
Dreamcaster : Sorcerer of the World

Darren Foster is just an ordinary high school student until his dreams start becoming reality. One night, he dreams about a snake in his house, and the next morning, the exact same snake appears. Confused and intrigued, Darren tries to brush it off as a coincidence. But when a dream about his friend falling into a river nearly comes true, he realizes something extraordinary is happening.Seeking answers, Darren visits the Extraordinary Phenomenon Study Lab, where Dr. Deno helps him uncover the truth about his mysterious abilities. Darren discovers he can influence the real world through his dreams, a power that could be as dangerous as it is fascinating.As Darren grapples with his newfound abilities, he is drawn into a dark and dangerous adventure. When a terrifying shadow monster threatens his friends, Darren must learn to control his powers and protect those he loves. With the help of his friends Janet and Brian, Darren embarks on a journey to stop the shadow monster and uncover the secrets of his dreamcasting abilities.Can Darren harness his dream powers in time to save his friends and himself? Dive into a world where dreams and reality collide in "Dreamcaster."

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The shadow monster quickly used his hand to grab Brian. Brian tried to move away and even punched the shadow monster in the face, but the punches went through it as if nothing was there.

At the same moment, Darren started to dream about this. In his dream, he saw the shadow monster grabbing Brian. The monster looked back and spoke in a low tone, "Meet me in the woods for Brian, or I will kill him." Then Darren woke up, shouting, "No!" He was worried about what was going to happen. Unsure of what to do, Darren decided to get up and call Janet. She picked up not long after. "Janet! Brian has been kidnapped by the shadow monster," said Darren. Janet replied, "What? How?"

Darren then realized he didn't want Janet to get hurt or be targeted because of him. Unsure if he could protect her, he quickly said, "Don't worry, I got this," and hung up. He quickly changed his clothes and drove straight to the woods without his parents noticing. He parked his car and walked into the woods, but just before he was about to get in to the woods ,he saw someone familiar standing in front of it. As he approached, he realized it was Janet. "Janet, what are you doing here?" asked Darren. "Well, from our last conversation on the phone, I didn't quite catch everything, so I figured I should come here and team up with you to save Brian," Janet replied.

"No, I don't want you to get hurt, okay? I... I don't know if I'm strong enough to protect you," answered Darren. Janet responded, "You are, Darren. Look, even if it's dangerous, I still want to help you. That monster hurt my friend, and I don't think anyone else is going to deal with it except us." Darren breathed heavily and said, "Okay. Fine. Just don't separate from me ,okay?" Then Darren and Janet walked into the woods together.

As they went deeper, they heard a sound of something, it sounds like a wind. "Did you hear that?" asked Janet. "Yeah, I think we're getting closer," Darren replied. They kept walking and eventually saw a breach.

The breach was dark, like a vortex, and looked very strong. However, Darren and Janet couldn't see anything in it except darkness. "Okay, I think this is it," said Darren. A second later, the shadow monster emerged from the ground.

"Where is Brian?" shouted Darren. The shadow monster replied in a low tone, "He is inside that breach." "And how do we get in there?" asked Darren. The monster responded, "You can just simply walk into it." Janet whispered to Darren, "Why isn't he attacking us?" Darren replied, "Maybe he wants us to get into the breach." "Do you think Brian is in there?" asked Janet. Darren answered, "I don't know."

"Should we go in?" asked Janet. Darren replied, "If we want to rescue Brian, then maybe we have to." They slowly walked toward the breach. As they got close enough, the shadow monster rushed toward them to punch, but Darren heard it and instinctively used his hand to stop the attack. Like before ,blue energy emerged from his hand, hitting the shadow monster and making it disappear once again.

"Where did it go?" asked Janet. At that moment, the breach started to pull them in. "What's happening?" asked Janet. Darren suddenly realized they were being sucked in and replied, "The breach!" But there was nothing they could do. In a second, both were sucked in.

They woke up on the ground. "Are you okay?" asked Darren. "Yeah, I'm okay," Janet replied. She continued, "Where are we?" They started looking around. It was so dark that they could barely see anything. "I can't see anything," said Darren. Janet quickly grabbed her backpack, which luckily was still there. She fumbled for a flashlight and found it.

Janet turned on the flashlight, which was still working, and aimed it around to see where they were. They saw woods similar to the ones they had seen before but darker. When they looked up, they saw many dark clouds in the sky. "I think I know where we are." said Darren. Janet asked, "Where are we?" Darren replied "Yesterday ,I had a dream ,a vision where I met sorcerer who gave me powers. He told me the Shadow Monster was a person once ,but after dark magic corrupted his mind and body ,he changed and he started to destroy their dimension. The dimension is now full with dark magic , I think this could be that dimension." "Okay ,so there are multiple realities with completely different things?" asked Janet. "I know it sounds crazy." said Darren Janet replied "Well ,If we piece it together with what Dr.Deno said in the website about multiples dimension ,it does make sense."

