
DxD: I got Isekai’d In Ecchi girls World

A 16 year boy who is just in hospital youth to enjoy the outside world just happen to chosen by an god where in japan it is hailed as a Almighty Isekai Transfer God. And this 16 year old shin boy was chosen by him to just isekai’d in DxD pr you can call its alternate name Ecchi world. Well lets see how he will survive and live his new life with all the knowledge of world amd cannon. Want to know well you have to add this book to you library and read it.

Vengeance9578 · Anime & Comics
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80 Chs

Chapter 34 That's not true!

He had not expected Sona to arrive at the scene of him killing the three fallen. However, her decision to leave him for dead; it did hurt him. Every word he spoke was the truth and every feeling he expressed was genuine. Which for Shin, was a rare occurrence.

Now, however, it was time to confront Rias, which unlike the confrontation with Sona, would not be so peaceful, that he was sure of. Knowing Rias, she would take no responsibility at all for her actions and would show very little if not no remorse at all for what she did.

Opening the door, he walked into the ORC, hearing the sound of a cup breaking nearly the instant he entered the room. His attention drawn to it, he looked to the side and saw Rias look at him in shock, a broken cup at her feet.

"Shin?!" Rias exclaimed in surprise.

Shin showed no emotion, remaining neutral. "Surprised?" Shin asked, giving even Koneko a run for her money at the emotionless tone and front he had put up.

"You! But… You are…" Rias stammered, unable to put together a complete sentence.

"I'm supposed to be dead. Cut open on a table, being examined under a microscope." Shin stated, still not showing any emotions.

Rias didn't know how to respond. This whole situation was surprising to her. She had not expected to ever see Shin again.

"I would say I'm surprised or hurt by your actions, by really it's not surprising at all. This isn't the first time you've left me for dead anyway." Shin said, surprised when Rias looked away in remorse. It was something he wasn't expecting to say the least.

"I'm sorry Shin. But I had an obligation to report what you said. It wasn't my choice to have to dissected." Rias said, this part not surprising Shin in the least.

"No, I get it. You had no choice. You had to let me die, again." Shin sarcastically said. "Tell me this though Rias. What did you get out of it?" Shin asked, Rias looking at him in surprise.

"What do you mean?" Rias asked, nervous and surprised.

"Well, you were about to have one of your peerage members taken away without any say in the matter. A strong one at that. Obviously, they would give you compensation for such a thing. So, tell me. What were they going to give you in exchange?" Shin asked, genuinely curious.

Rias looked away, not wanting to answer. "Rias, I'm going to find out one way or another. If not by you, then I'll have Sona ask her sister, and Sona would gladly do so in order to try and restore our strained relationship at the moment. Do you really want to add that on top of everything that you've done to me?" Shin asked, some anger leaking into his voice.

Rias sighed deeply. "In exchange for you, since you were reincarnated with eight pawn pieces, they would give me something I valued as equal value. I chose for my engagement to be nulled and all future ones as well." Rias said.

Shin chuckled, expecting something like this. "So, in the end, I served my purpose. You let me die the first time to annul your engagement anyway. And hey, look, I even got you future protection from other engagements. I more than served my purpose, didn't I?" Shin sarcastically said, causing Rias too look down.

"Tell the truth, you'd prefer it if I was dead. Wouldn't you? Then you wouldn't have to ever worry about situations like forced marriages ever again." Shin said. This was the reason why Shin was upset with Rias and not Sona.

Sona, although she told her sister about what she had witnessed, she didn't do it for personal gain, but instead out of a sense of obligation. Rias, however, fully used it to her advantage.

"Of course I wouldn't prefer that!" Rias yelled. However, Shin didn't buy it.

"So, you're telling me, you can look me in the eyes, and say that you don't have a shred of disappointment that your deal fell through?" Shin asked, unbelieving.

Rias, responding to Shin, looked him dead in the eyes. "I feel no disappointment at my deal falling through. You're important to me." Rias said, causing Shin to feel nothing but disgust.

"You disgust me. To so easily look me in the eyes like that and lie." Shin said, angered by her.

"That's not true!" Rias defended.

"Bullshit! If that was true, the deal never would have been made in the first place." Shin said, Rias looking away at being called out on her lie. "You dug your grave Rias, now it's time to lay in it. Own up to your mistakes, admit you were wrong. Otherwise, there will be consequences." Shin said, Rias snapping her head towards him.

"Are you threatening me?" Rias asked dangerously, narrowing her eyes at him.

Shin just rolled his eyes, expecting this from her. She needed to learn some shame and humility. "No, I'm telling you to grow up. If you want me to ever hold any respect towards you, then own up to your mistakes." Shin said, causing Rias to huff and look away.

Shin just shook his head. He didn't expect anything more from her. "Alright, whatever. Well, you should know I made a deal with your brother." This caught Rias' attention, causing her to look back at him in wonder. "I'll end your engagement with Riser…" Rias' eyes widened, surprised. "And in exchange, Sirzechs will make me a high-class devil." Rias was now thoroughly shocked.

"Once I become a high-class devil, I'll be cutting ties with you." Shin left the room after he said that, leaving Rias shocked. She couldn't believe what Shin had just said.

It was at this moment that Akeno came out from the other room. "He's right you know. It's your decisions that put you in this decision. You need to own up to your mistakes." Akeno said, reasoning with Rias.


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