
Dreams of the Fool

He died after being hit by a truck. A normal death, right? What is not normal is that he had been reborn and it was not what he expected. 'THE HELL? I AM IN HORIMIYA AS IZUMI MIYAMURA!

Arcanum_02 · Anime & Comics
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80 Chs

Chapter 18: Testing Powers

The bell for the end of the day has finally rung. Izumi was packing his stuff when a tall boy with buzz-cut hair and a yellow mohawk approached him.

"Oi!" he called out.

Izumi looked up and saw the teen standing in front of him.

"Nendou was it? What can I do for you?" the otherworlder asked.

"I and my partner with Midget are going to get ramen. Do you want to come?"

"Eh! When did I say I want to come! shouted the blue-haired boy.

"Sure, why not. I haven't tried ramen in this city."

"On second thought, Dark reunion might be waiting to ambush you guys therefore I, Jet-Black Wings, will be here to protect you," interjected Kaidou.

'Maybe I can be friends with Miyamura-san.'

'Mataku, I don't want to go get ramen just leave me alone.' thought Saiki with his usual deadpan expression when an arm wrapped around his shoulder.

"Alright! Let's go, partner! We're going to get some ramen!"

'I don't want to' thought Saiki.

10 minutes later,

'I still don't want to.' thought Saiki as he was walking with Nendou, Kaidou and Izumi. He couldn't use his powers in front of others hence he let himself pulled along.

"I know a good ramen place that I usually go to," said Nendou as he took the lead. As they walked down the road, Izumi approached Saiki when he saw Kaidou and Nendou arguing about which ramen place to go.

"Hey, Saiki. I have a question," whispered Izumi. Saiki raised his eyebrow,


"Does Teruhashi-san have powers too? It's been bugging me a lot since I have seen her." Saiki shook his head knowing what Izumi was talking about.

"No, she does not."

"Eh? Really?" Izumi said confused


"Then how is she doing everything she is doing?"

"She is lucky," Saiki said with a deadpan.

"Lucky?" Izumi asked mirroring his expression.


'What the hell is wrong with this world. From far, it looks ordinary, but, when you look at it closely, nothing makes sense.'

Soon they have arrived at a ramen store.

"Yo Uncle! Four bowls of your best please!," shouted Nendou when they entered the shop. The boss looked at the entrance.

The chef, who was in the back, came to the front.

"Oh, Nendou! Welcome back! have seat with your friends I will bring you your food." The four students then took their seats. Nendou and Kaidou then told Izumi about Pk Academy since he was a transfer student.

"So where do you live Izumi?" asked Kaidou.

"I live in an apartment close to the school alone since it will be easier for me to go back and forth."

"Alone?" Nendou asked.

"Yes. My parents decided to stay in America."

"That means you can do whatever you want," Nendou said with a gleam in his eyes.


'Technically I can since I don't have parents here, I can do whatever I want.'

"Then I'll come over!" declared Nendou.

"Oi, Nendou! You can't just invite yourself to someone else's room like that!" interjected Kaidou.

"Uh? Why not?" asked Nendou confused. And they both started bickering again. Even when the food came, they continued to bicker. Izumi leaned towards Saiki,

"Are they always like that?" he asked. Saiki nodded his head in slight exasperation.

Soon they finished eating and each went on their own way.

It was now Sunday. 6 days had passed, and nothing ordinary happened. Izumi woke up from his bed. After stretching himself, he got off the bed and checked the many Dark Matter insects around the city to check any anomaly and see if they caught sight of the anomaly in this world.

Once done, he got off the bed and did his routine. In the meantime, he thought about something,

'How am I even going to find the anomaly. Last time, the anomaly came to us. Is it going to be the same as that or do I have to find it? This time I won't have any help from the members since they are not here.' he thought. That's when it hit him,

'Maybe I don't need to ask help from the members since I can have my very own helper here!' he thought thinking about a certain psychic.

'But will he help me? If I ask him, I'm going to have to tell him the truth. Wait." Izumi quickly opened the chat room and went to the settings. after a few minutes of searching, he found it

[Multiverse Chat Group Invitation (New)]

[Ever since the update, The administrator now has the permission to invite potential new members to the Multiverse Chat Group. The group has 2 people limit per world.]