Soon, they saw a small open space with some kind of building not too far away. They decided to check it out and walked there. As they got close, they saw the building was an abandoned estate.

The estate looked ancient, with cobwebs and cracks all over it, making it very frightening. Darren asked, "Could Brian be up there?" "I don't know. It looks terrifying, but it could be a good place to hide something," Janet replied. "Okay, you stay here; I will go in there to look for Brian," said Darren. Janet responded, "Wait, I'm coming with you." Darren replied, "Wait, it could be dangerous." Janet answered, "Standing here could also be dangerous. I'm willing to take my chances in there. Besides, you have superpowers, remember?" Darren said, "Alright, then. Whatever happens, I promise I will protect you." After she heard that ,Janet's heart started to beat faster because of the love for Darren, and Darren also liked her. Soon ,they decided to kiss each other ,But just as they were about to kiss, they heard the sound of glass shattering from inside the building. "Brian?" said Darren. He suddenly thought Brian could really be locked up in there. He said, "Let's check it out," and they walked toward the abandoned estate. They opened the door and slowly walked inside.

The inside was just as dark and cobwebbed as the outside, with broken items scattered around. Janet pointed her flashlight around, but then the beam fell on a dead body near the stairs, now a skeleton. Janet instantly screamed, "AHHHH!"

"Don't worry, it's dead," said Darren. Then Darren and Janet decided to walk upstairs. "This place is creeping me out," said Janet. It was so quiet that it was making Janet scared. After walking for about a minute, they arrived upstairs. They saw a small hallway with many rooms. They walked into the closest room, then Janet aimed her flashlight around.

The room was messy, but there were still candles burning. The candle were still active ,there are many weapons hung around the room. "This looks like an armory or something," said Darren. Janet then saw another dead body. However ,this time she quickly covered her mouth to stifle a scream. "Oh, it's okay. It's just another dead body," said Darren. Janet breathed heavily. Suddenly, they heard a sound of something falling. They stopped moving and listened. A second later, there was no more sound. Darren said, "It's probably just the wind," but right after he said that, they heard a sound of something moving outside the room. "Are you sure it's just the wind?" whispered Janet. Darren whispered back, "No, it's definitely something." He continued, "Hey, but don't worry, okay? I still have my superpowers, remember?" "Right," Janet replied.

"You should turn off your flashlight." whispered Darren. Janet replied, "Yeah" ,then she quickly turned off her flashlight, and then they took cover near the room's exit. A second later, they heard a sound of creature growling. The creature was getting closer, but they still tried to remain as quiet as possible. Not long after, Janet saw the creature's foot entering the room. She quickly covered her mouth to prevent herself from screaming. As soon as the creature got into the room ,the creature began sniffing around.

The creature was roughly the height of an average human, with skin a blend of red and black. Although they only saw it from behind, it looked rotten and zombified.

The monster kept sniffing, unaware of Darren and Janet's presence, so it walked further away from them. Darren saw an opportunity to escape ,so he pointed to the way out. Just as they were about to move, the monster looked back. They notice so they stop moving, they saw the monster's front for the first time.

The monster's eyes were missing, its claws were long and sharp, and black smoke emanated from its mouth, just like the shadow monster's smoke. Overall, it looked scary but still human-like. The monster moved closer to Darren and Janet, its movements slow and unsteady, like a zombie. "What should we do?" whispered Janet. The monster heard and moved faster toward them. Darren instinctively created a force field to stop the monster. The monster clawed at the force field, but nothing happened. "What should I do?" said Darren. Unsure, he suddenly remembered what the Sorcerer had told him the night before, "Your powers are magical. Focus on what you want to do, and you will be able to do almost anything."

With this in mind, he pushed the force field, blowing the monster away. However, the monster didn't give up and came back, running toward Darren again. Darren used his powers to took a hanging sword. The sword turned light blue and started glowing. Darren then summoned a sword-shaped shockwave from the sword, cutting the monster in half. "Go, go, go," said Darren, and they ran downstairs and out of the building.

As they emerged, they saw the shadow monster standing in front of them. "It's over," said the shadow monster. Darren shouted, "Where's my friend?" The shadow monster quickly summoned Brian next to him, bound by dark magic vines, unable to move or speak. The shadow monster said, "Your power in exchange for your friend's life."