

Dexter is a 16-year-old high school student who is constantly bullied by his peers and has been deceived by his girlfriend. He was reborn in a magical world where magic is everything. "What exactly is this?" I was reincarnated in a magical world, but I didn't have any extraordinary powers; instead, I was given a system that instructed me to craft.

Dukefiresquid · Anime & Comics
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First day training

After spending a significant amount of time repairing and crafting swords. In total, I earned 16 silver coins.

Aside from that, I learnt how to make a rank D sword. And I acquired a level in the process.

I said my goodbyes to Mr. Blacksmith and exited the building to return home.

However, I was unaware that the sun had already set. That's why I'm sprinting back to my house.

I'm hoping Mom and Dad are not worried.

There are no people when I cross the hill, only darkness. I was a little afraid because I can hear every sound that the forest makes.

The creaking of tree limbs, the owl's woot, footsteps on bushes, and the distant howl of a wolf

"Wait, there's a wolf in the woods?"

Eugene said, his face flushed with terror.

I need to get home quickly or else my parents will be concerned.

Eugene can hear something running alongside him under the bushes as he runs. Eugene developed goosebumps but continued to run.

Then, out of nowhere, a wolf leaps from the bushes, which Eugene luckily detected and was able to avoid.

Eugene remembered he had a sword, so he murmured "Inventory." and retrieved his blade from his little Spatial storage.

The wolf is a magical beast of low rank that hunts weaker prey.


Enemy: [magical wolf]

Rank: [F]

Oh, so the system displays the enemy as well as the enemy's rank? Wait, there's no time to waste; I either have to kill it or flee.

Eugene's ears popped out of their sockets when the wolf howled.


The Magical Wolf uses his skill [Feast howl].

The skill Feast howl lets the wolf call for more wolves to feast on the prey.

No way! I can't take on all of them at once. You call for reinforcements when I don't even have a swing. What a cheat of a beast.

Behind Eugene, two more wolves appear.

What a misfortune. I'm no longer able to flee the wolves.

Eugene raises his sword to his chest, attempting to defend himself despite not knowing how to use one.

Eugene believed rank F beasts were weak, therefore he charged the magical wolf in front of him with the hopes of killing it.

When he was close enough, he seized his sword with both hands and raised it in his right arm to swing.

He had no idea that magical monsters are clever; because Eugene is slow, the magical wolf already knows which direction Eugene will swing, so the wolf dodges Eugene and takes Eugene's sword with his fangs.

Eugene's sword was spit in the woods by the magical wolf, who stared Eugene dead in the eyes.

Eugene hasn't felt this fear since he was beaten to death by bullies in his previous life.

Eugene sobs and screams for help.

Then, with a flaming sword in his hand, a mysterious man flew over his head.

The man then slashes one wolf after another in a single blow.

Eugene was astounded by what he saw. Then express gratitude to the man for saving him.

"Thank you Mr." while bowing to the guy

Then a familiar voice talks to Eugene.

"Get up now because we are going home." in an angry tone.

Wait, that is dad's voice. Oh no.

We were home, while I sat on a chair, mom and dad were standing in front of me with an angry expression.

"Eugene, do you know what time is it? Mom angrily spoke.

"Yes mom, I forgot because I was inside the blacksmith workshop" Eugene responded.

Dad said. "Then what do you think happens when you go home late huh?"

"Okay, Eugene, what do you think happened to you?" What if your father isn't there? You were attacked by a pack of magical wolves not long ago. What if your father isn't on the lookout for you? Mom voiced her disappointment and worry.

"I apologize for being late, mom and dad; I promise I won't be late next time."

"Oh so do you think you still have next time?" dad said.

I know I lost track of time because there was no clock in this era, and it was acceptable in my previous life for me to arrive home late.

"As a result of your punishment, you are forbidden from traveling to the town until your uncle picks you up, and I will train you during the next few days." Have you noticed how useless you are? "It's a low-class beast, yet you were easily overthrown," Dad replied angrily.

Luckily dad didn't beat me but my mom was mad angry this whole time, I have to apologize.

"Sorry mom, I promise I won't let you be worried because of me."

Mom then cried and hugged me.

"Don't ever do that again Eugene!" Mom said worriedly.

I hugged my mom back and said.

"I promise mom I won't do that again.

When everything is in order, everyone goes to bed to prepare for the next day.

Dad had woken me up earlier in the day to begin the training with him.

"Wake up, Eugene, it's training time."

Dad urged me to consume a lot of food today because we'll be doing a lot of heavy workout later.

Dad told me to follow him outdoors after breakfast to perform some training. As a sword trainer, Dad gave me a wooden stick.

He then told me In sword fighting, there are eight primary attacking angles. Straight down from the top, straight up from the bottom, diagonally down to the left, diagonally down to the right, diagonally up from the left, diagonally up from the right, and horizontally from the left and right.

Then he told me that I needed to practice these eight basic moves in order to improve my foundation.

My arms were already weak after a short time, so Dad gave me a break.

"Son, because your body is small and frail, you must repeat the 8 basic swings at 1000 each.

What the heck, this training just started but it's already difficult plus im just 4 years old, what is this man even thinking, isnt this child abuse.

Anyway I still followed my dad and began my training.

And after a few minutes, my arms begin to weaken again. But then it occurred to me that my system has a distribution of attributes.

I suddenly said, "Open System."


Name: [Eugene Loxley]

Class: [Craftsman]

Level: [4]

Title: [Crafter]

HP: [100/100]

MP: [50/50]

Strength: [5]

Agility: [4]

Vitality: [2]

Intelligence: [10]

Remaining points: [20]

Yes! I have 20 points to distribute to my attributes. I better put half of my points now on Strength.


Would you like to spend 10 points on Strength?


"Yes please, faster my arms are dying!"


Registering 10 points on Strength.

My body becomes lighter and my muscles become bulkier.

I think I can do this for 5 more hours.


Name: [Eugene Loxley]

Class: [Craftsman]

Level: [4]

Title: [Crafter]

HP: [100/100]

MP: [50/50]

Strength: [15]

Agility: [4]

Vitality: [2]

Intelligence: [10]

Remaining points: [10]

Dad was astonished to notice the changes because he had assumed I had been struggling for some time.

"Wow, you're a genius, huh?"Before we move on to basic strikes and blocks, you need to master the eight basic swings. Again."

So after all those swings, I could feel the rhythm of every swing. It's like I could already make a combo out of those eight basic sword swings.

After a long day of me swinging my sword. We took a nap to get ready for another training session tomorrow.