
DxD: Cuhullin Astaroth, The Bastard Of Three Bloodlines

Cuhullin Astaroth is a Living Paradox, because for all that The Drvils Faction need him, they for the most part can't overlook the fact that in his veins flows, Divine, Human, and Satanic Blood. From his Father, he is of Pure-Blood Devil Variety. Yet his mother, the Bastard Daughter of Bidleid Bashalun Beelzebub and a Human descended from Celtic Mythological Hero and Demi-God Cú Chulainn. Because of his Human Side, Cuhullin, has a Sacred Gear, a Longinus. Cuhullin, nicknamed Cal, is seen as a Thrice born Bastard. The Celtic and Gaelic God's fear his Power, The Old Devils despise his Human Blood as much as they value his Power, and the Young Devils fear his Divine Blood and Longinus.... Cal, personally couldn't give a shit, He's got three goals in life. Seize a Seat at the Table, Fuck as many Women as Devilishly Possible, and Make his Peerage the Strongest of the Underworld.

Reinhardt001Z · Anime & Comics
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3: Chaos Edge Sieg Part 2 + Bishop Poll at the End

(Kalkriese, Bramsche, Osnabrück, Lower Saxony, Germany l, Europe, Earth, DxD/ Draconic Deus Universe)


(Siegfried POV)


He lost...Sieg had unleashed everything he had snd still he lost. The Devil before him was at least an Ultimate-Class possibly even Satan-Class, but Siegfried had killed Ultimate-Class Devils before. So what was it about THIS particular Devil that outclassed him? Was it his Longinus? Was it his Use of Kankara Formula? Or using The King of Flies?

Sieg expected hatred to form in his gut, but instead he felt a desire to learn. This Young Devil had blocked Gram with one finger, and disarmed him no less than five times in their Duel. Gram now thrummed with power in the hands of This Devil, signifying it's acceptance of him as it's new master. If the Church's most promising young Swordsman was unable to best a Single Devil then perhaps his destiny laid not in the Church after all.

''A deals a Deal. Woe be it for a Devil to break his own deals. This flashdrive has everything you need to know about our little five.'' Says The Devil.

''Take me with you!'' Says Siegfried suddenly, taking every one off guard including the Devil.

''Why? Don't mistake me, I'm flattered. But you are Siegfried, the closest person to your ancestor, genetically, physically, and powers wise. You have a future here?'' Asks the Devil.

''That's just it, I don't. Do you have any idea what it's like being something and someone your not, yet everyone expects you to be? I am Siegfried, but not THE Siegfried. A test tube baby at best, a fake and soulless clone at worst. Yet you defeated me, easily, and you didn't even fight seriously? I want to learn from someone like you.'' Says Siegfried.

''So be it, but understand this you will have to Reincarnate as a Devil, you will become my Second Peerage Member, and serve as my left-hand until my Queen has been chosen. Do you accept this Siegfried?'' Asks the Devil.

''I do.'' Siegfried replies without hesitation.....


(POV Change: Cuhullin Astaroth)


It was disconcerting that Cerro and Strada had said nothing. The fact that Freed simply eyed him with a filthy look but no words was seriously concerning.

Now here's the thing He hadn't expected Strada, Cerro sure, it was Established by SLASH/DØG that he'd trained Freed, but this raised an opportunity, so the Flashdrive had a Rootkit and Trojan in it. It would clone the System and all it's Data, before uploading that Data to a Cloud Server Farm in The City of Geneva, which in turn was sent to him directly. With a Cloned System any time someone logged in, sent am email or uploaded or downloaded Data The Rootkit would Clone itself as many times as necessary until at long last he was essentially balls deep into their entire network.

''Siegfried are you sure about this?'' Finally the Awkward silence breaks as Strada speaks.

''Yes, I am.'' Says Siegfried.

''Then I wish you Good Fortune Little Sieg, Your loss will be felt and missed by many.'' Says Strada.


(Castle Kaneda, Tsushima Island, Japan, Asia, Earth, DxD / Draconic Deus Universe)


Hidden by a multilayered Glamor Charm, Castle Kaneda Stood in ruibs, but behind the Charm, stood in all it's firmer glory.

