
DxD: Cuhullin Astaroth, The Bastard Of Three Bloodlines

Cuhullin Astaroth is a Living Paradox, because for all that The Drvils Faction need him, they for the most part can't overlook the fact that in his veins flows, Divine, Human, and Satanic Blood. From his Father, he is of Pure-Blood Devil Variety. Yet his mother, the Bastard Daughter of Bidleid Bashalun Beelzebub and a Human descended from Celtic Mythological Hero and Demi-God Cú Chulainn. Because of his Human Side, Cuhullin, has a Sacred Gear, a Longinus. Cuhullin, nicknamed Cal, is seen as a Thrice born Bastard. The Celtic and Gaelic God's fear his Power, The Old Devils despise his Human Blood as much as they value his Power, and the Young Devils fear his Divine Blood and Longinus.... Cal, personally couldn't give a shit, He's got three goals in life. Seize a Seat at the Table, Fuck as many Women as Devilishly Possible, and Make his Peerage the Strongest of the Underworld.

Reinhardt001Z · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

2: Chaos Edge Sieg Part 1 + Queen Poll at the End

(Kalkriese, Bramsche, Osnabrück, Lower Saxony, Germany l, Europe, Earth, DxD/ Draconic Deus Universe)


Kalkriese was a small town part of Bramsche in the Osnabrück District of Lower Saxony in Germany. And seeing as how the Sigurd Institute was located there and the Fact it was part of the Sigurd Legend all but confirmed that the files he needed for Siegfried were inside.

It shouldn't be too difficult, of course acquiring Their Sword Research, and the files on Lint, Freed, Cerro, Sigmund, Quarta, and Shidou were also very important secondary objectives which was why he had Kuroka with him. With her Senjutsu and Youjutsu she would put the Institution to sleep and pursue the Secondary objectives while Cuhullin would personally interrogate The Institutions heads.

It should be noted that this particular Institution was a branch of the one based in the Vatican. Cuhullin couldn't just very well walk in and ask for it....or could he...

Raising his hands in prayer, ignoring the small pain in his head, Cuhullin speaks. ''Michael, I know you can hear me. My name is Cuhullin Darragh Niall Lorcan Astaroth, Son of Ajuka Beelzebub. I need something, and I can offer you a way to increase your numbers. Kindly descend so we may speak. Oh and I'm aware that that Old Man of yours is dead.''

Five minutes later and nothing.

''Well it was worth a shot at the very least, hard way it is.''


Under the Cover of Night, as most of the Sigurd Institute slept, indeed as most of Kalkriese slept, an intangible purple Fog descended upon the Town and Institute. The Precious few denizens up and around fell to the ground asleep.

Within the Institute however.....


(POV Change: Vasco Strada)


A Yokai was here, they blanketed the entire area in a Youjutsu Fog. Dense and Strong enough that all but the most powerful Exorcists fall asleep.

The fact that the Town itself had also fallen victim made Vasco ninety nine percent sure that the Yokai in question was merely passing through. However exactly one percent was telling him otherwise.

''Eminence Strada? What do we do?''

That question came from David Cerro.

Vasco, Griselda, David, and Cristaldi all came here periodically to train one of Sigurd's Descendants.

Little Lint, she was chosen for Griselda. Cerro took on Freed. Now Vasco had selected Sigmund to train which left Cristaldi to train Siegfried.

But Cristaldi was on an assignment right now, and Sister Griselda was training her ward; Little Xenovia in The Vatican. Only Cerro and himself were just here to rest up and recover from their last mission. They had been up to their heads in Feral Vampire's and had not gotten away unscathed. Vampire's became feral two ways, being deprived of a regular blood source for two long or being deliberately deprived of a food source where others were not. The base instincts to feed took over and Vampire's underwent nasty changes. Scary stuff.

''Shouldn't be much need for concern, the Fog has descended on the whole region, a Yokai is likely being cautious as they pass through, no need to interfere. That said don't slack off, better to be vigilant than caught with your pants down.'' Says Vasco, who even in jest says it with a grandfather's kindness but a soldiers seriousness.


(POV Change: Kuroka)


Slipping inside, Kuroka found it easy. Getting out would certainly be more difficult. Disguised as an Exorcist, Kuroka found little difficulty in finding her way to the records room.

