
Dreams of the Fool

He died after being hit by a truck. A normal death, right? What is not normal is that he had been reborn and it was not what he expected. 'THE HELL? I AM IN HORIMIYA AS IZUMI MIYAMURA!

Arcanum_02 · Anime & Comics
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80 Chs

Chapter 19: First Clue!

Hi guys, I have finished removing the bold characters from this fic. I'm sorry for those who had trouble. I thought it would be easier to distinguish front different aspects while reading my story, but it turns out that some readers couldn't read it. I also took the chance to rewrite some chapters.

Thank you and enjoy!


Izumi grinned massively when he heard Saiki's answer.

'Well, that was fast. I found my first goal.' he thought

"So it was you who kept rewinding the world," Izumi said as he pointed at Saiki.

Saiki's eyebrows rose in surprise.

"How did you know?" he asked as he narrowed his eyes.

'Yare Yare, I used 1 year's worth of rewind and mind control around the world. Nobody is supposed to know. How did he know about rewind.' thought Saiki.

Izumi thought about how to reply.

'If what he says is true, he is going to be a good addition to the group. But, judging by his everyday attitude, he wants to live in peace. What to do?' That's when a thought struck him and Izumi asked Saiki,

"Saiki, do you want to live an ordinary life in this world?"

Saiki narrowed his eyes at the question.

"What are you talking about?"

"Just answer the question."

"Isn't obvious? Yes, I want an ordinary life."


"Why?" Saiki repeated confused.

"Yes. Why do you want a peaceful life? With your abilities, you could get good grades, have your dream job, get rich or even take over the world. So why do you want to live a dull and ordinary life?" Izumi asked. Saiki contemplated on his question.

"These abilities of mine are unique only to me. Until now, I didn't know there was someone else like me leg alone some like you. I didn't want to stand out. Every day, I can hear the true thoughts of everyone, therefore making me aware of their true self. I don't want to stand out since these abilities sometimes give me more trouble than benefits. I don't want people to hound me every day for my powers and I also don't like dealing with people. I also can't control some aspects of my powers making interacting with people difficult. The only reason my parents know about powers is that they are airheads. They are good parents, but they are still airheads." Saiki looked at Izumi with a sad smile.

"I see..." Izumi slowly let out as he nodded after hearing his fellow superhuman's speech,

"Then if you had a choice between keeping your powers or not. Which would you choose?"

When Saiki heard his question, he looked thorn. On one hand, he would discard his powers to have a chance at a normal life, on the other hand, he was afraid of a life without his abilities.

"If I... had a choice, I... would discard it," he said after a lot of struggle.

Izumi smiled after hearing his answer.

"Then what if I told you you could live a life without your abilities while keeping your abilities in control." Saiki looked shocked when he heard the words leaving Izumi's mouth.

"What do you mean? I just told you I can't control my powers. It's why I wear these limiters." he snapped with a little irritation.

It was Izumi's first time he had seen emotions on Saiki. He usually had his deadpan expression for everything. He shook his hand in the air.

"That's not what I am asking. I'm asking if you wanted to live a life like a normal person, without those limiters, without uncontrollable power while still keeping your abilities."

"Is this a joke?" asked Saiki with more irritation

"Do I look like I'm joking Saiki?" retorted Izumi.

Saiki then sighed to cool himself down before answering,

"Then yes. I would like to live a life like a normal person without my powers blocking it."

"Are you sure that's what you want?"

"Yes, what's with these questions?" Saiki asked as his irritation came back.

That's when Izumi sent the metaphorical hook,

"Then fight me." Saiki froze when he heard the final question.


"Fight me. I want a spar. I will then tell you the solution for your problem." Izumi said with a huge grin.

"Why do I have to fight you?"

"Because I want a spar and I can help you," Izumi replied.

'What a pain! But if he really has a solution, I guess it's worth a try. Besides, I have never fought against another psychic' Saiki thought before nodding.

"Alright, let me set up the fighting area." Saiki tilted his head in confusion.

"How?" Izumi gave a mischievous grin before raising his hand.

"Like this!"

As soon as the words left his mouth, Dark Matter particles appeared out of his Personal Reality. Saiki watched in awe as the matter expanded itself into a 100 meters diameter dome before turning invisible leaving no traces of its visibility

'I guess this is what it feels like seeing another psychic at work' Saiki thought. He never he would one day meet another one like him so he was very much surprised seeing Izumi at work.

"How did you make it disappear?" Saiki asked when he saw the dome disappear from its view.

"I just altered the dark matter to make it reflective making it bend the light in a way that it becomes invisible," Izumi said as he shrugged as if he was telling the time. He then went into a combat stance.

"Are you ready Saiki?" He asked.

Saiki bend his legs and raised his arms in preparation and nodded. Izumi then produced a coin and held it on his fist in a flicking position.

"When this coin touches the ground the fight starts. Ok?" Saiki once again nodded.

"Alright!" Izumi then flicked the coin in the air.

