
DXD: Heavenly restriction

Rias’s older brother and middle child of the Gremory clan born without even a trace of magic in his body. A dissatisfying child compared to his eldest brother and youngest sister. A child abandoned by the heavens. Such a disgrace to his clan that his own mother couldn’t bare to look at him. Why was he born? In world of gods and goddesses demons and devils Why was he born with not a trace of power born to the strongest of devils? An outlier like him. Will he get revenge for their failure? or will he realize the world he was born in needs change? needs revolution? ________________________________ no harem and very little romance more darker elements to the dxd show and less playful also MC will have more powers then just heavenly restriction. Btw the MC isn’t reincarnated my own OC born into DXD, Also the MC isn’t going to be extremely intelligent or crazy op, He’ll be strong but like not a super devil in 20 chaps.

Key_Tye · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 18: New Birthday

Flashback: A couple of years ago

"Ugh.." Kashin groaned trembling the black mark having spread from all along his palm to his back shoulders and neck, His eyes trembled finding it hard to keep himself still.

"Let me go! I-I don't know you…." He struggled his legs trembled as he fought back against the mark threatening to take over his skin.

A sickening sound of Iron making contact with meat rang out as Kashin was sent tumbling to the floor, His lips bloodied and a red mark spread across his cheek, A horrific sight on such an innocent face.

"….You have nothing at all… You have no family, no friends, No power, No talent... Not a single thing…" He kneels down cupping his cheek in his hand "Be useful for once… And be obedient to me." All that met him were red eyes filled with malice in a fit of anger kashin bit down hard on Yamato's palm.

The scientist's eyes widened for a bit before he sighed, backhanding the boy and making him fly knocking him back with a tooth being chipped off.

"You're like an insolent animal regardless of how many treats I give you, How many offers I give you, You just refuse to choose what's good for you… That's alright though… Even a disobedient animal will be obedient with proper training…"

Present day: Forbidden Sea, Mist of impurity

As the sun was setting, its orange light filtered through the thick smoke to illuminate the devastated landscape.

The area was once home to a beautiful piece of Gaia, filled with large beautiful trees and oceans of things only devils can dream of.

Now, all that remained was a vast crater, several dozens of miles wide and as deep as the heavens, Charred remains of trees and mountains lined the edges of the gigantic hole in the ground, with only smoldering ashes left of what once was.

It was as if the very earth had opened up and swallowed the place, A forbidden place such as this with its enormous size and unmatched beauty turned into a blemish in the very underworld.

The newly born star having left a permanent scar across the underworld.

While large and desolate the most unnerving thing was the silence of it all, No birds sang no animals to speak of not even ants or grasshoppers or crickets, Once booming with monsters the size of houses now just a quiet reminder of the magnificence of the stars.

On top of one of the very few mountain peaks left a blood-red teleportation circle appeared, flashing with a powerful demonic red hue before five people presumably devils stepped out.

Sirzechs Lucifer, and his wife Grayfia Lucifuge, next to Grayfia stood a shorter woman with long black hair tied into pigtails and purple eyes that shined like amethyst.

Next to her stood Ajuka Beelzebub and to the left of him stood a man with black hair and oddly colored blond bangs, A black beard to match his obsidian-colored eyes that seemed to suck in the light around them.

"Roughly 326.52 Miles in diameter… Temperature as high as a small white dwarf star's surface… Air seems to lack hydrogen and oxygen, And air pressure is extremely high and dehydrated I think you all know what happened here." Ajuka said pushing up his glasses a bit higher on the bridge of his nose.

"Birth of a new celestial object… One which almost immediately collapsed in on itself… Though I'm still wondering who has the energy and power necessary to create such a thing..." the black blond-haired man said with narrowed eyes, "As far as I'm aware only father, eldest brother, and main gods of other pantheons hold such power…"

"No other pantheon would want to leave their comfortable home to just play in the underworld... Especially by not informing me.." Sirzechs sighed rubbing his aching temples this was a headache of monstrous proportions.

