


NOT_EVEN_MAD · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Prologue 2

*4-year time skip*

I've been here for about 4 years now and in that time I haven't left this accursed place once. The place itself isn't that bad bar for the fact that there aren't any windows which implies we're somewhere underground. I've tried killing All For One multiple times at but he always shrugs my attacks off and laughs about them, telling me to nurture my hatred. The more I grew stronger the larger the difference between us seemed to grow. His strength seemingly boundless.

As I haven't left once and there are no TVs or radios I don't have news on the outside world forcing me to read the books AFO has left for me. Books ranging from the human anatomy to the history of quirks, to arithmetics. AFO pops in from time to time to see the progress I've made and tests me. If my results aren't satisfying enough he gives me a punishment, which is simply him handing me over to the doctor who conducts various 'experiments' which can vary from whipping me or injecting me with weird substances.

My quirk development has been going well. At first, I could barely slow time down in a small area of about 5 metres and for 3 seconds before I start freezing. Now I've pushed that area up to 10 metres and 10 seconds before I start freezing up. My physical strength has also increased to that of the average quirkless adult. AFO has also suggested the use of a sword to increase my power's potency.

*POV Present day (Shin is now 8)*

"What do you want, All For One"

"I see you still haven't grown close enough to call me Sensei, well that matters little. Get ready as we're about to leave" He said with the usual smile on his face.

"Get ready? Where are you taking me" I questioned

"You haven't left this place in 4 years right, I thought it would be good for you and Tomura to meet."

He's finally, letting me out? What's he playing at? Why Now? Thousands of questions ran through my mind, my expression momentarily slipped as I let a frown form on my face before quickly changing it back.

"As you wish, All For One"

Turning my back I left the room before grabbing a few things like my sword and changing into plain grey sweatpants and a sweatshirt. Plans start forming in my mind as I walk back towards AFO. Perhaps I could use Severed Universe and get run away, but I'm sure he's fast enough to find me anyways after I turn my quirk off. Maybe I could turn it on and get into a random car and hope for the best, but that would simply drag innocent people into this as I'm sure AFO doesn't care about casualties.

I soon reach him and shook those thoughts out my head, I'll simply see what I can do and if the opportunity for escape arises I'll take it.

All For One lead me to another room where we soon reach an elevator which confirmed my suspicions that we were underground. We stood in awkward silence as it took the elevator around 5 minutes to reach the ground floor. We got out and walked through a door which lead to the outside. The sunlight burn my eyes forcing me to shield them.

"Bright isn't it, grab my hand. Let me help you walk" AFO said as he grab my hand.

It took my eyes about 5 minutes to adjust to the light. When I fully opened my eyes I took the sights in. Large buildings extending into the sky, throngs of people walking around and chatting, cars zooming about. Whilst these were the normal sights for some, this was something amazing for me who was stuck in an underground facility for 4 years.

AFO and I walked for 10 minutes until we finally stop at a 2-storey building. The place seemed to be some sort of shop selling general goods. We walk to the counter where AFO walk up to the cashier and said a code. The cashier nodded and let in to the door behind him. The door lead to a hallway with an elevator at the end. All the buttons in the elevator were blank with no numbers on them. AFO then press them in a certain order which led to the elevator's descent. The elevator soon opened up and we walk down another hallway riddled with doors. Opening the door on the right we entered a spacious room with a TV and a kitchen. Sat in front of the was a TV young boy about 13 years old with grayish blue hair reaching unil his shoulders.

"Sensei!" he exclaimed as he turn around letting me get a good look at his face, or I thought.

An embalmed hand covered his face covering majority of his face.

"How have you been Tomura" AFO dearly called out. "This is Shin, he'll be joining you here from now on so make sure to get along with him."

'Shin huh, just make sure not to get in my way with Sensei and I'll let you be" Tomura said to me.


*AFO and Doctor Gyudai call*

"What's your progress with the body augmentation surgery Doctor"

"I've managed to get it to a 25% success rate, but it won't strengthen them to anywhere close to your strength my lord. Perhaps to only 10%, alongside the low success rate, I don't recommend it y-"

"It matters not, we already have a copy of Shin's quirk, he'll undergo the surgery. We'll use the data from this to perfect the surgery more for the day Tomura has to undertake it"

"But lord, it's too dangerous, give me a few more months an-"

"DOCTOR. Do. Not. Make. Me. Repeat. Myself. Get the surgery ready within the next week"

"As you wish my lord"


*3 Days later*

It seems I've been permanently moved here, this place is an upgrade to the last one. Whilst my old room only had a bed and a bookshelf, this one has all that plus a desk and a minifridge. It seems AFO hold Tomura in a higher regard when you compare his room to mine.

-knock knock-

Before I could even reply the door knob was twisted and AFO came in.

"Follow me" He simply said.

Getting up from desk I start following him where he leads me to a lab with a large pod and tells me to get changed into a black bodysuit, the bodysuit had tiny holes in the side with the back being completely exposed. After I got changed he told me to enter the pod. As entered the pod an oxygen mask came down as the pod started being filled up with a liquid. Putting the mask on, I was soon fully submerged, large tubes entered the pod from the top. The tubes each had spikes attached on the ends and started floating towards my back and sides. As the realization dawned on my as to where those spikes where going I tried to break the pod only for my fists to bounce off.

The spikes entered my back and sides as something was administered into my body. The pain of the tubes entering caused me to blackout only to be woken up again by the pain.

I tried shrieking out but my screams were muffled out by the liquid, looking up to AFO I see him smiling before blacking out again.


I've been repeating the cycle of waking up and blacking out for an unknown amount of time now. Any time I think the pain is getting bearable I get assaulted by an even stronger pain. I've thought of giving up multiple times now but the image of my dead mother kept me going. I won't die until I've exacted revenge on AFO.

I've barely seen AFo since the surgery started but the doctor is always here seemingly checking up on my conditions. He seems to be stammering away about something.


*3rd person POV*

"Are you sure this is the place Nighteye, we cannot afford to let that man get away again" a man asks.

The man stood over 2 metres tall with short swept-back blonde hair, with two distinct tufts that stick up above his head, leaning slightly to each side. His costume was decorated with a red symbol that somewhat resembles a "Y", designed with a white diamond at its centre, with white lines connected to it that trace from his chest to his back shoulders.

"Yes, I'm sure of it All Might. I confirmed it when I used my quirk on the cashier, a man fitting your exact description was seen entering and leaving multiple times" Nighteye confirmed. Nighteye stood at exactly 2 metres tall, with smooth dark green hair parted to the left sporting 3 yellow streaks.

"All right then, I hope you're all ready. This won't be an easy operation"

Please leave some advice as I really struggle with dialogue.

Also, I know the story is fast-paced but I want to get to UA fast so don't expect much detail until then. The story will really pick up then. Expect a huge timeskip leading to UA in the next chapter perhaps

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