

Dexter is a 16-year-old high school student who is constantly bullied by his peers and has been deceived by his girlfriend. He was reborn in a magical world where magic is everything. "What exactly is this?" I was reincarnated in a magical world, but I didn't have any extraordinary powers; instead, I was given a system that instructed me to craft.

Dukefiresquid · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Wonder town

My mother was blown away by my magic, so I ended up fixing the entire house.

I was fatigued from using my magic several times.

My father questioned my magic, and I informed him that I possess two abilities: Craft and Fix.

"I wish our little Eugene would acquire fire element magic or ice element magic," dad said when I was still a baby. "Most of the world's top magicians utilize fire and ice elemental magic."

And here I was, his disappointment.

After our conversation, I recognized that this medieval world is still in its infancy. That's why my parents think everything I've done in our house is already remarkable. That's why, despite never having a superior class or magic, they called me a genius.

After that, I took a break because my little body was fatigued from everything that had happened.

Because it was my birthday, my parents surprised me with bread and chicken stew when I awoke. In this world, I literally forgot my birthday. That's why I'm surprised, since in this world, you don't get to consume a lot of food every day.

"Happy 4th birthday Eugene" Mom greeted me while smiling at me.

"Happy birthday brat" My dad said while handing me a small sword.

"It's my gift to you, so you know what's gonna happen next." While my dad has a smirk on his face.

"Wait, I'm still 4 years old?

Shoot i forgot im that young, i was confused about my age now and my age from the past.

"Your mother and I both know you're a genius. That's why, in three weeks, your uncle will claim you and bring you to the Claydon kingdom because it's the land of opportunity, especially you kid, you're a genius."

"And see that sword I gave you as a gift?" father said while in a serious face.

"No dad. Why? You're gonna train me?"

"That's right, Eugene, in three weeks I'll train you as the best swordsman in the kingdom, so you'll be able to defend yourself if you find yourself in trouble."

"Wait wait wait, me? Go to Claydon Kingdom? Train sword?"

"But dad. How about my house there? My money? And what am I going to do there?"

His father responded. "Son, you're going to live with your uncle there, and I'll give you enough money to last a month, but the rest is up to you; you'll have to work and earn your own money while you're there.

" And because you're a genius at repairing and crafting things, you'll most certainly find work there."

After the conversation I had with my dad, I suddenly thought. What do they think a 4 year old can do in this world? Isn't it too early for work?

After finishing my meal at the dining table, I get off of my chair and approach my mother, begging her to let me take a walk about town.

"Mom, can I walk to the town? Pleasee." Eugene begs while making a cute face.

"Aaww! Fine you can walk to the town, i think it's time for you to have friends"

"Yes!!! Thank you mama." Eugene replied while looking happy."

Today is the first time I've been out of my house to explore the town. I'd best get my stuff done before I go home.

I bring my tiny sword, some bread, and some water, which I keep in my inventory. I don't want to show my parents my inventory since they might assume I'm a multi-magic wielder.

I yelled in the air, "Open System!"


Name: [Eugene Loxley]

Class: [Craftsman]

Level: [3]

Title: [Crafter]

HP: [100/100]

MP: [50/50]

Strength: [5]

Agility: [4]

Vitality: [2]

Intelligence: [10]

Remaining points: [10]

And I neglected to mention that I increased my level to 3.

Wait, am I expected to contribute these remaining points at the bottom of the system to my attributes in order to make me stronger?

I'll distribute it properly later rather than spending it hastily.

By the way, I want to go to the town to learn how interaction works in this world and how currency works in this world.

I searched my father's pouch the last time he was drunk and found 1 gold coin, 2 silver coins, and 43 copper coins. I'm guessing the gold coin is a $100 bill, the silver coin is a $20 bill, and the copper coin is a $1 note, but I'm not sure how much they are worth.

"Now to the town to find out what in hell this world is!" Eugene shouts.

Eugene wanders along a path lined with trees and plants. To go to town, he had to traverse a small hill, where he was surprised to see children playing. Eugene didn't seem to mind, so he proceeded on his way to town.

"Are you familiar with that kid?"

a small child asks his peers.

As Eugene proceeds towards the town.

"At long last, I made it to town,"

Eugene says, his breathing heavy from the long trip from his house to the town. But actually it's just a 20 minute walk for an average adult.

The Town has a lot of people, it also has small shops, an inn, church and a smith.


Eugene is fascinated at how lively the town is even though it's small.

