

Dexter is a 16-year-old high school student who is constantly bullied by his peers and has been deceived by his girlfriend. He was reborn in a magical world where magic is everything. "What exactly is this?" I was reincarnated in a magical world, but I didn't have any extraordinary powers; instead, I was given a system that instructed me to craft.

Dukefiresquid · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Rune scripting

We got up early the next morning to perform some more training.

Eugene said, "I feel like I can already fight some magical beast on my own now that I've mastered the eight basic sword swings."

"Now that you've mastered the eight basic sword swings, Eugene. I'm going to show you how to launch an attack."

"There are three basic attacks that are simple to execute but extremely effective. These attacks were also taught to me by my father when I was a child. It was one of the family's secrets back then, therefore it'll most likely be one of the most potent basic assaults you'll learn."

"The Side dash, Magic Blow, and Piercing Shot are the three basic attacks."

The Side dash was then demonstrated by Dad.

Dad sprang to his feet and adopted an aggressive stance, focusing his magic on his feet. He can unleash a super fast dash by putting concentrated magic on his feet. When he unleashes the power to make a rapid dash, dad's sword swings from left to right, attacking the dummy on the side.

His dash starts from 5 feet distant and takes only seconds to reach his target.

"Wow dad, can I really learn that move? Isn't that a skill for a specific class?" Eugene said in curiosity.

"Son, not every motion belongs to a single class. Concentration, like what I did previously, can be used to manipulate your magic."

"Alright dad, I'll try to do it." Eugene replied.

"Let me demonstrate the others first, Eugene"

Then Dad demonstrated Magic Blow, which consists of applying magic to your hands and sword before cutting the target from top to bottom.

It's the equivalent of putting additional weight on your sword and launching a powerful strike on your opponent.

Next is Piercing shot. Piercing shot is an accumulation of magic on the tip of the sword to do a pierce attack on the target.

So after all that my dad proceeded on teaching me all the attacks.

I haven't mastered the three basic attacks after days and days of training, but I have obtained the talent on my skill menu due to my repetitive training and use of the same magic.

"Skill menu"

[Skill Menu]

1. [craft Lvl. 2]

2. [fix Lvl. 2]

3. [Side dash]

4. [Magic Blow]

5. [Piercing Shot]


Now Dad thought I mastered the three basic attacks but to be honest I just use the skills in my skill menu.

"Wow, Eugene, in just two weeks, you've mastered the three basic attacks?" You're a true genius, child. Each of the talents took me around a month to master. You are not grounded any longer, son, and you are free to walk outside."

Dad is incredibly proud of what I've accomplished. That's why he allowed me explore the town once again because he believes I'm capable of self-defense.

But, intrigued, I asked about the flame on my father's sword when he defended me from the wolves that night in the forest.

"Dad! I have a question for you. ", Eugene says, his face flushed with curiosity.

"Sure, what is it, son?" says his dad.

"When you were fighting the wolf pack back then, what was the flame on your sword?"

"Oh son, I forgot to tell you, it's the rune embedded in my sword," dad explained as he showed me the rune. "It's fairly costly, but the guild master at the time was a friend of mine, and he gave it to me as a gift for being a good adventurer in the guild house."

"Wow, dad, it looks like a scribbling of designs, but it's also like a sword tattoo. Dad, why is it so expensive? " Eugene inquires.

"It's because everytime you enchant a sword or any other tool. The enchantment will be successful 20% of the time, and the sword will be broken 80% of the time. That's why an enchanted sword is expensive, son, and if the sword is unique and has a rune, son, you're going to be wealthy hahaha."

Eugene then touches the rune to feel if the rune has texture.

Then Eugene got surprised because the system wanted to tell him something.


Would you like to learn Rune scripting?


Oh my gosh! Can I really learn this?

"Yes, I wanna learn it." Eugene whispers so that his father can't hear him.

[Skill menu]

1. [craft Lvl. 2]

2. [fix Lvl. 2]

3. [Side dash]

4. [Magic Blow]

5. [Piercing Shot]

6. [Rune scripting]


Can I really put a rune on a sword?

"Dad, I'll leave now."

"Sure Eugene, be careful out there."

Eugene then rushes down the road to practice his rune scripting.

Eugene's father assumed he was heading to town, but he failed to observe Eugene turn left into the forest in search of a quiet spot to test his talents.

A huge rock I can sit on and I'm covered with trees. This will be fine.

Eugene then grabbed his small sword in his inventory and started his experiment.

Now all I have to do is put my palm on the sword and say Enchantment to it.

Eugene placed his sword in the stone and placed his hand on the top of the handle to put the rune on it.

"Enchant fire"


Would you like to put the touch of the fire god rune on the small sword with 100 percent success?

Requirement: Half of your mana



It cost a lot but it's fine I can recover that much mana later.

Eugene's hand emits red light as the rune is printing on the sword. It took a while finishing the rune scripting but luckily in just 20 minutes he got himself a flame sword.

Wow, I really made it. The rune is much better than what dad has. And more surprisingly is that it has a 100 percent success rate. Lucky me.

After that I tested the sword on a wood that I found lying on the ground.

I positioned it vertically on the rock so that I could hit it with a single strike.

I didn't utilize any special techniques to hit the wood, just a regular swing will suffice.

To light the Sword rune, all I have to do is control my mana and transmit it to the sword, and the rune will be triggered automatically to emit fire.

Now, I just have to hit it horizontally.

Eugene sent a controlled mana charge to his blade, igniting it. Eugene then takes a firm grip on his sword, forms his posture, and attacks sideways before swinging his blade full force from the right side of the wood.

Eugene was taken aback by how quickly he sliced the wood in two.

I can now defend myself against any threat.

Eugene has now left the forest and is on his way to the town.

Eugene then goes straight to the blacksmith to check how the store was.

"Hello Mr. Blacksmith, how are you?" Eugene asked while having a big smile on his face.

"Oy! Long time no see, brat. You looked buffed now. How are you?

"After the last time we met, my father taught me how to hold a sword so I can protect myself from any danger."

The blacksmith laughed and said, "Don't worry kid in this town there's no bad people here, only wild animals and magical beasts that linger around the woods. And speaking of danger, don't go near the dungeon in the north of the 2 mountains.

Eugene was excited to hear a dungeon. "What is that dungeon old man? Can I hear more about that?"

"Sure, kid, that dungeon was said to be full with magical creatures, including the magnificent Phoenix." It was thought that there was a Phoenix nest inside that dungeon, which is why no one went there anymore."

"Is the Phoenix truly that dangerous, Mr. Blacksmith?" "

"You're right, child. The phoenix has the ability to fly and can kill you in an instant.

"Wow, I'd want to explore the dungeon and see what's there someday."

"Are you insane, kid?" Never, ever, ever go there. Many people have already gone there, but no one has ever returned."

So there's a dungeon here huh? Tomorrow I might check it myself hehe.

So Eugene's adventure starts here muahahaha.