
Dreams of the Fool

He died after being hit by a truck. A normal death, right? What is not normal is that he had been reborn and it was not what he expected. 'THE HELL? I AM IN HORIMIYA AS IZUMI MIYAMURA!

Arcanum_02 · Anime & Comics
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80 Chs

Chapter 20: Compromised?

I'm sorry for the late update since I have exams. My next update might also be late since I have another exam in two days.


Izumi was waiting for Saiki's answer.

"I... can't decide right now. Please give me some time," Saiki said after a long moment of hesitation.

Izumi nodded.

"I understand. I'm not forcing you to join right now. You can give me your answer later." he said to his fellow esper. Saiki gave a small smile.

'Yare Yare, what should I do?' thought Saiki.

Izumi looked at the time on his phone. It was 6:00 pm.

"Looks like it's time to go home, Saiki," Izumi said when he saw the time.

Saiki nodded and they both got up before Izumi dematerialized the chairs and the protective dome. Izumi didn't have to worry about evidence since Saiki simply restored the area. Even if someone caught them, he could simply make them forget.

'Now that I think about it, I should learn some mind-related magic. Even if my mind is unexpectedly strong, which I still don't know the reason, It may have something to do with that place, I need to also learn how to affect the mind of others.' Izumi thought.

When everything was taken care of, Izumi nodded at Saiki and the latter put his hand on his shoulder to teleport. They soon appeared in Izumi's apartment.

"Then will you help me with my mission?" Izumi asked once Saiki lifted his hand off his shoulder.

Saiki nodded.

"Then I will see you at school Saiki."

"See you at school Miyamura," Saiki responded and teleported to his house.

Izumi, now alone in his apartment, went to take a shower before going to eat his supper. Once he was done, he went to his bed. As he lay on the bed, he thought about the other members and opened the system.

[Izumi]: Hey guys, what are you up to?

[Erza]: Hello Izumi, I am just searching for a job at the guild. I need to get the money for this month's rent at the Fairy Hills.

[Izumi]: Are you low on money?

[Erza]: Yes, that's why I have to get a mission.

[Izumi]: Are you sure, it's not because your guild destroys everything?

[Erza]: ...

[Erza]: Yes

[Izumi]: Hahaha! Then you need to learn how to avoid collateral damage.

[Erza]: I know

[Izumi]: By the way, how are the swords that you got from the system?

[Erza]: They are amazing! They cut down monsters very easily and my magical resistance becomes stronger than some of my armour!

At this moment, Kazuma joined the chat.

[Kazuma]: Yo!

[Izumi]: Yo Kazuma! What have you been up to?

[Kazuma]: Well, the useless goddess and I finally got enough money to rent a room in an inn thanks to Killer Queen. This stand is a gift from the gods!

[Erza]: Good for you Kazuma! Have you read the manga of your world?

[Kazuma]: No. I didn't have the time yet since I was busy earning money.

[Izumi]: You should read it, it may help you for your future actions.

[Kazuma]: Ok, what about you Erza?

[Erza]: I have read mine, which is why I am training hard.

[Izumi]: What's happening to the others.

[Erza]: Maybe they are busy. What about you?

[Izumi]: I finally found a clue about my mission.

[Kazuma]: Oh? What is it?

[Izumi]: In this world, there is an overpowered reality warper that kept this world in a time loop and made everyone forget about it every year.

[Kazuma]: A reality warper? Are you kidding me?

[Erza]: A reality warper?

[Izumi]: Yeah, I was shocked too when I found out. He's a 17-year-old student that goes to the class I transferred to.

[Kazuma]: How did you find out?

[Izumi]: I fought him.

[Kazuma]: Are you an idiot or an idiot?

[Erza]: What were you trying to do Izumi?

[Izumi]: I was trying to help him.

[Kazuma]: By doing what? Killing yourself. Great plan Sun Tzu!

[Izumi]: Oi!

[Erza]: Then why did you do it.

[Izumi]: I needed to gauge his strength and his abilities. I would then analyze him and maybe figure something out with magic or Dark Matter to help him.