Silence reigned in the area as the flipping coin raised in the air before it started to fall. Izumi tensed his muscles while Saiki prepared his mind. The coin continued to descend.


As soon as the coin touched the floor, Saiki activated his [Telekinesis] directly on Izumi. The latter widened his eyes when he felt a force wrap around and lift him up.

Saiki had a smug smile when he saw that.

"So that means I win?" he said. Izumi stayed silent for a moment before opening his mouth.

"Saiki, it's true that battles are won by the person who strikes first." he started. Saiki lost his smirk and narrowed his eyes as he sensed something amiss.

"But that only works with opponents who don't have a backup plan, don't you think?"

Now Saiki's senses started to flare up when he heard those words.

"What do you mean?"

"Do you remember what my ability is?" Izumi asked. Saili who still had the taller boy in a telekinetic hold nodded.

"You can create some sort of dark matter."

Izumi nodded,

"True, but do you remember the particularity of my Dark Matter?"

"That your Dark Matter does not obey the laws of physics..." That's when it hit him. he quickly turned around and saw a giant white hammer floating in the air, already in a swinging motion, about to hit him. He let Izumi go and tried to use his telekinesis to block it. He lifted his hand and redirected towards the incoming hammer and used his power. But nothing happened and the hammer still continued on its path without any interruption. It's like Saiki's power didn't even affect it. Abandon ring the Idea of controlling the hammer, he quickly conjured a psionic barrier to block the hammer.


Fortunately, for Saiki, the barrier appeared just in time to block the incoming hammer letting out a huge sound at the collision.

'Yare Yare. This is the first time my psychokinesis did not work. Is it because Dark Matter is outside of the laws of science. But my powers are outside of the laws of science too. So how?' Saiki thought as he stared at the now dissolving hammer.

"You're asking yourself " Why did Telekinesis not work?" right," said Izumi with a shit-eating grin.

'I really want to punch his face,' thought Saiki as a tick mark appeared on his head.

"Did you really think I would let someone else control something I created myself?" Izumi answered the unspoken question.

As Izumi said that, his thoughts were different,

'Wow, this is unexpected. I didn't expect Saiki's power to not work on that hammer. The question is "why?","

Saiki frowned and started to rise in the sky.

"Oh. You can fly too," said Izumi seeing this display.

Saiki didn't answer before a huge ball of fire appeared on top of him and he let it loose towards Izumi. Seeing the fireball rapidly approaching him, Izumi formed a barrier blocking the fire.

"You're not the only one with that ability Saiki!" Izumi said and 5 pairs of black dark matter wings burst forth from his back and started to flap. As he flapped his wings, he rose in the air to match Saiki's altitude.

"You're going to have to be more serious Saiki. I want to see everything. Don't hold back," Izumi said when he joined Saiki in the sky. Saiki locked his eyes on the winged boy.

'My mental abilities are, for some reason, useless against him. Psychometry and Clairvoyance are not useful right now. What about physical strength?' Saiki thought.

Suddenly, he teleported behind Izumi and cocked his fist to deliver a punch towards Izumi intending to bring him on the floor. Using his inhuman reflexes, he quickly used a pair of wings to block Saiki's punch. Unfortunately, he underestimated Saiki's strength and was sent towards the ground.


Dust flew in the air as soon as Izumi impacted the ground. Saiki gently landed on the ground and looked at Izumi's crash. When the dust cleared, Izumi could be seen standing inside a huge crater perfectly unharmed.

"Man, you do 't seem like someone who could pack a punch," Izumi said as he dusted himself.

'What a pain! When is he going down?" Saiki thought with a little irritation.

Suddenly he tensed when he felt the atmosphere around Izumi change.

"Now, it's my turn!" Izumi shouted with a grin. Izumi raised his hand and Saiki, sensing an impending attack, created a force field around himself. Unfortunately, for him, Izumi could create his Dark Matter just about anywhere.

The pink-haired esper could not dodge in time when another hammer suddenly materialized in front of him and socked him in the face. With his concentration lost, his force field was disabled and he flew backwards before crashing into a rock formation. Although the force of the hammer was strong, it didn't pierce through Saiki's skin as he was very strong physically. The boy then emerged from the destruction unscathed except for his clothes. They were torn but Saiki didn't care as he could use restoration on it.

'This is the first time I've been punched like that. It kind of makes me angry' thought the psychic as he examined himself. He then heard Izumi's voice,

"Wow! You tanked that with no injuries. You're really strong." said Izumi with his ever-present smirk.

'Now I really want to beat him up. Let's do it.' Saiki thought as he raised his hand and plucked his limiters from his head.

"So you've finally gotten serious. Finally, it's about time. Let's see what you can do." Said Izumi seeing Saiki's action.

The latter had his head low when he took his limiters off when he suddenly raised it. A huge telekinetic force started to make its way towards Izumi.

"Shit! With a single flick from his head can do that!" thought Izumi perplexed by the sudden change in Saiki's power.

