
DxD: Dream Maker With Hope

“Reincarnated to DxD world, with Annihilation maker our mc who is a pacifist do to her past life experience decide to hide the fact that she has one of the most dangerous sacred gear. With knowledge of her past life as gacha gamer and mecha fan she will live her life as spectator and hand from the shadow. For what a story without their own twist isn’t it?” ~~ Asuka Mumei ~~ …. Don’t do a synopsis on your own Asuka. (Key) ============================================================== HI! HI~~~~~!! My name is Asuka Mumei, your full of hope and dream Highschool girl!!!! So~~~ right now I’m in Dragon X Deus, Yay~~~!! Eh? How did I got there you say? Well~ let’s just say that I push a child away from a coming truck, the usual trope and get some of those notification in my head then tada~~~ here I am!! [******] … come on, there’s no need to be so dead on like that, where’s the fun of it? I’m sure the other also think the same right? Hehe, I hope you are in my side. [******] Maybe one day. But for now, how about tell them about my story, a story about DREAM MAKER WITH HOPE. [English is not my first language] [I don’t own anything I use from other works] [Cover from waifu lab, and it's pretty much how I imagine Asuka Looks like XD.] [No Discord, but maybe someday........ someday]

Key_Swire · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 4 Growing Up

The first years of my post reincarnation has been nothing but happy time with my parents. Afterall it's been long time since I see them and feel they love. This body may feel it just recently but my soul was always longing for their love.


What I do at those time? Well~~ I mostly sleep. Because even tough my soul is older, my body is not. Because technically a baby below 1 year need to sleep around 11-16 hours including naps (source: trust me bro…. it's Google.). Which mean my wake-up time is ranged around 2-4 hour between naps.


In that time, I'm fully immersed my self in observation. From what hear when father and mother chatting we live in Tokyo far from Kuoh which earn a fist pump from me.


YES!! I'M FAR FROM THE MAIN CAST!! (A/N: *sip coffee* ight, bet.)


A cold shudder somehow hit me out of nowhere. I just hit the feels like I just tempt fate or something. (A/N: I dunno what you are talking about *whistle.)


'Anyway, with the fact that I'm far from the main cast I'm supposed to be fine for a while.'


And boy I dunno how much that sentence will bite me back at that time. But that for later.


So, I spend my first year happily sleeping and playing with my parents. Then I reach 1 years old I got more time being awake than sleeping. Which is a great progress. Soon I take my first walk and speak my first and second word which is of course 'mama' and 'papa'. I'm very proud of myself and happy seeing my parent's reaction at that time.


I also noticed an increase of unknown energy inside me. It's faint but definitely there. I think this is … magic. Yeah, no surprise since I have a very condensed soul. I can even materialize my true appearance without a body. Of course, it will make the growth of my spiritual power really fast.


Another thing to take a note is that I notice something has latched itself on me, or more importantly my soul.


"Is this sacred gear? I can feel strong power from it. It's clearly not boosted gear or divine dividing since I can't find any trace of consciousness in it. It's … formless, and with this strength from what I remember only one that very iconic. Annihilation Maker."


In one side I glad that I didn't take any of main cast sacred gear and getting my very own sacred gear. The thing is that mine is a Longinus. Which mean me and my family will be a target by those who seeks is power, and supported by my own power it will make like a light house in the middle of dark city. 


Considering my choice of action for the future I can't just rip off my sacred gear since from what I see in the anime it can kill me, even though I will be fine … I think. So, no! not taking the risk.


I then spend the next three years with ease, doing what normal kid at my age should do, playing around, reading, sleeping and others enjoyable thing!!! Then one day.


Waking up from my afternoon nap I can feel something awaken inside me. Is this? Is This lo-


"THERE'S NO WAY IT'S LOVE YOU FOOL!!!" coming from Dream scolding me.


"We finally have recovered enough power to communicate with you." And also Hope.


"I'm glad you guys finally wake up. But, it looks like I still need to be in control of the main body." I said as I dive into my mindscape and appear in front of them. My mindscape has changed a lot, and I mean a LOT. Now my mindscape has a garden that divided into three.


In Dream side the garden filled with many statues, fairy tale book and a lot of sunny flower giving warmth aura. In Hope side there is many white pillar and regal looking hall giving pure and holy sensation. While in my side it's filled with technology, it was so futuristic I feel so dumfounded.


I then look at the center of the garden. Right in center of garden standing a huge Gazebo. Smiling and looking at the other I walk toward the Gazebo followed by them. Entering the Gazebo, we met with a fantastic mix of technology, divine and magical apparatus connected to a single round item in the middle.


I bulge my eye at this as I didn't expect something like this. Looking back to the other try to demand an explanation only to meet same dumbfounded look from them.


"When this happen?" I ask them.


"Wait you don't know? We tough you are the one who create it!" exclaimed Dream as she looking around.


"We just woke up from our sleep when we see al of this. We really tough you are the one who create this place." Hope said as confused as me. As I think of what's going on here we hear Dream called us.


"Guys! I think I know what's going on." Hearing her words, we walk toward her looking at the item in the middle of gazebo with a holographic screen in front at her making us stop in place.


"What did you do?" I ask her. She then showed me what showed in the screen. It was a word that very familiar for me.



HEY~~ SUP!!!

Key here!

i actually want to write more for this chapter but soon realize that i almost filled full 2 pages in my ms word just for this chapter, so i tough a lot of people can't read a very long chapter so i decide to leave it here for this chapter and continue it later for next chapter.

I also have some bad news for you guys. It's ramadhan tomorow and because i'm muslim i'm gonna spend my time fasting from morning till night making it not possible for me to write a lot.

Thus why I will try to to keep my pace while fasting, praying and for uni. That's why there will be incosistency when ever i upload a new chapter. So please bear with it only for a month

Key~~ AWAY!!!

Key_Swirecreators' thoughts