
DxD: I got Isekai’d In Ecchi girls World

A 16 year boy who is just in hospital youth to enjoy the outside world just happen to chosen by an god where in japan it is hailed as a Almighty Isekai Transfer God. And this 16 year old shin boy was chosen by him to just isekai’d in DxD pr you can call its alternate name Ecchi world. Well lets see how he will survive and live his new life with all the knowledge of world amd cannon. Want to know well you have to add this book to you library and read it.

Vengeance9578 · Anime & Comics
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80 Chs

Chapter 10 Let's go on a date this Saturday!

Afterword, he made a call to Sona, informing her that he would be late to school because of a doctor's appointment. Suffice to say, she wasn't happy that he was going to miss half the school day because of an abrupt doctor's appointment.

After going through his normal morning routine, he went to the doctors in which he explained the situation, in which he was going through several inrushes of hormones, and while he was there, they measured his height, in which he grew another five centimeters overnight.

After going through several scans, blood work, and urine tests, the doctor came back with all the information an hour later, the clock on the wall reading 10:30 A.M.

"We got all your results back Mr. Hyoudou, and for the most part, you are a very healthy person. Your heart, liver, and kidney function are well above the healthy standard. Your blood pressure isn't amazing, but it's still in the healthy range. White blood cell counts good, glucose levels fine, but then there's this." The doctor said as he handed Shin a clipboard and pointed to a certain portion of the paper.

"This right here is your testosterone and estrogen. It's off the charts, the likes of which we only see in someone who has been taking several hundred mg of steroids daily. Yet on the tox screen, it confirmed you have not been taking any. To be completely honest, we've never seen anything like it. Your body, for some reason we can't explain, is producing way more testosterone and estrogen than needed." The doctor said, shocking Shin.

'What? That doesn't make any sense. Unless…' His eyes widened; he came to a conclusion. 'It's my sacred gear. Sacred gears respond to its users' desires, and my desire currently is to go through a bulking phase and get stronger. My sacred gear is forcing my body to do all this.' Shin thought.

"Is it dangerous? Is this going to affect me at all?" Shin asked, needing to know if these levels of testosterone and estrogen would have any effect on him.

"Yes, it is definitely dangerous. You may be healthy right now, but if your testosterone and estrogen levels don't go down, you could be looking at damage to your heart, sudden rage episodes, or even strokes." The doctor told Shin.

'Well shit. But, if I think about it, it makes sense. Assuming this is my sacred gear reacting to my desires, then my desire was to get to 90kg as quickly as possible. My sacred gear responded by doing the things necessary to do as such, resulting in these levels of testosterone and estrogen. So if I wanted to lower my levels, all I should need to do is change my desire to getting to 90kg as quick as possible without causing any damage to my body.' Shin thought.

"For now, I'm going to prescribe you these medications." The doctor said as he handed Shin several pill bottles. "Take one of each of these pills every single morning. We will call you back in a week to see if it helps at all." The doctor said.

"Alright, thanks doc," Shin said as he stood up and left the doctor's office, throwing all the pill bottles in the trash outside the hospital on his way out.

Currently, because of his sacred gear, he now weighed 74kg, which meant he had gained almost 20kg over the course of four months. This kind of weight gain was just insane. At the rate he was gaining weight the past two days, if he kept at it like this, he would reach 90kg in around eight days.

The question was, did he want to risk it and just let his sacred gear continue to go the way it was for eight days and potentially cause damage to his body, or slow down so he reached 90kg within the next two months.

The more he thought about it, it didn't really matter either way. Once he did reach 90kg, he would just cut anyways, which means his sacred gear would change his levels once again, and his sacred gear would give him the effects similar to anabolic steroids, which means he would cut at an extremely fast pace. It would only take three months at most to cut down.

So, decided to play it the safest way possible, he decided he would extend his six-month bulk to a nine-month bulk. Then he would cut for three months. This safest and healthiest option possible with the time he had. He just hoped he didn't grow any taller. He was already 6'3 in American terms. He didn't need to be any taller than that.

(Time Skip: 8 Months)

"Ummm, your Shin Hyoudou right?" Shin looked to the right to see a girl standing a few meters away from him. "W-Would you please be my boyfriend." The girl stated, looking at the ground with a huge blush on her face.

It has been eight months since his doctor's appointment, and he had changed a lot in that time. He had successfully bulked up to 90kg, and then cut down to 80kg, currently sitting at eleven percent body fat. Suffice to say, with his height of 190cm or 6'3, and his current weight, he looked very similar to a calisthenics bodybuilder. Or, if it was easier to imagine, a professional football player.

'Finally, it's about time cannon came. Although I wish I was more prepared for it. Currently, I'm just a strong human, but I might as well be a fly to supernatural beings. It definitely would have helped if I had learned more about my sacred gear.' Shin thought as he tuned out the girl talking next to him, he already knew what she was going to say, as this was Yuuma Amano or the fallen angel Raynare.

"Yea, sure," Shin said as he heard Yuuma ask him out on a date.

"That's great!" Yuuma said with a large smile plastered on her face. If it wasn't for the fact that Shin already knew who she really was, he would be completely fooled by her. She was definitely an Oscar-worthy actor.

"Let's go on a date this Saturday!" Yuuma said as she walked away. "I really am happy you're my boyfriend!" Yuuma shouted to him as she left the walkway.


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