[Kazuma]: Help him? What does a reality warper need your help with?

[Izumi]: His powers.

[Erza]: Why does he need help with his powers.

[Izumi]: as far as he knows, he is the only person with abilities like that. And they are getting uncontrollable the more he grows. It even started impacting his daily life. So I am trying to help him.

[Izumi]: I also told him about the system and my mission.

[Erza]: Why?

[Izumi]: I mean wouldn't take the help of a reality warper. Also told him that the system could help him.

[Kazuma]: Besides, it has never been written that we are not allowed to tell others about the system. I think most just wouldn't believe us.

[Erza]: I see.

[Kazuma]: Then what did he say?

[Izumi]: he told me he would think about it. I'm guessing he will give his answer after the missions.

[Kazuma]: Ah ok

[Erza]: That's ok.

The three later talked about many things and exchanged stories about what they did when Izumi saw the time. It was already 10 pm.

[Izumi]: Alright guys, I have to go since I have school tomorrow. Bye

[Erza]: Bye Izumi

[Kazuma]: Bye

Izumi then closed the system and went to sleep.

The next day, Izumi woke up fully awake. He was used to waking up early as he used that time to go train. He then took a shower, ate his breakfast and went to school. Once he arrived in front of the school, he saw someone creating a commotion.

"Kongo! Your hair and clothes are not respecting the school regulations!" stated Matsuzaki when he saw Kongo's appearance.

Kongo was a third-year student who was also a delinquent. He never respected the rules and always started causing trouble left and right.

"Huh? I don't care. Just leave me alone. I will wear whatever I want and will style my hair however I want." retorted Kongo.

"I can't let you do that Kongo. You have to go change." That's when Kongo's temper flared.

"You know what? You're starting to piss me off! Get out of my way!" Kongo shouted and threw a punch at Matsuzaki.

"Kya!" screamed Matsuzaki in a voice too high for a guy like him.

When Kongo threw his punch, the teacher's clothes were shredded because of the pressure of the punch. Izumi simply deadpanned at the situation.

"I shouldn't even be surprised anymore. But what the hell is up with that scream? And Clothes getting shredded by air pressure? this world is getting too much like an anime. Is that it? Is this world an anime and Saiki Kusuo is the protagonist?' thought Izumi with a wry smile.

"OOOH!" Kongo showed when he was about to punch the teacher a second time when, out of nowhere, a hand blocked the incoming punch. The person behind the hand was revealed to be another teacher. His name was Hatakeyama. The teen was enraged when he saw that.

"Get the fuck out of my way! Take This. I will put my whole energy into this punch and blow you away!" the enraged teen shouted at the teacher who interrupted him.

'What kind of cringy statement is that' Izumi thought as he shivered from the cringe.

'My dear student. You have been trapped in your rage and lost sight of your goal. As your teacher, it is my duty to guide you to the right path and open your eyes' internally monologued Hatakeyama when he saw the incoming student about to beat him up.

The teacher ducked under the teen causing Kongo to overextend his fist.

"Wha...?" he let out when he saw that his fist didn't hit anything.

Without missing a beat, the teacher appeared behind Kongo and performed the famous neck chop to render the student unconscious.

The student, now unconscious, crumbled towards the floor, but the Hatakeyama, with an impressive show of strength, caught him and turned towards Matsuzaki.

"Are you okay Matsuzaki-sensei?"

"Thank you Hatakeyama-sensei. You've been a great help," he replied with his clothes.

'Wait? weren't his clothes destroyed?' thought Izumi, perplexed, seeing the guidance councillor's undamaged clothes.

"I wonder how he became like this?" said Matsuzaki with a sigh.

"I don't know. I must first bring him to the infirmary. Have a good day Matsuzaki-sensei." farewelled Hatakeyama.

"Have a good day to you too Hatakeyama-sensei," replied Matsuzaki.

The students who were enjoying the show started walking towards their classroom. As soon as Izumi sat in his seat, people started greeting him.

"Yo, Miyamura-san! Are you ready for another against the foes of Dark Reunion?" asked Kaidou.

"Yo Midget and Pretty Boy! Do you wanna go for ramen!" asked Nendou as soon as he saw them.

