
DxD: I got Isekai’d In Ecchi girls World

A 16 year boy who is just in hospital youth to enjoy the outside world just happen to chosen by an god where in japan it is hailed as a Almighty Isekai Transfer God. And this 16 year old shin boy was chosen by him to just isekai’d in DxD pr you can call its alternate name Ecchi world. Well lets see how he will survive and live his new life with all the knowledge of world amd cannon. Want to know well you have to add this book to you library and read it.

Vengeance9578 · Anime & Comics
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80 Chs

Chapter 35 She was ready.

Rias, hearing even Akeno reprimand her, finally realized her mistakes. "What am I to do now? You heard him, he hated me." Rias said, falling backward onto the couch by her.

Akeno shook her head at her master's naivety. "Shin never once said that. However, if you do nothing, that may come true. You have until your engagement is nulled to make it up to Shin." Akeno explained.

"How am I supposed to make it up to him?" Rias asked, lost. She had never had to fix a situation like this before.

"If I tell you that, you will learn nothing. I can't hold your hand through this Rias. As Shin said, you dug your own grave, not it's time for you to lay in it." Akeno said before going back to whatever she was doing in the other room.

Meanwhile, Rias sighed and sunk deeper into the couch. She had no clue how to make it up to Shin.

(Scene Break)

The school day was awkward for Shin to say the very least. Since Rias sat right next to him, she spent the entire school day sneaking guilty glances at him but never made any move to say anything. It was both irritating and awkward.

However, once school ended, the intercom had sounded out and called for Shin to come to the student council room. It would seem that Sona had something she wanted to talk with him about. He was curious about whether it would be an attempt to earn back his trust, or for other reasons.

Either way, Shin planned on going there. He just wished Rias would hurry up and get her head out of her ass so he could move onto the next stage of his plan as the next stage heavily revolved around Rias and her peerage.

Walking into the student council room, he took notice that Sona was the only person in there currently, which was weird considering school just ended. Normally everyone would be here at this time. This meant that Sona wanted to talk to him alone.

"So, what did you want me for Sona?" Shin asked, leaning up against the back wall. Sona pulled out a chessboard and set up the pieces, using her hand to signal Shin to sit in front of her. Shin sighed if she wanted to drag out this whole thing, that was up to her.

Taking the seat in front of her, they began their game of chess. Shin knew that Sona wouldn't call him here just to play a game of chess, be he was also a patient person, so didn't rush anything. Sona would talk to him about her reasons for bringing him here once she was ready.

About halfway through the game, Sona finally decided to come out with what she brought him here for. "Look, Shin, I know that betrayed your trust, and for that I am sorry. However, I am not sorry I told my sister what I heard. You may be my friend, but she is my sister. My loyalties lie with her, no matter how good a friend you are." Sona said, triggering a smile from Shin.

Sona was confused when she saw Shin smile. She was expecting him to be angry, hurt, or even storm out of the room. Smiling, however, was not one of the things she expected to see from him. "Why are you smiling." Sona confusedly asked.

"I'm smiling because you chose the right answer," Shin said, moving his piece on the chessboard and letting out a quick declaration of check. "In fact, I would have thought less of you if you had so easily betrayed your sister, your own flesh and blood. You acknowledged that what you did was a betrayal of my trust. But you also saw that it was the correct thing to do. You get an A+!" Shin said, Sona chuckling.

"Do you ever not manipulate people?" Sona asked, amused by the situation. She had figured out after Shin had left that what she saw the day before was all a ruse. For what, she did not know. However, she had realized that Shin was putting on an act to convince them, or rather Rias, that he was unstable.

Shin smirked and shrugged his shoulders. "What can I say? It would be a was not to put my innate talent of manipulating people to use." Shin said, watching bitterly as Sona made her next move in their game of chess. He was losing.

"And what of Rias? I am assuming you are also manipulating her into doing something." Sona said, causing Shin to chuckle at her deduction capabilities. Shin could not lie and say Sona was not a smart person.

"Yes, I am. However, it's not like the way I was manipulating you. I wanted to see if you would fold under pressure and betray your family. I wanted to see if you were a trustworthy person with good morals." Shin explained, Sona clicking her tongue once she noticed she had been played like a fiddle.

"However, with Rias, I want to teach her a lesson. More specifically, I want her to get her head out of her ass." Not expecting an answer like that from Shin, Sona couldn't stop herself from snorting in amusement.

"And how are you going to do that?" Sona silently agreed with Shin, however since Rias was one of her greatest friends, she would not openly admit say it aloud. That would be a betrayal of the friendship between the two of them.

"Well, I told her that I had made a deal with her brother. That deal is that if I end her engagement, he will grant me high-class devil status." Sona's eyes widened, catching onto the unsaid meaning to his words. "So, you realize I used Rias to get to her brother. She didn't seem to catch onto that when I told her, but she isn't exactly the sharpest tool in the shack." Shin said, taking a dig at Rias' smarts.


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