Years ago Cuhullin Chose Tsushima and Kuoh Town as his domain in Asia. See Devils were supernatural Land owners of Asia and the various pacific Islands. The Fallen Angels typically held domain over the America's Soyth and North. And The Angels held dominion over Europe and Africa. The Yokai though were just unlucky enough to be stuck with being the closest thing to a Supreme Court of Land Disputes the Supernatural World had.

Castle Kaneda was his Spring Estate, Castle Kikuchi was his Summer one, Kuoh Town served as his Winter and Autumn Home. Of course he had homes across the globe, every Devil did after all.

Arriving not long ago, He'd held a brief internal debate on His new servant. The most obvious choice was to Make Sieg his First Knight. But the thing is that His Knight and Rook Piece were both glowing. This typically implied that either piece would prove sufficient to Reincarnate Siegfried. But Cuhullin already knew for certain that he wanted Xenovia as his Rook. Because her Fighting Style was summed up in two words: Overwhelming Force. He liked to have no set pairs, he'd have One hard on for a person to become a specific piece while narrowing down an actual partner later on. But there he had Two Pieces indicating an inclination towards Siegfried.

The one small fact that gave him pause though is that if he was forced to use Castling, Siegfried simply had the experience and Sacred Gear to prove more sufficient than Xenovia and Durandal.

It was this fact that made him for unsure about his decision to Reincarnate Siegfried as his First Knight. Ultimately he could only do naught but hope his decision was the right one.


(POV Change: Katerea Leviathan)


Katerea Leviathan didn't know why the True Satan Faction made her leave in order to infiltrate Devil Society. Cruesery had a hard-on for her filthy Half-Human Cousin Ingvild, but still, of all the Devils they sent her to worm her way into the good graces of, what made Him so special?


(POV Change: Shalba Beelzebub)


Sending Katerea was risky, but if it meant eyes on that False-Blooded Satan Descendant Cuhullin Astaroth, Shalba could sleep easier.

Still Shalba recognized that finding and curing Ingvild would provide a stronger Leviathan Candidate than Katerea. A Sacred Gear capable of Manipulating abs Controlling Dragon's that would be a game changer for the unfinished Civil War and the Renewed Great War after it.

''Soon.'' Shalba promised in a prideful whisper, as he was looking at the picture of his Grandsire in his hand. Soon the True Satan Faction would rise again stronger than ever before. Xnd should Cuhullin Astaroth recognize Shalba's Superiority, then he might just be inclined to tolerate the hybrids existence. Telos Karma had it's own uses In war after all. Shalba was smart enough to recognize the military and political advantages of keeping his "Relative" Alive long enough to be useful, but only for as long as Cuhullin Remembered his place in life.


Poll Time:


OK listen up, Because Lavinia Reni, Georg, and Roygun Belphegor have the chops to become a Bishop they'll be Included here. Likewise Tobio can become either a Knight, Rook or Queen with Tiamat likely to be Included In the Rooks Poll as well.

I'm merely adding them due to versatility on their parts before I outline their story Roles. Also I'll post my top picks plus an official Harem List of certain Harem members. Here we go:


Lavinia Reni


Roygun Belphegor

Asia Argento

Ravel Phenex

Latia Astaroth

Valerie Tepes


Ingvild Leviathan

Le Fay Pendragon



Meredith Ordinton


My top five picks are Le Fay, Ravel, Lavinia, and Georg, with Meredith or Medusa as my fith. But if I had to go for a top Three it'd be Ravel, Lavinia and either Georg or Medusa simply because of two things, My wife is pressuring me for Ravel, and I've always been a blonde enthusiast. The second reason is that Ravel has the makings of a Tactical Genius, she's like Tywin Lannister with a pair a pair of tits and a vagina but not the batshit crazy Cersei. In Lavinia's Case she had A Big bust, Insane innocence

, and just thinking with my dick here? A threesome with her and The Absolute Demise?

In utter seriousness though, Lavi-Chan is the perfect Bishop candidate. Then again so is Georg for similar reasons.

Now I won't lie, every Poll is for one character save the Pawns, I have chosen Xenovia as my guaranteed Rook, and Siegfried as my guaranteed Knight. But Katerea isn't a guaranteed Queen. You have until next Poll to cement my choice or shatter it.

Next Poll will be Rooks, but girst here's the initial list of guaranteed Harem members:







That's it, but you can most certainly expect more names to be added in the later chapters.....