''Let's see, Siegfried, Sigmund, Lint, Freed. But none of the others. Hmm.'' Kuroka quietly muses as she shamelessly pilfers the documents instead of making copies as Her King no doubt hoped.

Kuroka was no stranger to traversing different planes of existence, when she first fled she hid in many distant worlds, but always inevitably came back on account of Shirone.

Eventually she met Cuhullin who blatantly up front offered her three things; Sex, Access to Shirone, and her Freedom.

Now Kuroka hadn't been especially interested in Sex with some - at that time- no name Devil of dubious sincerity, but then he drowned her his Personal Magic Circle Formula.

(A/N: See Image Here)

There were two types of Magic Circles. The Generic Clan Ones, but then there was the ones unique to a specific user. This particular Magic Circle belonged to one person; Cuhullin Astaroth. And THAT made Sex very much an appealing offer.

The Clan she served took their anger at her out on her race. So Sex and kids were both a guilt ridden obligation and racial necessity. Cuhullin Astaroth was the Son of Ajuka Astaroth and a Half-Human Descendant of the Original Beelzebub. Because of this Human Side, he not only inherited a Sacred Gear, but a Longinus one at that. Furthermore he was a direct Descendant of Cú Chulainn the Demigod son of Lugh. So he had a lot going for him.

It certainly didn't hurt he was big between his legs.

Anyways, finding what she was after was all that mattered right now...


(POV Change: Cuhullin Astaroth)


Of all the fucking people to run into why the hell did it have to be Vasco motherfucking Strada, Freed Sellzen, and David Cerro.

'' A Devil? Here? Interesting.'' Says Vasco thoughtfully.

''I regret that I have to be here Eminence Strada, but The Archangel didn't answer my request for dialog. Forcing me to come here directly. Please understand that my father doesn't know I'm even in Europe.''

''Devil Scum you expect us to Believe your filthy lies?!'' Freed says with vulgarity.

''Shut it crazy eyes. You don't have the brain cells to even understand the threat I pose. But if your here that means Siegfried must be here. I can sense Gram after all.'' Says Cuhullin.

''Who are you?'' Asks Vasco.

''Name's Cuhullin Astaroth, Son of Ajuka Beelzebub, Descendant of the Astaroth and Beelzebub Clan's, and blood relative to Cú Chulainn. I also have a Longinus, and before David Cerro over there says some bullshit about Longinus belonging to The Church he should maybe take a good look at the Hindu Factions since The True Longinus, and Annihilation Maker are in their hands. Plus The old beard created the system so if you still think that then you can just fuck right off.''

Vasco smiles, even chuckles in light amusement as Cerro makes an ugly face at the information and words.

''Tell you what Eminence Strada, You let me fight Siegfried for Gram and I'll let you in on the names of the Few Longinus users I know of off the top of my head. Specifically Innovate Clear, Annihilation Maker, True Longinus, Incinerate Anthem, Divine Dividing and Telos Karma. In fact I'll even tell you mine.''

''You make a compelling offer, My faith compels me to refuse your deal. However the opportunity to bring Seven Longinus back to the Fold is worth a Deal with the Devil. Very well I agree.'' Says Vasco

''Hmm no, see I never said anything about telling you Seven names. I have Telos Karma see, so in the end you only get five more names.'' Cerro grits his teeth in anger, but Vasco booms out an infectious laugh.

''I like this one! Call Siegfried! This will be entertaining.'' Says Vasco.


(POV Change: Siegfried)


Siegfried was excited, he got to fight a Longinus User and Old and New Satan Descendant rolled into one man. This was gonna be very fun to battle against without a doubt in his mind.


Poll Time:


Before I begin let me state that this is me merely offering you guys a chance to cast your two cents in for eho you feel would be a decent Queen.

Next Chapter will have the Bishop Poll attached so let's get started:


Katerea Leviathan

Tobio Ikuse

Lavinia Reni



Arthur Pendragon

Vali Lucifer

Roygun Belphegor


My personal picks are Katerea, Georg, and Lavinia. But even in saying that I would still like to have your guys two cents on this.....