'This could work. I will use this if I need to tell him the truth.'

Izumi looked at the time and saw that it was 8 AM.

'Alright, even if I was in another world. I should not neglect my magic training.' he said. He grabbed his sports clothes and went outside.

As he looked for a place to train, he chanced upon a forest.

"This place is perfect!" Izumi told himself.

He went deep into the forest and when he sensed that no one was around, he opened his magic circuit. Izumi sighed in satisfaction,

"The feeling of mana moving through my body feels great!" he thought. He then unleashed his Dark Matter. He produced a huge amount of magic-infused Dark Matter and morphed it into a dome of 50 meters in diameter. He then commanded the Dark Matter to reflect the light in a way that it became invisible with Izumi disappearing in it making an illusion that no one was here. Izumi also created a few insects to alert him when someone was approaching it.

After everything had been set up, he started training. He, first, started training his pure mana manipulation for an hour. After taking a thirty minutes break, he trained his elemental magic. He practiced mostly practiced with earth, water and air. He didn't train much of his lightning and fire magic since he didn't want to burn down the forest. He only used low level spells. He could move the earth, but he didn't learn how to grow trees back.

After another break, he started working on a spell that he had been practicing a long time. Ever since he got the ability of Dark Matter, he gained a little insight into the concept of creation. Therefore, he wanted to recreate a famous spell that he saw in the Nasuverse: [Projection]. He wanted to try Shirou Emiya's [Tracing], but, unfortunately, he doesn't have their Reality Marble, therefore he wouldn't be able to replicate weapons down to their history. But the steps used by Shirou did help Izumi recreate the spell.

Izumi held up his hand and closed his eyes to concentrate. He focused on his mana and a blue flare appeared above his palm. He then concentrated on what he wanted. He then went into a trance.

[Judging the concept of creation]

[Hypothesizing the basic structure]

[Duplicating the composition material]

[Creating blueprint]

Without realizing it, Izumi's spell took an unexpected turn and he couldn't stop it.

[Imitating the skill of its making]

[Simpathizing with the experience of its growth]

[Repoducing the accumulated years]

[Excelling every manufacturing process]

After every step is completed, Izumi finally left his trance and opened his eyes. Izumi was dumbfounded,

"WHAT! H-How?" he shouted in shock

Because there in his hand laid his Masamune sword or, more specifically, its copy.

'This is not possible he said as he started the sword he created in shock. He took out the real Murasame from his soul and now there were two identical swords. Izumi could feel that the sword in his right hand was fake whereas the real one was in his left hand since he could feel his mana in the copy.

"How is this possible? Do I have the same Reality Marble as that suicidal hero?" He put the swords on the ground and sat down as he put his hand on his chin to think.

"No. Emiya had the origin and element of "Sword" which helped him create Unlimited Blade Works Reality Marble. The downside is that he can only use none elemental spells or weapon-related spells. Whereas I can use multiple types of spells and I haven't seen the limit yet. Is it because of my growing Reality Marble?" Izumi finally thought when he came to a realization. Looking at the swords, he recreated the process of Projection and, once again, made another copy of Masamune.

"Maybe it's because Masamune was part of my soul. I need to try with something else." Izumi dispelled the copies and placed the real sword back in his soul before trying to project something else.

He repeated once again the spell and created his mom's kitchen knife.

"It feels exactly the same. I can also feel her history and experience in it too." Izumi said in awe. This is a jackpot! Izumi felt like screaming out loud seeing the spell in action.

'Just what is happening with my magic.' Izumi thought.

After practicing, he later practiced his swordmanship. The skill he had brought from the store was not what he had expected. The [Swordmanship] skill that he had brought from the store was more like an instinct that helped him correct his stances and slashes while using the sword. The advantage of this skill is that later on Izumi would create a style unique to him and only him since he would be creating a style from scratch. Izumi used his magic to create a pillar of earth and he started hacking it whilst practicing his swordmanship.

