
DxD: Cuhullin Astaroth, The Bastard Of Three Bloodlines

Cuhullin Astaroth is a Living Paradox, because for all that The Drvils Faction need him, they for the most part can't overlook the fact that in his veins flows, Divine, Human, and Satanic Blood. From his Father, he is of Pure-Blood Devil Variety. Yet his mother, the Bastard Daughter of Bidleid Bashalun Beelzebub and a Human descended from Celtic Mythological Hero and Demi-God Cú Chulainn. Because of his Human Side, Cuhullin, has a Sacred Gear, a Longinus. Cuhullin, nicknamed Cal, is seen as a Thrice born Bastard. The Celtic and Gaelic God's fear his Power, The Old Devils despise his Human Blood as much as they value his Power, and the Young Devils fear his Divine Blood and Longinus.... Cal, personally couldn't give a shit, He's got three goals in life. Seize a Seat at the Table, Fuck as many Women as Devilishly Possible, and Make his Peerage the Strongest of the Underworld.

Reinhardt001Z · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

1: Cuhullin Astaroth

(Astaroth Clan Estate, Astaroth Clan Territory, The Underworld, Earth, DxD/ Draconic Deus Universe)


Cuhullin, sat in his Office. He was preparing for a Rating Game, against Diadora. It was a Month away, and he only had one Servant.

That particular Servant lazed around on his bed frequently.

''Nya, Come back to bed. I want my pillow.'' That was Kuroka, his Pawn, and his lover. It wasn't difficult to get his father to swap out her Bishop Piece for his Two Pawn Pieces. Cuhullin had directly infused his Power into the Evil Pieces before the swap, and for an extra bit of cheating, he even used his Longinus to artificially increase the Pawns Magical Power.

Gods, just thinking about? Cuhullin, had rescued Kuroka years ago. Took her in, protected her, fed her, trained her, and was now sleeping with her. Kuroka frequently proved more trouble than she was apparently worth, until one day he used his Father's Kankara formula and his Sacred Gear to Augment a Spell that disembodied Kuroka and Bound her to follow Koneko about.

Kuroka could not speak to her sister, nor directly influence the material world. The brokenness of Koneko Disturbed the observing Kuroka and she quickly became compliant after a deal was put on the table.

Cuhullin eventually shared everything with Kuroka, including details of his old life, before his transmigration here into the Draconic Deus Universe.

Kuroka didn't care, but occasionally blackmailed him with it for sex or more time to be with Koneko. Cuhullin allowed her one hour every two weeks to observe her sister, and just pretended he wasn't aware that she was Sneaking off to do it more than an hour.

Cuhullin was presently busily finalizing a gift for Azazel that would complete the deal between them to acquire Asia Argento and Raynare. Cuhullin was compiling Data on certain individuals who Azazel didn't know he should keep tabs on. He'd previously sent Azazel a Gift in the form of Two Yokai Prostitutes, what Azazel hadn't known was that the two were Wendigo's. Zaz was not happy, especially since he was filmed doing it and in exchange for the original footage not being aired on Angel-Hub, the Devil equivalent to Pornhub, Asia and Raynare would be handed over to him. The data was just an apology.

Of course he did take screenshots, and that would come into play later on....


(POV Change: Azazel)


Cuhullin Astaroth, was a sneak. He sent him two Prostitutes last month. Filmed it. Turns out, they were Wendigo. Now he had two Wendigo girls hounding him for marriage. Cuhullin threatened to upload it to Angel-Hub.

If word got out, his reputation would suffer.

So for now, Azazel had to play along. But honestly his demands weren't as outrageous as they could have been. He wanted a Fallen Angel Grunt and an Excommunicated Nun in exchange for the tapes.

Something else was going on here, perhaps it was time to call on Ajuka.....


(POV Change: Cuhullin Astaroth)


Stood before him, Asia Argento and Raynare.

''My name is Cuhullin Astaroth, I am a Direct Descendant of the Original Beelzebub and the Celtic Demi-God Cú Chulainn. I possess the Longinus Telos Karma, and I am your master now.'' Cuhullin spoke more to Raynare.

''Excuse Me?'' Asia timidly raised her hand.

''Don't fret, I want you two to join my Peerage. You see Asia, My Cousin was once saved by you. But what you don't know is in this here folder.'' Says Cuhullin handing a File with sll Diadora's shit. (A/N; It's just far too troublesome to waste words on Dora to Asia.)

Walking up to Raynare, Cuhullin bends to whisper in her ear.

''I will make you mine. Don't test me little Crow, or you'll find something big in your ass.'' Cuhullin whisper growls lewdly pushing two fingers in her panties covered hole.

Raynare visibly becomes aroused at that.

''You have a way to avenge them?'' Asks Asia suddenly.

''Yes, but I need your help to do it, Become my Bishop Asia Argento. As for you Crow, a Single Pawn Piece.'' Says Cuhullin.


To Cuhullin's immense surprise Asia and Raynare's Pieces immediately Mutated upon reincarnation. He only needed one more Peerage member before he directly challenged Diadora.

He had a Choice, He wanted a Rook or Knight and His shortlist of candidates for either Evil Piece were as follows:



Bova Tannin

Tobio Ikuse



Arthur Pendragon


Now Tobio was not worth the effort just yet, and He had been unable to track down Leonardo, Arthur, or a Working Gogmagog. This left him with either Jeanne, Siegfried, Heracles or Bova Tannin to pick from.

I'm jetlagged right now, so I'll update this Dingo Shit later...

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