
DxD: I got Isekai’d In Ecchi girls World

A 16 year boy who is just in hospital youth to enjoy the outside world just happen to chosen by an god where in japan it is hailed as a Almighty Isekai Transfer God. And this 16 year old shin boy was chosen by him to just isekai’d in DxD pr you can call its alternate name Ecchi world. Well lets see how he will survive and live his new life with all the knowledge of world amd cannon. Want to know well you have to add this book to you library and read it.

Vengeance9578 · Anime & Comics
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80 Chs

Chapter 31 Bite his tongue.

"I want you to make me a high-class devil if I end it," Shin said, suddenly feeling Sirzechs killing intent come back in full right after his statement. Of course, Shin had assumed something like this and had already planned accordingly.

"Give me one reason why I shouldn't kill you right now?" Sirzechs asked, his power of destruction flaring to life and sparking off his fingers.

"Because I'm worth too much to lose," Shin said, causing Sirzechs eyes to narrow. "It's not surprising you wouldn't know. After all, Rias isn't the sharpest tool in the shack." Sirzechs power of destruction grew stronger, causing Shin to smirk. He was really protective of Rias.

"My sacred gear's abilities at the current time is complete control over my body, and by extension, magic. On top of that, I have the ability to adapt to anything. You're a smart person, I'm sure you can see the potential." Shin explained, causing Sirzechs power of destruction to disappear in an instant.

"Does that mean you could even adopt other magics?" Sirzechs asked, shocked and intrigued. His question was answered when Shin suddenly formed a spear of light. "Astonishing," Sirzechs said, marveling at how he could now feel the holy magic inside of Shin. He could feel two completely different magic reserves, one of which being demonic, the other holy.

"Yes, it really is amazing. However, you think too small. Sure, being able to adapt to magic alone is a power beyond value. However, I said it can adapt to anything." Sirzechs eyes widened to epic proportions.

"So, you're finally seeing the big picture. Why stop at magic? If I can adapt the qualities of magic, why not adapt to the unique qualities of people. All I would need is some DNA, and if the person has something unique about them, such as your famous Power of Destruction, my sacred gear would adapt and take on the qualities, integrating it into myself. I would gain the Power of Destruction. And all it would take is something as simple as a drop of blood." Shin explained.

Sirzechs was shaken. Such power was definitely too valuable to lose, they couldn't run the risk of losing it. It was then that he realized something. "Don't tell me, you already-" Sirzechs' statement was cut short when Shin held out his palm and an orb or Power of Destruction appeared in it.

"I and Rias have made out a few times. Saliva is as good as DNA as any." Shin said smugly, smirking from ear to ear. "However, don't make the misconception that I don't care about Rias, or that she's merely a pawn. I do care for her, as both a friend and a potential love interest."

Sirzechs scowled. "And how do I know you won't end Rias' engagement whether you become a high-class devil for it or not? If she is a friend and a potential love interest as you say she is, would you really let her fall into the hands of someone else?" Sirzechs asked rhetorically.

Shin smirked; it was a good question. "Maybe I will, maybe I won't. The question is… Do you want to run that risk?" Shin asked, tilting his head to the side.

Sirzechs had no choice but to bite his tongue. "I'll give it to you, you are smart. But don't think you will be able to do stuff like this in the future again and get away with it. The only reason your alive today is because of the potential of your sacred gear." Sirzechs said as he stood up.

"I'd think less of you if I was able to," Shin said. "So, I assume we have a deal then?" Shin asked, knowing the answer already.

"Yes. If you end Rias' engagement to Riser, I will make sure you are awarded high-class devil stature." Sirzechs said, teleporting out of the room, and finally allowing Shin the chance to breath easy. Constantly antagonizing a man who could kill you with a flick of his wrist for almost half an hour was worrying to say the least.

His entire plan rode on the fact that Sirzechs didn't just outright kill him. Luckily, Sirzechs was a smart person, so he knew not to do something so rash. And now that he had his position as a high-class devil secured, he had everything he wanted really. Now all that was needed was to defeat Riser.

Now, he wouldn't have to act like a disturbed teenager anymore. However, it did come at the cost of everyone thinking he was one and that he had some edgy tragic backstory, but hey, it worked for Sasuke. Maybe it will work for him too.

(Scene Break)

Walking down the street, Shin was carrying food in his hands. Three bags from this world McDonalds, as he arrived at the abandoned church. He had some people to visit. Walking into the abandoned church, he walked down the steps hidden behind a podium and walked into a room, watching as three people were trying to pull chains out of the wall.

Smirking, he walked forward and cleared his throat, making his presence known to the three. "Mittelt! You were supposed to keep watch and tell us when he was coming!" Raynare shouted, causing Mittelt to look down.

Shin chuckled, amused. "It's of no concern. I knew you would all try and escape anyways. But those chains connected to your neck suppress your supernatural powers. You're as strong as regular human at the moment." Shin said as he sat down on the front podium.

This situation right here was the aftermath of his sacred gear, the control aspect of it. His sacred gear makes it to where he doesn't need to know the how-to to anything he wanted to do. Just what he wanted to do.

Whatever he desired, his sacred gear would feed on his magic and make it into reality. And so, when he made that dome barrier of repulsive force, it also acted as an illusion. He didn't know how when it came to how the illusion worked, but that was the beauty of his sacred gear. He didn't need to.


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