As the force continued on its path of destruction leaving a trail on its way, Izumi quickly brought his ten wings in front of him in a way to defend himself.


The force and the wings collided and the wings were destroyed. Izumi was in shock,

'What the fuck! Just how much power was he suppressing? My Dark Matter is not so easy to break and he destroyed it casually!' internally shouted Izumi.

Saiki saw the slight look of panic on Izumi's face and smirked a little revelling on the payback. Saiki once again tried to take control of the Dark Matter, but, unfortunately, it seems that he still couldn't control it.

'Looks like only Izumi could control them." Saik thought a little disappointed.

'Then let's see about mid control.' Saiki the. started to exert his will on Izumi to force him to surrender.

Izumi who has recovered from his shock suddenly felt immense pressure on his mind.

"Fuck, my brain feels like it's going to split apart!" struggled to think as the pressure increase.

"But this is nothing! I survived that fucking place. I will surpass this!" he thought and the pressure started to slowly decrease.

Saiki was frowning when he saw Izumi struggling against his mind control. Suddenly, he felt his mind control's effect on Izumi slowly. Now he had an internal debate,

'Should I stop or should I continue? I still don't know the limits of my powers. What if I injure him badly?" Just as he was about to come to a decision, he heard Izumi shout,

"Ok, Saiki! I've seen enough!"

He quickly stopped using his powers and quickly place his limiters on his head. When Izumi no longer felt the pressure, he let out a huge sigh of relief and shakily stood up.

"Damn Saiki! Just how strong are you? And what was that last attack?" asked Izumi with a shaky smile. Izumi opened his circuits and, without Saiki noticing, let his mana run through his body for faster recovery.

Saiki took time to think before answering,

"I don't know. At the age of five, I was strong enough to destroy the moon and, at ten, I was able to change the world." When Izumi heard the answer, he couldn't help but ask,

"Wait, is it because of you that everyone has weird hair colour and they can heal fast?"

Saiki nodded. Izumi laughed out loud and the pink-haired esper rose an eyebrow in confusion. When the taller teen stopped laughing, he said,

"You are a goddamn reality warper," he said with pure disbelief in between laughs. Saiki nodded.


Izumi put his hand on his face and let out another huge sigh.

"I never stood a chance did I?"

"I don't know."

"You don't know?"

"For some reason, when I tried to use mind control on you, I felt like I was slowly losing control of you. It was like you were adapting to my power. You may one day be immune to it if it continues."

"I was adapting? I did not know that." Izumi said. He was going to have to check on that discovery. Saiki nodded and asked,

"What did you mean that you've "seen enough"?"

Izumi then had a proud expression.

"What I meant was that I have your solution. You can have a normal life without your powers interfering, but there is a catch. Before that, use your power to restore this place." Saiki used [Restoration] to turn the battlefield's time back by one day and Izumi created two chairs. The two boys then sat down.

"What is it?"

Izumi took a deep breath,

"Alright Saiki, I am going to tell you some things so try to keep an open mind ok?" Saiki nodded. Seeing Saiki's answer, Izumi decided to tell him the truth.

"Before starting, have you ever heard of the theory of the multiverse?" Saiki nodded as it is a recurring theme in mangas and animes.

"Well, let me introduce myself. My name is Miyamura Izumi and I am from another world." Saiki who heard the words had a surprised expression.

"Another world?"

"Yes. But let me finish before asking questions." Izumi answered and Saiki nodded.

"I am part of a group who travel throughout the multiverse completing missions like defeating servants of Outer Gods who invade some worlds to sow chaos and evil."

"By Outer Gods like Cthulhu?" Izumi simply nodded. Saiki remained cool and let Izumi continue his story.

"By completing these missions, we can then gain rewards. They come in all sorts like abilities, objects, currency, and many more. There is also a store where we can buy pretty much anything. Right now, I am on this world on a mission to find out why this world was subjected to multiple time-reversal and stop it, and to defeat a servant of an Outer God."

"That's why you asked if I had time-related power?" Saiki interjected.

Izumi nodded.

"I was advised to join PK Academy to complete my mission. I realized that when I met you. A powerful psychic and today's fight just confirmed it."

"So what do you want?"

"I need your help to complete my mission and help me defeat the invader from another world. I also want to ask if you wanted to join my group." Izumi finished. Saiki looked like he was in deep thought. After a few minutes of silence, he asked,

"Do you have proof? Also, you told me that I would have my normal life without my powers interfering.IIf I join your group, am I obligated to go on these missions?" Saiki asked.

"About the missions, you are allowed to refuse the quests if you don't want to go. Plus, if you go to another world for a mission, the time of your homeworld will be frozen. Therefore, no one will notice anything and you will not miss anything. You will also be rewarded for the missions. Also with your abilities, I feel like you could easily complete some quests." Izumi answered. After another moment of silence, Izumi asked,

"So will you join my group?" Saiki looked down thinking hard before he answered,
