

Dexter is a 16-year-old high school student who is constantly bullied by his peers and has been deceived by his girlfriend. He was reborn in a magical world where magic is everything. "What exactly is this?" I was reincarnated in a magical world, but I didn't have any extraordinary powers; instead, I was given a system that instructed me to craft.

Dukefiresquid · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

First Dungeon

I got 4 silver coins by assisting Mr. Blacksmith, and then I went home to get some food because I was starving after all that talking and crafting.

Mom and dad were overjoyed when I returned home since I could now return home in peace.

Mom smiled as she remarked, "Eugene, you got home early and safely, that's good."

"Yes, mom, I think I'm able to defend myself now."

"Come now, Eugene, you silly boy, let's eat."

After eating, I went upstairs to sleep so that I could get up early the next day and prepare for dungeon exploration.

I noticed dad practicing his swordsmanship after waking up early.

"Hey, dad, I'm just going to the blacksmith in town."

"It's far too early for that; have you already eaten?"

"Don't worry, dad, Mr Blacksmith will feed me today hehe."

Eugene's father had a puzzled expression on his face. "Of course, son, take care on your journey."

"What is it about that brat that makes him so suspicious? Hmm. Nevermind , he'll return later."

Of Course it's like my first time lying to my dad but at least they are not worried about me going to the dungeon.

After hitting the road, I enchanted all my clothes. My shirt, my pants, my shoes and hat with armor enchantment. Apparently I can enchant low class enchantments and the one that I touch or see like what my dad sword had which is a unique enchantment.

After enchanting all of my garments, I travel to the location where Mr. Blacksmith told me the dungeon is located.

It's north of the two mountains, as far as I recall. It's easy to find because you'll notice two mountains ahead of you as you approach the town from the north.

But, before I go to the mountain, I need to get some bread from the bakery.

I strolled over to the bakery and inquired about the bread selection. And, to my surprise, that's all. I ended up purchasing two silver pieces worth of the same bread, for a total of fifty breads.

Perhaps since I bought a lot of her bread, the grandmother who sells it waves at me as I go away.

When no one is looking, I store all of my bread in my inventory while walking.

While on my way up the mountain through the forest. I had already seen a magical wolf. I made an effort to fight it.

Eugene then shouts.

"Would you like to fight me, you wolf?"

Why am I bothering to ask the wolf? Of course, it will fight me instinctively.

While the wolf was waiting for an opportunity to attack, I took my sword from my inventory with my right hand and aimed it at the wolf.

It was my first time fighting in a serious battle, me and my dad only fought in practice but today my enemy is a wolf.

I put a mana on my sword and my sword emits a fire like my dad has on his sword.

I take a fighting stance so I may prepare to use the Side Dash, the first basic attack my father taught me.

I then used the side dash on the wolf, I was far away on the wolf then suddenly closing the gap stabbing the wolf on the side then using a piercing shot while the wolf didnt get to react on how fast the attack is.

The wolf died, and I thought to myself, "Wow, that was easy," but I didn't realize that such an assault required a lot of mana.

Because of that I leveled up.



Name: [Eugene Loxley]

Class: [Craftsman]

Level: [5]

Title: [Crafter]

HP: [100/100]

MP: [20/50]

Strength: [15]

Agility: [4]

Vitality: [2]

Intelligence: [10]

Remaining points: [15]

Hmm, maybe I should add points to intelligence so I can have a couple more mana just in case I have 2 enemies.

I add 5 points on Intelligence and 5 points on agility as well.

I think adding points on agility can help me be faster at attacking enemies.


Name: [Eugene Loxley]

Class: [Craftsman]

Level: [5]

Title: [Crafter]

HP: [100/100]

MP: [22/75]

Strength: [15]

Agility: [9]

Vitality: [2]

Intelligence: [15]

Remaining points: [5]

Now that it's settled, let's check the magical wolf here.




Loot: Wolf meat, Wolf hide, 1 small green crystal.

Would you like to gather the loot?


What??? I can loot the wolf that easily? I didn't need to stain my hand to skin it?

Well, let's try looting it now.

"Yes, loot the wolf."

When I put my palm on the wolf, it shined with white light and then vanished.

All that is left is the wolf's hide, the meat and the green crystal.

I don't know what the green crystal is so I'll ask the general store about it.

When my father saved me by killing the magical wolf, I wondered why he didn't take the materials from the creature. Perhaps it's because he's upset at me at the time. But, oh well.

I took the things and put it inside my inventory.

As I continued walking, I came to a large cave covered in vines. Mr. Blacksmith's words made me feel like It was the dungeon.

I ate one piece of bread before going in case I couldn't eat inside.

I took out my blade, charged it with mana so it could emit fire, and then used it as a torch to see in the dark cave.

I excitedly entered the cave while I held my sword.

Five minutes later and I still can't find any magical beat, only rocks and pathways.

After a few minutes, I already reached the end of the cave but there's a lot of remains of the dead. I got a little shiver from seeing it and all the equipment is old and rusty so I feel like there's no use in taking them.

As I shined my torch forward, I saw something moving.

"Wait, who are you? Show yourself." While Eugene expresses fear in his face.

Eugene was then approached by a large baby chicken. It's about three times the size of a regular chicken.

Is this chicken a threat? I believe it is still a hatchling, so I should investigate.

"Hello, there, little chicken," Eugene says. " Are you unsure where you are? " While Eugene is stroking the chick's head.

Eugene's shoes are being pecked by a newborn chick.

"Oh.. Maybe you're hungry, I'm guessing. You're fortunate since I have some bread."

Eugene got some bread from his inventory and began feeding the young chick.

"Woah, woah, You eat too quickly; you've already consumed eight pieces of bread.

Eugene continues to feed the newborn chick because he believes she is starving.

Eugene is feeding the young chicken. Out in the distance, he noticed something. He didn't seem to bother the first time he saw it, but then he saw a red light again.

Eugene then puts down the baby chick and attempts to figure out what the light was.

Eugene is making his way towards the light, and the little chicken is following him.

Eugene notices that it's a feather when he gets close to the light. He next considers why the feather produces light. While pondering and examining the feather. Something shiny and scorching hot is behind him.

When Eugene turns around, he is shocked by what he sees.

Exactly what Mr. Blacksmith stated. In this cave, there lives a phoenix.

Eugene became frightened after that. Eugene falls to his knees, begging the phoenix not to eat him as he tries to flee.

"Phoenix, please don't eat me." Eugene, who was terrified, yelled, "Take it easy!"

Why do I have to die so early in this world? I don't want to die just yet.

"Don't worry, young one," the phoenix said, "I won't consume you."

Eugene's chin droops in surprise.

"Wait, you're able to communicate?" Eugene responds, bewildered.

END of Chapter 6