
Dream of a Gamer (18+)

This story will be beginning to end full of sex, love, adventure, and a lot of possibly illegal activities, but that doesn't matter in a story, does it? (There will be lots of Games, and Possibly some anime's to go through, so buckle up! And Have a Grand New Year. 1st Game/Anime/Show/Movie: Pokemon) Creatures, Humans, And/Or Alien Species romanced or fucked in one world, will travel with the MC to the next one if I choose to. Cover Art is NOT mine, I will credit the artist when I find their name again.

SpriggyKittyLvr · Video Games
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2 Chs

Ch. 1 - {Pokemon} Pt. 1

We approach a planet, our planet that is, which had beautiful green hills, mountains, deserts, forests, and oceans. Unfortunately, the planet started glowing red. The water evaporated away into nothingness. The grass, and the trees burned. It's occupants, from the smallest rat, to the giant elephant all died in a gruesome, bloody death as the approaching sun turned into a red giant, melting them into piles of goo.

Human screams had long died out, before one planet after another was consumed. First, Mercury. Venus. Earth. And then Mars. It kept going, enveloping the giant Jupiter, before finally slowing down. It stopped just short of Saturn.

The nearby larger planets, Uranus and Neptune seemed to have practically shrunk ten times the size they were before, but that's just how big the sun had gotten. Pluto had the ice melted away, leaving a gleaming steel-gray speck left of it, and it's moon.

Many, Many lives had perished. Most humans, and almost all animals had officially gone extinct. But we are moving on. I was one of those billions of lives lost. My name had been Timothy Alexander Stone, Tim or Timmy for short.

Now, I was just a spirit floating in an endless line of other spirits. To where, I don't know. People from over thirty years ago had thought that the sun wouldn't expand for another several billion years. It doesn't matter now, though.


I don't know how long it has been. But finally, looking up, I saw a door. Floating forward, the door opened, then closed behind me. I kept going, until arriving in a white room, and in the center, was a desk with a man, seemingly in his thirties, sitting there reading over a form, that had my name.

Gulping, or at least imagining I did, I 'stepped' forward into the light. He looked up, before smiling at me, waving for me to sit down. I did.

"May I call you Timmy, Mr. Stone?" asked the man. Not having any other choice, I nodded. "Okay, good. So, I'm sorry you had to experience the pain of the Sun point blank. Somebody at HQ bumped into the model way before it was meant to happen, and... well, you get the point. So, I am telling you now that you have been rewarded a choice of anything you want, and to go to anywhere you want to continue your life, since it was so short after all. If you need help remembering some themes to choose from, here's a list of great things that you mortals have created.", he stated, handing me a pamphlet. My ghostly hand changed, gaining more color, so I can actually pick it up.

Doing so, I set it down in front of me, open, as questions raced in my mind. He had stated HQ. What did that even mean?

"Uhm.... what did you mean? So like... the god, or gods made up by humans aren't real, or is it something else?", I asked. He smiled again, before shrugging.

"I'm sure the concept exists as an actual person, or rather, being out there somewhere, but no, it's just me, and some others. We didn't make the universe, just before you ask, but we did witness it being created due to the big bang. Honestly, we were impressed at the human ingenuity of some of you guys being able to figure all that out on your own. But, back to the important things, time for you to choose, Timmy.", he said. That comforted me a bit, so I nodded, going through the list.


Finally, I got to the point where I just couldn't choose one option, and so I turned to the being, pressing my hands together.

"Please, help me be able to visit all of the places I want to go, if that is possible?", I asked. The being smiled, rolling his eyes.

"Figured you'd say that, but just had to be sure.", he said. The pamphlet disappeared, before a screen appeared before me.

Timothy A. Stone

• Abilities

• Stats

• Inventory

• Daily Login

• Alliances

• Partners/Lovers

It looked fairly simple, and well thought out. And this seemed to be an upgradeable system, when he thought about it, it made sense. So, he went to the important options first.

Timothy A. Stone

• [Abilities]

- Universe Traverser (PASSIVE)

Host may visit any Universe, Time, or Place that he wishes, with some minor/major changes. Rewarded depending on how well that new Timeline went

• [Stats]

- S P E C I A L - 35 (+10)

STR - 5 PER - 5 END - 5 CHA - 5 INT - 5 AGI - 5 LUC - 5

- Skills (N/A)

• [Inventory]

- Body Shape (1 Use)

- Heritage (1 Time Only)

- Face and Hair (1 Use)

- Adapter (Skill, 1 Use)

• [Daily Login]

- Rewarded - {First Time Bonus}

DBZ Training Weights (120 Lbs.)

Food Pills (x10)

Ki Training (Ability Card, 1 Use)

Saiyan Genetics (Ability Card, 1 Use)

Charisma Enhancer (Stat of Choice +10)

• [Alliances]

- N/A

• [Partners/Lovers]

- N/A

Seeing all of this, I became a lot happier. This would hopefully be an awesome journey for me. Turning around towards the man, I bowed in respect.

"Thank you, very much sir. I suppose I'll see you again when I die again, won't I?", I asked. He smiled, and nodded, before pausing, then shaking his head no.

"At first, I would have said yes, but then again, all the beings or people associated with Death herself that you may meet, could possibly eventually make you immortal if you meet her yourself and live. So, live well mortal, have a grand journey.", he said, waving good bye, before he shook my hand. Passing out there after.