
DxD: I got Isekai’d In Ecchi girls World

A 16 year boy who is just in hospital youth to enjoy the outside world just happen to chosen by an god where in japan it is hailed as a Almighty Isekai Transfer God. And this 16 year old shin boy was chosen by him to just isekai’d in DxD pr you can call its alternate name Ecchi world. Well lets see how he will survive and live his new life with all the knowledge of world amd cannon. Want to know well you have to add this book to you library and read it.

Vengeance9578 · Anime & Comics
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80 Chs

Chapter 57 Can you help them?

However, there was one flaw in everything that Shin had not and would not point out. That being the fact that Shin didn't want Rias to win. That's not to say he would sabotage progress; however, he would not actively participate to his best ability in the panning of the fight, and the fight itself.

There was something key that would happen if Rias lost that Shin wanted to take full advantage of. So, he would have to shy away from helping them too much with the planning of the upcoming battle. "Very true Rias. It's much easier said than done to disable the phoenix clans immortally. Only holy magic can disable it, and even then, not completely. Our best bet would be to outlast him." Shin explained, Rias sighing at Shin's conclusion that she had arrived at as well.

"Any ideas as to how to do that?" Rias asked, already haven coming up to a blank. Shin could think of many, using Akeno's holy lightning, using his holy energy, Koneko could use Senjutsu to disrupt his magic and stop him from healing altogether, or even something as simple as a suppressing seal. He has used suppressing chains before, he doubted it would be that much of a stretch to use a suppressing seal that would take away Riser's magic.

Shin, however, shook his head in a negative. "No, I don't." Rias looked down dejected. "However, we have ten days to figure that out." Shin said, purposefully making sure her focus was entirely on Riser. If her focus was on trying to figure out Riser, she wouldn't take into account that both Ravel and Yubelluna posed big threats as well.

Shin didn't see this as sabotage but instead withholding information.

Rias nodded to Shin, regaining some hope. "Alright, come on everyone, let's put our things in our rooms," Rias said as she walked off, everyone except Shin following after her.

Once they left, Asia came up behind Shin and latched onto his arm. "Does Rias and everyone have a chance of winning?" Asia asked, watching as the group left. Shin had explained to her who Rias and her peerage were, as well as Sona and her peerage, so she understood most of what was going on at the moment.

"No," Shin said, turning his focus to Yuki, who at the moment was rubbing her back all over the ball Asia was throwing, trying to rub her scent onto and mark it as hers.

"Can you help them?" Asia asked.


"Are you going to help them?"

Shin shifted his focus back to Asia, looking into her eyes. "No," Shin said, Asia looking down. "Do you disagree with my decision?" Shin asked Asia, making her flinch, refusing to look Shin in the eyes.

However, Shin pulled her gaze back up to his eyes with his finger under her chin. "Do you trust me, Asia?"

"With my life!" Asia replied, unwavering as she nodded viscously. Shin smiled, placing a kiss on her forehead, resulting in a furious blush on Asia's face.

"Then trust me on this Asia. It will be better if they lose this fight." Asia looked hesitant for a second, before nodding, placing her faith in Shin and that he knew what he was doing. She refused to believe that Shin would be as cold-hearted to subject Rias to a fate she didn't want.

(Scene Break)

A week later and they were nearing the end of their ten-day training period. During this time, Rias had Akeno train Issei in using his magic. Shin meanwhile had been experimenting with hypothetical magic attacks and continuing to train his body.

At the current moment, Shin was doing one of his all-time favorite exercises. Sweat dripped off his long black hair, which by now has grown out to the point where it touches his shoulder blades, his coal-like eyes set in determination as he bent down, his hands come up to grip the expansive rubber of his equipment.

His face red from the exertion of the reps he had done previously, chalk covering both his hands and forearms to draw all the moisture out of them and give him a better grip. Using his back and core, Shin explosively stood up, bringing the 500kg tire up with him, the tire being thrown up to the level of his bottom rib.

Expertly sliding his right knee under the tire due to years of experience doing the exercise, his hand coming off the tire and quickly placing them back on in a different position. Sweat dripped onto the ground and tire as his bare chest rise and fall, heavy breaths coming from Shin.

Taking only a moment's rest as the tire rested on his knee, he used his legs, hips, and leverage of his arms to push the tire, successfully push the tire up vertical to the ground. The satisfaction of successfully flipping a 500kg tire filling his entire body. However, he wasn't going to stop there.

Pushing the tire over, the tire hit the ground with a thump, Shin quickly bending down to repeat the process he had done several times already. His concentration was wholly on the tire and the movements he was taking to flip the tire.

So concentrated on the lift, he didn't even notice when the air lit up with crimson magic circles all over, the tell-tale sign of a barrier being procured around him, before disappearing as if nothing ever happened.

At least, not until he finished his rep, the tire once again vertical to the ground, however just as he was about to push it over so he could attack it once again, he could see somebodies body through the hold of the tire, however considering the tire was well over six feet tall, they weren't tall enough for their head to show.

Pausing so he didn't throw a 500kg tire and crush the person, he was about to look around the tire to see who had interrupted his tire flipping session. However, he froze when he finally took notice of the clothes the person was wearing.

All the chapters of this book are here. Visit patreon now to read the entire book.

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