"This could've been much worse if all my assumptions are correct there was another energy source that was keeping the supernova at bay slightly tanking the explosion…" Ajuka said once more, though there wasn't much you could do to minimize a supernova.

"How will you explain this to the general public Sirzechs?… we can't just tell them "oh yeah! There's a godlike entity blowing up and creating stars just be careful guys!!!" The shorter black-haired woman said mockingly with a mix of sarcasm and genuine worry in her eyes.

"Call it an experiment… of Ajuka's that went wrong?" The blond-haired man said after some contemplation.

"Yea as if they'd believe I was that dumb… Seriously Azazal you should consider a career in human stand-up comedy…" Ajuka snorted as if he would be dumb enough to cause such destruction.

Ajuka never liked the fallen angel leader nor did the fallen angel like him, for one he was lazy and an antithesis of everything Ajuka stood for which Azazal believed in reverse that Ajuka was too serious and moody.

Second, he was a pervert through and through which Ajuka could let slide if it weren't for the fact he was a massive hypocrite about it.

Third the fallen angel "leader" in his eyes was completely incompetent as an administrator and couldn't control his subordinates not to mention his lackluster idea of leadership, The two were like oil and water everytime they met.

"That could work…" Sirzechs said finally though his eyes or mind weren't really on the conversation at hand, rather his mind trailing the familiar scent he got here.

A feeling of nausea hit him as he was thinking of the scent he was trailing, His eyes became unfocused for a second the negative energy in this area was too high to the point where it affected even him a being of god-level caliber.

The blood connection one had with the family told him someone that had his blood had been here, And their blood had been spilled here.

'Must be my imagination… this is impossible.' He shook his head to clear himself of those thoughts rather than focusing on the task at hand, Which was to calm the public down.

"I think it would be best to just blame this on an implosion of magical powers …" Azazal said stroking his beard "You really think they'd believe that?" grayfia said raising an eyebrow.

"They won't... But what other idea would make sense? The common people will have to believe it… as long as a little bit of order is restored." Azazal said flatly not taking it to heart.

"Just tell them Sirzechs was having a hissy fit and caused a giant explosion," Serafell said sarcastically.

Ajuka sighed and thought of some possibilities quickly before saying.

"One of my experiments on the animals living here cashed a massive build-up of energy inside it, thus making it go crazy and mad with power and Srzechs was trigger happy and accidentally used too much POD causing a massive explosion which mixed with the monsters corrosive energy and created a sight matching that of a supernova." Ajuka said having decided to let his pride take a hit for everyone else's sake.

It wasn't an explanation with no holes but considering it was coming from all three Satans and Azazal the people would have to believe it.

"It will be then." Sirzechs said after less than a second of thought he wanted to get out of this place right now, He didn't want to spend another second here… he thought the mist was playing on his mind no way one of his family members was here right?

Aureolus blinked a stinging pain all over his body, Half of his skin was charred most of all the damage on his face was visible even with no mirrors, One of his eyes had lost function the other was blurry and hard to see.

He struggled feeling not the cold wet grass below him, but rather a soft bed below a blanket covering him some of his wounds having been bandaged.

His body was rapidly trying to recover itself by building new tissue but he needed nutrients to do so, Having been starved his regeneration was far too slow.

Even though the transformation spell had been broken, His eyes were still bloodshot to the point of looking crimson from the heat of the star he had created, and looked at, He would need at least a couple of months to fully recover at this rate.

The door creaked and Aureolus looked over bloodshot eyes and golden eyes met, A child maybe a couple of years younger than himself with long golden hair and eyes peeked into the room curiosity in her eyes.

Behind her swayed four long golden fox-like tails atop her head a pair of yellow golden fox ears 'Youkai?' aureolus almost instantly confirmed her identity.

"Mom! He's awake!" The girl said loudly not giving Aureolus even a chance to stop her not that he could considering he was particularly paralyzed.


Uhhh… Hi? Sorry lol I had a lot of tournaments back to back I was way too busy to write consistently I'm back though and will probably be able to post pretty regularly hopefully sorry again, And also I was thinking of making a Percy Jackson crossover but I was just wondering if yall would like that?