
DxD: Dream Maker With Hope

“Reincarnated to DxD world, with Annihilation maker our mc who is a pacifist do to her past life experience decide to hide the fact that she has one of the most dangerous sacred gear. With knowledge of her past life as gacha gamer and mecha fan she will live her life as spectator and hand from the shadow. For what a story without their own twist isn’t it?” ~~ Asuka Mumei ~~ …. Don’t do a synopsis on your own Asuka. (Key) ============================================================== HI! HI~~~~~!! My name is Asuka Mumei, your full of hope and dream Highschool girl!!!! So~~~ right now I’m in Dragon X Deus, Yay~~~!! Eh? How did I got there you say? Well~ let’s just say that I push a child away from a coming truck, the usual trope and get some of those notification in my head then tada~~~ here I am!! [******] … come on, there’s no need to be so dead on like that, where’s the fun of it? I’m sure the other also think the same right? Hehe, I hope you are in my side. [******] Maybe one day. But for now, how about tell them about my story, a story about DREAM MAKER WITH HOPE. [English is not my first language] [I don’t own anything I use from other works] [Cover from waifu lab, and it's pretty much how I imagine Asuka Looks like XD.] [No Discord, but maybe someday........ someday]

Key_Swire · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 2 Meeting and Reincarnation Part 1

….. how long was it? Sleeping and drifting in the void. Hoping that one day I will wake up in my own body and believing that all of it was nightmare. Sitting with head down and hugging my knees inside of my mind thinking why this happen to me. "It's all because I want to save that child. It's all because I want to play hero. It's all because of-"


"Now, now stop blaming all of it on anything." A voice come from in front of me. scolding my negative thinking. As I look up I met with a yellow shining… ME!! and that's a WHITE SHINING ME!!


"That's right I'm you, but you can call me Dream Asuka!" Said the Yellow Shinning one with great vigour. Taking my appearance donning a ponytail hairstyle, a red jacket with yellow hue with a "Dream" written crop top under it and a red short skirt with black spats under.


 "oi!" she said as she covers her skirt with blush on her face.


"And you can call me Hope Asuka." Said the white shinning me with soft and elegant temperament. With my appearance she wearing a black and white nun gown with white transparent veil covering her head reaching our identical D cup.


"it's C cup actually"


""No It's D Cup"" Her denial responded by further denial by both me and Dream.


Looking at both of us denying her and looking at her own chest she then resolves her heart and say "yes it's D cup!" earning a resolute nod from both Dream and Me.


"I, I didn't understand, why there are three of us?" I ask them back to the important topic earning a distinct look from both of them. Dream suddenly moving closer moving her face near mine. 'eh, EEHHH!!! But, but we are the same person!? But maybe it's okay because it just m-' suddenly she pull her head backwards and send a full power headbutt to my head. That headbutt so power full it sends me down to my butt.


"That's for trying to take everything alone you stupid!" she scolds me earning a nod from Hope.


"Eh? What do you mean" as I confused with what she said to me.


"I see. You forget of what happen. When our soul flies out of our world to the void you decide to divide us to three. Dream who hold vigour, ideology and sunny side of us 'Asuka Mumei'. Me, Hope who holds our elegance, aloofness, feminine side and empathy. And you, who hold the most of main personality, determination and creed."


"After you divide us, you decide to seal us away inside our soul and take the brunt of damage from staying for who know how long in the void"


"7bilion, 613 million, and around 700 thousand centuries I think." I say to them.


""…. Right, you also inherit our biological clock."" Say bot of them at the same time with Hope looking at me with concern and Dream facepalming.


I can only smile bitterly at their reaction knowing very well I'm at fault in all of this.


"That aside, because you decide to bear being in the void alone, the void also infect you."


"It amplified all what you have in you."


"And since you decide throw the majority of positive emotion to both of us, it resulting to what you became right now. A colourless soul filled with only colour of grey. You have lost your identity. Luckily the seal you placed on us can be eroded by time."


"A very long and arduous time where we can only watch you suffer. Please, never bear it by yourself again." Hope then got closer to me reaching and holding my hand. Overlapping her and mine.


"We are you, so you need to stop being so hard on your self and start believe in other to lend you a hand… or in this case yourself hehe~~!" as Dream take my other hand.


Suddenly I can feel that 'Me' returning and the overwhelming negativity fading away. No, it was transferred.


"From now on I, Hope will hold 'Despair' as in the deepest despair we can have the brightest hopes."


"And I, Dream will take 'Realism' because with accepting reality we can have the greatest dream."


As they done making their vow they look at me, waiting for my words. Soon the colour returning to me, donning a futuristic green and blue coloured pilot suit giving a green shine. The words come out from my mouth very naturally.


"And the last. I, Logic will bear 'Doubt' for every doubt will be solve with our flawless logic."


With three vow of Asuka Mumei done. The three of us smiles at each other. A worry-free smile full of certainty. Suddenly a door appeared in front of us, a door to awaken Asuka Mumei.


"We really want to go with you and become whole again. Unfortunately, it will do more of a harm than a help." Said Dream. Confused I then look at Hope seeking for explanation.


"The seal. It takes a lot of our power to break it. If we go beyond the door with you it will only cause a misbalance in power and personality. Furthermore, you have lost a lot of personality that Logic supposed to possess." Hope explained.


"That's why we will be resting in here, restoring what we had spend to get out of the seal. While you, go out and retain what you lost."


"Go, and make sur to prepare a spot for us."


Hearing all of that, I feel a trace of warm in my heart. Bringing them to a big hug, I said to them that I will do my best for them, but more importantly for all of us. Releasing them from the huge I take a big step towards the door. Opening the door, I take one last look behind me, to my sister, to my other self. Sending me out with smile, waving towards me. Telling me to keep fighting. Taking a step towards the door, engulfed by light as I keep moving forward.


Opening my eyes, I greeted by a soft feeling below me and unfamiliar white metallic ceiling


"Hey, you finally awake." (????)


Sitting a bit far from the bed there is a man in white coat, small round glasses, purple earing in his left ear, wearing blue plaid shirt below the coat and a brown long pants. The man keeps smiling at me, which make me very wary of him.


"Who are you?" I ask him warily. Still smiling the man open his mouth. "My name is Doctor Lost, a guide to whose has lost to find their way and I'm the one who bring you here."

Hey~ Hey~~

It's me Key!

so, I actually want to make this chapter a short chapter before the main arc/ But, let just say inspiration come and hit me like a train. Thus why this chapter will be divided to two half since it can be considered 2 meetings between Asuka own 'self' and Doctor Lost (OC),

i think that's it from me folks.

Key~~ AWAY!!!

Key_Swirecreators' thoughts