After about one and a half hour, he finally stopped training. Looking at the time, he saw that it was almost 12H. Looking at his surrounding he saw that he had made some damages. He used earth magic to repair the earth and swallow up the damadged trees leaving only a few spots empty. He then undid his barrier and went home to go eat. Today's lunch was going to Chicken Katsudon but with a twist. While Izumi cooked his chicken tenders, he opened his magic circuits and used [Reinforcement]. The mana flowed into the chicken enhancing its flavor and its nutrients. He used this spell during the whole cooking process of the Katsudon bringing its flavor to new heights.

After filling his stomach, he texted Saiki.

[Miyamura]: Yo Saiki, so when are we going?

After a few minutes, his phone beeped.

[Saiki]: What?

[Izumi]: You know to go test our powers.

[Saiki]: Oh

[Saiki]: Where are you?

Izumi then gave his address.

[Saiki]: I am coming.

Izumi was going to type "When?" when Saiki suddenly appeared in front of him in the living room. Izumi almost went into combat mode when he saw Saiki appear.

"Dude! You don't just teleport into someone's house. That's considered rude." Izumi scolded Saiki. Saiki simply looked at him and something brushed his mind. Izumi deapanned at him,

"Your telepathy does not work on me Saiki. You need to talk. That's what the big hole on your face is for." A tick mark appeared on Saiki's face.

'I don't know how he does it, but every word he says pisses me of.'

"What's this around the building when Saiki felt something amiss on the building's perimeter.

Izumi realized what he was talking about and said,

"Oh. That's a barrier i made in case of emergencies."

"What kind of emergency needs this "barrier"," Saiki asked confused as he tilted his head on the side.

"Do you not wonder that maybe their is someone like you out there?" Izumi asked. Saiki shook his head.


"Because i have never found anyone like me on this planet." he simply replied.

"Well you have never seen someone like me either." Izumi retorted. Of course, he wasn't going to say now that he had just arrived more than a week ago. Using this chance, Izumi thought it was better for him to make Saiki more vigilant of his surrounding. Of course, living in a world where you can be considered a god because of your unique abilities could make you not perceptive from threats against you.

Saiki nodded at his reasoning. That's when Izumi paused.

"Wait, your power can extend across the whole globe?" he asked. Saiki nodded. Izumi suddenly had a suspicion, but decided to confirm it later.

"Ok, we have got to see that. So where are we going?"

"Grand Canyon"

"Grand... Canyon?" Izumi asked unsure.

The other boy nodded.

"That's a good place. Isolated, large area for practice." Izumi gave a thumbs up.

"Alright! Let's go." Saiki then placed a hand on the taller boy's shoulder before they suddenly teleported out of this house leaving it empty. Izumi felt like the very space warped around him. His senses went into overdrive. Izumi felt the very space folded itself like a book and opened back.

Soon they arrived in a large space with little vegetation and a lot of rock formation.

"Wow! This is awesome." he said. He could see a small smug on Saiki's face.

"So what can you do?" asked Izumi eager to learn Saiki's powers.

Rocks started to levitate around Saiki as the latter used his telekinesis to move it around. he then later used different elements like fire, water, ice, electricity, etc. He then showed his transformation ability. As time continued on, he showed more and more of his powers. Izumi was honestly baffled since he couldn't make sense of some of abilities because they couldn't be linked. After he showed most of his abilities, Izumi asked, pointing at the contraptions on his head,

"Then what are those things on your head?" Saiki touched them and replied,

"They help me keep my abilities in check."

"Then what is your range with those on?"

"200 meters."

"And without?"

"The whole planet."

Once again, Izumi had a nagging feeling on the back of his mind.

"Do you have any power time-related?" he tentatively asked as his suspicion growed more intense.

"How did you know?" Saiki asked surprised.

"I see and have you used it on the world?" Saiki nodded slowly as he started to realize what Izumi was talking about.

"The are you responsible for the time reversal of this world?" Izumi finally asked. Saiki didn't know how to answer the question so he simply answered the best he could.


Izumi had a huge grin when he heard the answer.