"Huh? Is there only ramen in your head instead of a brain?" retorted Kaidou.

"What? Ramen is delicious! What's the problem?"

"School only started and you're thinking about ramen!"

They both started to bicker once again. In the meantime, Hairo also came to greet Izumi.

"Hood morning Izumi! Are you ready to face the challenges and not give up? Because I am pumped and I won't give up!"

"Hello, Hairo-san."

'I can practically see his flames of youth' thought Izumi when he saw Hairo.

At this moment, Izumi saw Saiki entering the room and his friends went to greet him. The pink-haired psychic saw Izumi and they both nodded at each other. Soon the bell rang and the teacher entered the class.

"Good morning, everyone. Today, I have an announcement for you. We are going to have 2 transfer students today so be nice to them."

"More transfer students?"

"I hope they are boys."

"I hope they are girls"

"No boys!"

"No girls!"





" I wonder which insect I will catch today?"


"QUIET!" shouted the teacher when she saw her students causing a commotion.

'Yare Yare, another transfer student. I hope don't won't be bothersome,' thought Saiki.

"*Ahem* Anyway," she turned towards the door, "You can come in now."

The door slid open and two students came into the classroom. The first student was a plain-looking boy with purple hair and glasses. The second student was a girl with blond hair and dark skin.

'Is that what they call a "gyaru"? It's my first time seeing one." thought Izumi when he saw the girl.

The boy then started to present himself,

"My name is Kuboyasu Aren. Wassup?" he said before quickly putting his hand to his mouth.

"I-I mean n-nice t m-meet you." the boy stuttered while trying to correct himself.

"Wassup"? someone asked.

"That's funny."

"He's interesting."

'Almost got caught. I can't let them know that I was a former delinquent. Normal people don't like that.' Kuboyasu thought.

'I already knew and it's going to be a hard one for you.' thought Saiki when he heard the purple-haired student's thoughts.

The girl beside him then introduced herself.

"Yo, my name is Aiura Mikoto and I like fortune-telling."

"Eh? Fortune telling?"

"Does that mean you can predict the future?"

"Try me!"

"No, me!"


"Fortune-telling? Can we eat that?"

"Why did you come to this school," asked a student.

"I came here because I felt that my soulmate goes to this school," she replied with a huge smile.

"YOUR SOULMATE!?" everyone shouted.


Another loud noise was heard when the teacher hit the table.

"Quiet, you can ask more questions later during the break," she said.

Shima-sensei then turned towards the two students,

"You can take any empty seats and we will start the lesson."

Kuboyasu took a seat close to the door while Aiura took a seat in the back just behind Izumi. As the class started, Izumi felt someone poking his back. He turned around and saw that it was Aiura.

"Ne! Ne! What's your name?" she asked?

"My name is Miyamura Izumi." the boy replied.

"No, I mean who are you?" Izumi started to get wary when she repeated her question.

Before the girl could ask again, the voice of Shima-sensei was heard.

"Is there something wrong, Miyamura-kun and Aiura-san?"

"No sensei. She just had a question about the class and I was helping her." Izumi quickly lied.

"Oh. That's nice of you Miyamura-san, but please don't talk while I'm teaching." she reprimanded.

"Ok sensei."

"And that goes for you too Aiura-san."

"Yes, Shima-sensei." the girl cheerily said.

And so the class continued, but Izumi was not calm anymore.

'What does she mean when she asked that? Was she not asking my name? Was she asking for something else?' That's when the boy's thought took a turn,

'Does she perhaps know my identity? But that's impossible. I have not told a single person except for Saiki and he would never tell anyone. It would disturb his "normal" life. I'm going to have to find out later. But first, I have to keep track of her.' Izumi thought.

He produced a dark matter tracker with a built-in camera and fused it with her clothes. By now, his Dark Matter bugs have easily travelled the whole of Japan. he now had an accurate map of Japan in his head. Well, the Japan of this world.

'Let's do the same when I get back to my world. But first, what should I do with her?' thought Saiki when he could feel the gaze of Aiura behind him.