


NOT_EVEN_MAD · Anime & Comics
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I remember it all like happened yesterday, the week I lost it all, my family, my friends, my identity and it's all because of this damn quirk. If I hadn't awakened it then maybe I would still have it all. My quirk first awakened when I was around 4 and a half years old, I was running around in my mom's office when I hit the bookshelf and a mug fell off the top. My mom watched in horror as the mug fell towards my head as I brought my arms up to shield myself. 1 second, 2 seconds and yet the mug didn't hit me, looking up I saw the mug falling in slow motion and managed to get out the way in time. I ran to my mother who had a look of confusion on her face, to her I was about to get hit by a mug until I suddenly appeared next to her as the mug hit the ground. After telling my mother what happened from my perspective she shout in happiness and told me my quirk manifested and as a kid this was probably the coolest thing to have happened.


*POV the day they went to the quirk doctor*

'So kiddo, what's your name and do ya mind explaining your powers to this old man " the doctor ask me with an enthusiastic tone, the doctor was a short man, with a bushy moustache and gear-like glasses.

'Sure, my names Shin Kusakabe, and my power lets me see things go suuuuper slow' I replied with a beaming smile on my face.

"Alrighty, now if you could change into this suit and demonstrate your powers in that room"

Following his instruction, I changed and entered a white room with a glass wall where the doctor and my mother were overlooking me.

"Now, if you could grab something and just show me how your power works"

Grabbing a ball off the ground I throw it up and activate my quirk, I ran to the other side and then deactivated my quirk and looked back to see my mother and the doctor's reaction. The doctor seemed to be writing something down whilst my mother was smiling at me.

'Do you feel anything different than when before you used your quirk" the doctor inquired

'Mmmh, now that you mention it I do feel colder than before" I replied.

*5 minutes later*

"So it would seem like your child was blessed with a powerful quirk ma'am, from what I've observed it seems to take heat away from the surrounding areas essentially slowing time down, that could probably be the reason he feels cold after using it. I suggest he doesn't use it for too long or he could freeze up. So kiddo what would you like to name your quirk"

"Uhhhm, how about Super Slow Time" I replied with visible excitement.

The doctor looked at me with a blank expression before looking at my mother.

"How about you name your son's quirk ma'am"

"What's wrong with my name?" I ask the doctor

"Ehhr, it's a bit too, what's the word... long, yes long its a bit too long," He said

"Then how about severed universe" my mother interjected

"Great name, ma'am," the doctor told my mother as he jot down the name on a clipboard.

"My name's still better" I mumbled under my breath.

"Well that's all, I'll just need a blood sample and you're good to go" the doctor said.

*After Shin and his mother left*

"Yes Master, I think I've found a great vessel for you, his body seems to be able to handle your quirk factor and to top it all off his quirk is wonderful, though unfortunately, your current body won't be able to handle it" the doctor spoke into the phone

"Don't worry about that Doctor, you've done a brilliant job" the voice answered back.


*1 week after the visit to the doctor*

"I'm home mom" I shout as I close the door behind me.

Hmmph that's weird, mom usually answers back unless she isn't here

" I said I'm home mom" I shouted once more as I took my shoes off. Hearing no response again a sudden foreboding sense crept up on me. I walk around the house looking for my mom. The kitchen, nope. The bathroom, nope. Perhaps the living room I thought as I made my way there. As I got closer the ominous feeling got more intense, visions of my mother's corpse crept up as I made my way towards the living room, praying what I was imagining wasn't real. I finally got there when I saw it.

A large man towered over me, his ghastly white hair coupled with his crimson red eyes and the large smile on his face paralysed me with fear. A couple of feet away from him lay my mother's body, blood oozing out her head. Her usually brown hair was tinted a dirt brown by the blood.

"W-w-what did you do to my mother" I stammered out, as I ran to her side

"You don't need to worry about her anymore little one, rid her from your memories, all you need to worry about is doing your best for me," He said in a calm manner.

His large figure approached me as he stretched his hand out towards me. Forcing myself to get up I tried running away before everything went dark.


A bit shite I know, but I've always struggled writing the 1st chapter, the story will pick up from here and get better. In fact I can guarantee it so why don't ya stick around

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