relished in Rias' blushing face. Akeno was the third, and final, person that he often flirted with, as she too was in on the silent game Rias and him were having to see who could get the other to blush. Thus far, Shin hadn't lost once.

Figuring this might be her opportunity to finally get him to blush, she decided to play along. Standing up and pushing her breasts into Shin's arm. "I wouldn't be opposed to the idea," Rias said against Shin's ear, causing him to shiver a bit, but didn't blush.

"Alright! Got the condoms in my back pocket, time to cross off one of the most important milestones in any man's life!" Shin said as he started walking off with them, everyone's eyes following them. By now, it was more of a game of chicken than anything else.

Just as they reached the door however, their teacher chose this exact moment to make his appearance. "And where do you three think you're going?" The teacher said with a dangerous tone, thinking they were about to skip class.

"We are about to go have a threesome in the janitor's closet," Shin said bluntly, causing Rias and Akeno to blush while the teacher's face faulted.

"You can't be serious." The teacher said, giving him an 'are you stupid' look.

"My erection disagrees." Shin once again stated bluntly, causing Akeno and Rias' blush to deepen.

"Just go to your seats." The teacher said as he groaned and the bell signaling the start of the class rung.

"Damn, so close," Shin said disappointed as he walked back to his seat, sulking the whole way.