
DxD: I got Isekai’d In Ecchi girls World

A 16 year boy who is just in hospital youth to enjoy the outside world just happen to chosen by an god where in japan it is hailed as a Almighty Isekai Transfer God. And this 16 year old shin boy was chosen by him to just isekai’d in DxD pr you can call its alternate name Ecchi world. Well lets see how he will survive and live his new life with all the knowledge of world amd cannon. Want to know well you have to add this book to you library and read it.

Vengeance9578 · Anime & Comics
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80 Chs

Chapter 59 She was getting ready for her shower

Not long after, Grayfia threw the door open, furious. She was wearing only a towel, her entire body and hair covered in some kind of red liquid.

Shin turned in his spiny chair and looked at Grayfia with a shit-eating grin. "What's wrong Grayfia? Having a rough night?" Grayfia glared at him, infuriated.

When she was getting ready for her shower, she had sat on the toilet to relieve herself of her bladder beforehand, only to find out much too late that there was saran wrap on the toilet, resulting in her urinating all over herself.

Quickly hopping off the toilet, she jumped into the shower to wash all the pee off, only to find out much too late once again, that Shin had tampered with the showerhead, resulting in the water coming out being died red, dying her hair and her skin red.

She jumped out of the shower, going to the closet to grab a towel, only to find there were no towels, forcing her to go next door to Rias' room, naked, died red, and urine still on her body to get one, utterly humiliated.

She was then going to Shin's room and yell at him, only find that he had trapped his door, his doorknob shocking her with a bolt of electricity when she grabbed it.

Maybe if she wasn't so angry, she would have thought to check if there were any more traps, however, she was clouded by her anger. So she didn't see the bucket over Shin's door slowly tipping over, not until she felt something tiny drop on her head.

Looking up, her eyes widened in horror when she saw a bucket above her tipping over, releasing a multitude of specs, all of different glistening colors. She quickly closed her eyes and mouth, not wanting to get whatever it was in her eyes or mouth.

Shin laughed as he watched Grayfia get covered with tens of thousands of pieces of glitter. Which due to the liquid on her body, stuck to her very easily. She was covered in glitter for head to toe. He did wince however when he saw all the glitter on the floor. That was going to be a pain in the ass to clean up. It would be worth it, however.

Grayfia opened her eyes just in time to see a flash go off, forcing her to close her eyes again. When she opened them, she saw Shin standing there, holding his phone. "Yes, this is a very nice picture. I think I will set it as my background." Shin said Grayfia mortified.

"Well, now you have three options Grayfia. One, you can go outside and wash off in the lake. Two, go ask to use someone else's shower, or you can use my shower and save some of your dignity. Of course, you have no idea what other traps I have set up." Shin said.

Grayfia glared at him, refusing to give Shin the satisfaction of doing what he wanted, she huffed and turned around. Unknow to Grayfia, Shin smiled at her decision. It seems his plan was working out quite well.

He turned and watched out the window as Grayfia approached the lake, stepping into it, only to step back out. He smirked as she used her magic to light up the night, looking closer at the lake, only to find it was completely filled with salt.

Shin's smirk widened as he heard Grayfia release a groan of frustration. Turning around she saw Shin laughing at her from his window as he stared at her. Her only response was to flip him the bird as she walked back inside, going to Rias' room.

She knocked on Rias' door. Rias opened it, looked shocked for a second, before starting to laugh. "What happened to you?!" Rias asked through her laughs, to which Grayfia only glared.

"I'm going to kill that servant of yours," Grayfia said before walking past her without another word, and into her bathroom. This time, she checked to make sure there were no more traps. She checked if there were towels, if there was soap, and if there was shampoo. Seeing there was nothing wrong, she turned the nozzle to the shower to see if it would be died red, only to find the shower wouldn't turn on.

She kept turning, both the cold and hot, however, the shower wouldn't turn on. 'Are you kidding me?! He turned off all the water as well?!' Grayfia screamed in her head, frustrated. She stomped back out of Rias' room, ignoring her comments as she walked past her.

So frustrated was she, that she forgot once again that Shin's door was trapped and ended up electrocuting herself once again. Hearing Shin's chuckles on the other side of the door caused her to see red, barging into the room.

"Come back to use my shower, have you?" Shin said, smirking from his chair, having waited for Grayfia to realize he had turned everybody but his and her rooms water off. "I promise, no pranks in there," Shin said, however, Grayfia didn't really trust his word.

This resulted in her taking one very paranoid shower that lasted several hours due to her struggling to wash all the glitter off. As she came out, wrapped in a new towel, her hair as well wrapped in a towel, she glared at him for a second before leaving his room without a word, much too angry to speak to him. Especially not when he just stared at her with that shit-eating grin.

After she left Shin's room, Shin just smiled and laid down in his bed. Enjoying the frustrated grunts, she kept making when she would realize something else, he did to her room. The first being that he had flipped her comforter, so the tag was at the front and not the bottom. After that was when she noticed he had stolen her sheets, forcing her to come back to his room to get them back.

All the chapters of this book are here. Visit patreon now to read the entire book.

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