

A good man dies and is sent into another world- Well, he is killed in cold blood just because of who he was, a sad reality. There, he is adopted by someone- Discovers secrets of that world, and slowly realizes that he is not where he think he is. -Author note- This novel is gay- If you haven't read my damn name yet! This is for gay people- Heterosexuals stay away, treat this novel like drugs and don't do it. Now my gays, you can stay, i plead you to stay my dear gays. [This fic contains spoilers of my [Son of the Night] fic! Go read that one first if you want.

DaoOfGay · Others
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Chapter 07: Search

Nátt smiled.

He was out of the cave, his father following him closely, although you could almost barely see him as he blended completely with nature around, Nátt knew his father would follow him every day he went out for his strolls on the forest and it made him feel safe knowing that his father would take care of him like that. Nátt wanted to find Pixies, the little humanoids with wings that can use magic and are great at finding things, he is looking for them because they can easily enter the Feywild and bring something for him! His father has several plants, but Nátt also wants to make potent healing potions! Enough to regenerate someone's missing limb, damaged internal organ, or even the soul itself.

Nátt chuckled at that last part, doing that would be extremely difficult or impossible, but we're talking about magic here, nothing seems impossible when you can bend reality to your will by using energy. Moving his fingers, a small white cloud appeared in his hand, this was one of the uses of [Druidcraft], he could easily use to tell the climate of the day! Today will be cloudy, and soon enough, there were several clouds in the sky, almost covering the whole sky as far as his eyes could see. He played around with his [Druidcraft] trying to also use [Dancing Lights] at the same time to train his multitasking and hopefully being able to use more magic at the same time. In DnD 5E, characters that are spellcasters sometimes use spells that needs Concentration to keep the spell, if Concentration is broken, the spell ends! Nátt is trying to train on using multiple spells at the same time to later on, in his hopefully long life, he can cast several spells at the same time.

Using [Gust] to push some leaves and blow them around, he decided to try something new, a new cantrip that he would try to learn right now! He grabbed one of the sticks from the ground and breaking it in half, them holding them closer and concentrating... Soon, the stick was whole again, as if it was never broken, soon on his status appeared the [Mending] cantrip under spells known. "NIce..." Said he to himself as he looked at the repaired stick in his hands, a simple and yet interesting feat to cast a cantrip like this... Sadly it has it's limitations, maybe with more powerful spells he can even restore reality itself, or maybe other conceptual things like Time, Space, and Death as well... That would be truly interesting. Chuckling at how his mind, Náttúrumaður kept exploring the woods he lived, his beloved father following him from a safe distanceto give his baby a little bit of freedom but also keeping an eye on him in fear something bad could possibly happen to him.

He started thinking about his father, about the wisdom he shared with him so many times, which was not really unexpected since he was a dragon, something mythical and beautiful on such a magestic level that one's mind would need years to understand the full extent of his existence. His father once told him, his words carrying the undying wisdom he accumulated through many milleniums of existence: "Life is full of mysteries and you need to learn how to see them, to learn is to experience, to experience is to feel, to feel is to live." This phrase is something he has been thinking about a lot recently- He experienced a lot on his last life, so much he was very experienced on doing many things for other people, experienced enough to ignore his own necessities, experienced enough to suffer through pain like it was normal for him- And it was, and that was what he kept saying to himself for years, that he deserved such pain, it was his redemption...

But the truth is, he liked the pain, because it gave him a purpose in life, he liked helping others because it gave him a sense of joy, seeing their smiles would then trigger his complex- Because he was being selfish, he was helping them to make himself feel better it didn't count as help, so he simply kept helping more and more people in selfishness, trying to keep him going forward- A vicious cycle that he put himself on just to live, just to not think about his deeper emotions, just to ignore his dying body, just to ignore the world and make it a little bit better than he found it.

Because it was addictive, the cycle he went through.

And he is ashamed to say he was addicted to doing that to himself, because he thought he deserved that...

Nátt sighed as his feet carried him forth, through the thick forest as he searched for the little things, those pixies are hard to find after all- They mostly like to rest on flowers, so he was looking at flowers that still hadn't bloomed, because they closed the flowers to sleep inside them, to keep themselves protected and hid from other creatures that might want to eat them. "hum... Where are they?" He huffed and puffed, his hands moving as the flowers around him started to bloom as he used his [Druidcraft] cantrip to make them bloom and hopefully find one Fairy that can help him find what he is looking for- A LIfe Dew.

A Life Dew is a small dew-like flower that has a strong life energy inside it, the only way to make it bloom would be by giving it magic and waiting for hundreds of years, feeding it magic every day. And the way to feed it would be by giving it blood every day, or by making a way that you both could share your magic together.

Maybe Nátt could make a spell or use a spelll to make the flower bloom? His dad told him of that method, but he can maybe find other ways.

BUt he wants that flowers beause he can use it to (maybe) make his all powerful healing potion, his new objective.