He then first goes to the general store to check the prices of food so that he can confirm how much food is.

Eugene enters the store..

"Hey, little one, are you a local?" " said the elderly man.

"Yes, Mr. Old Man, I live on the farm," Eugene said.

"Oh! Isn't it true that you're Edward's son? "

Eugene responded with a smile, "Yes, Mr. Old Man."

"Well, this is my first meeting with you; what can I do for you?"

the old guy replied while he held his own hands.

Eugene's eyes wander around the store looking at the products the store has.

All of the food-related products, such as fruits and vegetables, are located on the store's left side. The blacksmith's weapons and tools are sold on the right side of the store.

Eugene asked the Old man

"Old man, why are there weapons and tools here?"

The elderly man responded.

"Because the blacksmith workshop sells all of its wares here, the sale prices are a little higher for me to profit as well."

"Ohh." Eugene replied.

"Then how much for the bread?"

"That would be 2 copper coins."

"Wait, Mr. Old Man, what is the difference between a silver coin and a gold coin?" Eugene asked curiously.

"A silver coin is worth 50 copper coins, but a gold coin is worth 10 silver coins." The old man replied.

So, if I have a silver coin, I can obtain 25 pieces of bread, and if I have a gold coin, I can get 250 pieces of bread. Alright.

"One last thing Mr. old man"

"Carry on young one, what is it?"

"Where can I earn money? Specifically crafting or fixing things?" Eugene asks.

"Oh you can try going to the wood shop or the blacksmith."

"Thanks Mr. Old man, I promise to pay you back for letting me know."

"Oh shush it, it's free of charge." Old man replied while laughing.

So, folks here are very kind, huh? Perhaps I should visit a blacksmith and earn some coins there.

The blacksmith is right behind the general store.

Pow. pow.

Hitting a metal can be heard from afar.

Eugene knocked on the blacksmith's door and stood outside.

The sound of metal hitting metal comes to a stop.

The door swings open.

Eugene was taken aback because he had never seen anybody with such a long beard before.

"Wow, Mr. Blacksmith, you have such a long and lovely beard." The smither was unconcerned with Eugene's words, so he shut the door again.

What? Why did that smither close the door?

Eugene knocked on the door again.

"Mr. I'm only curious, Blacksmith, if you require assistance; I promise you may charge me a modest fee.

The door swung open again.

"What do you want, kid?" the smither spoke.

"I'm here to give you a hand but promise to pay me."

"How would you hit a metal, you're still a young kid."

Eugene then said.

"No Mr. Blacksmith, I have a magic that can help me fix or craft an item."

"Hmm. I never heard of anyone with that kind of magic. Oh well come inside let's have a look."

Eugene takes off his shoes and places them next to the front entrance.

The smither said, "Follow me."

Eugene stays with him till they get to their destination.

The smither then handed a broken sword.

"Now prove to me your magic, Fix it." The smither said.

"Alright Mr. blacksmith."

Eugene then grabs the broken sword and places his other hand on top of it.


Would you like to fix this broken sword?

Requirement: 5 iron bars or 15 MP


I'm not going to waste my mana right now, so I'm going to try to get 5 iron bars from the smither.

"Mr. "Blacksmith, could you please give me 5 iron bars?"

The smither handed 5 iron bars to Eugene.

Now all I have to do is say yes.

"Yes," Eugene whispered quietly.


Would you like to use your 5 iron bars?


While merging the shattered sword and the iron bars, Eugene's hands emit orange light.

From the bottom to the top, the sword gradually fastened. The sword's handle was replaced, and the blade was sharpened.


Sword fixed

Rank: D

The smither was shocked by what he witnessed.

"The quality of the sword is better than before. And the handles are much more comfortable than before."

The blacksmith then handed Eugene 1 silver coin

"What is this Mr. Blacksmith?

The smither replied. "Because you did a great job, I will give you 1 silver coin for each sword you fix."

My heart fluctuates from excitement.

Now I can earn money while I'm here hehe. Goodbye 1 bread a day, hello 10 bread a day.

Eugene then went on to fix more swords in order to make additional money.

End of chapter 3


Name: [Eugene Loxley]

Class: [Craftsman]

Level: [3]

Title: [Crafter]

HP: [100/100]

MP: [50/50]

Strength: [5]

Agility: [4]

Vitality: [2]

Intelligence: [10]

Remaining points: [10]


1. [Introduction to claydon kingdom book]

2. [Rock]


4.[cup of water]

5.[short sword]

6.[1 silver coin]
