

A boy who never had the chance to do anything thanks to his illness always spent his time in the hospital. The only thing that brought colour to his life were Marvel and DC comics. NOTE : THIS IS AN AU ( ALTERNATE UNIVERSE ) [This World is a Bridge between the DC and Marvel multiverse, all the possible information you know about the characters is totally useless since there is a possibility that it will never happen or it will happen differently] Disclaimer: I do not own Marvel or any of it's character. I own my own elements and my OC(s). --- WARNING : English's not my Mother tongue So there will be grammar and paraphrasing mistakes Hope it'll be readble -- UPDATE SCHEDULE : NOT FIX

Xuefang1 · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs


Meanwhile Susan was reviewing the scans that had come back from the scanners of every test done on Derek

All of this was being watched by four other women in the room, the more she watched the more she frowned, she watched his testosterone levels rise and fall erratically, but when he fought Jen his testosterone level rose beyond what a normal human being could, as did his lividity.

Susan : "It's not as good as I thought it would be, it's worse."

"What do you mean?" asked Nat.

Susan : "His testosterone levels are already high, but when he fought Jen they went beyond the limit of a normal human being, at the same time his livid did the same"

Susan : "if I hadn't stopped them he would have gone into a state of arousal, where he would attack the first woman he sees, he wouldn't have any control and would just be going by his instincts" said a very worried Susan sitting up looking at both Nat and the rest of them.

Natasha : "Damn, what would be the solution to that Susan" said Nat waiting for an answer.

Susan : "The only solutions that would help temporarily would be, extreme physical training until he is totally exhausted, a better diet might help, he could eat his fill, meditation so he could have better control"

Susan : "But all that would only help temporarily and what would really help him release all that testosterone build up and lividity would be him copulating with a woman" said Susan the solutions that might help Derek.

"So the boy needs to have rough and wild sex with a woman, or he could get carried away when he's fighting and end up raping a woman" Yelena summarized.

Jennifer : "That's one way of putting it but If so, you should tell him what's happening to him and keep an eye on him" suggested Jennifer seriously as she knows what a big physical change in his life can lead to.

"Haaa, I understand I will tell him" replied Nat as she stood up.

In another more specific place a cave was Batman at his batcomputer reviewing the video of Derek fighting Abomination.

On the other part of the screen was playing some of the information he had provided them with, he was typing like crazy until he finally got what he wanted so badly, which was Derek's identity since in the video Lucy always covered Derek's face so they wouldn't find out who he is.

"Find all the information you can find on the boy since he was born" Bruce Wayne ordered, the computer did as he ordered and began to download all the information requested.

"Sir you've been deciphering the files that were sent to you for a few days now you should rest" suggested Alfred behind Bruce.

Bruce : "I will after I get some information from the boy, who not only was able to bring Abomination to such a state, manage to bring down the Watchtower's defenses and give us this information, I admit this has helped stop the advance of the AIM in Gotham, Metropolis, Central City and other cities."

Alfred : "So Sir."

Bruce : "But to be able to use his powers and apply them to such a degree, makes him dangerous, I have always said that someone dangerous is the one who knows how to use every tenth of strength to 100%"

Bruce : "if someone like that becomes evil he would be very dangerous, that's why I need to know everything about him, know how he is and find weaknesses" replied Bruce wanting to imply his thoughts

Alfred just shook his head knowing that he would not stop, he left the tray with tea and food leaving the cave.

In a mansion in the subway part of this one a man in a wheelchair was taking off a helmet, showing that he was bald but with a smile, behind him was Cyclops, Magneto and a woman dressed in white highlighting her figure being Emma Frost being the one who spoke

Emma : "Tell me did you find out who is the mutant that one of my guys detected days ago" she asked.

Professor Xavier : "Yes, and I think I know why we haven't detected him until now."

"And why would that be teacher" asked Cyclops.

Professor Xavier : "Because he's been where A DAY happened, his Gen X should have awakened that very day or maybe before that at least, that's why we hadn't noticed him until now, because he also awakened his inhuman gene that day."

"Isn't the terrigen supposed to be poisonous to us mutants" the one who asked this time was Magneto.

"That's something I don't know, I can't even get into his mind it's like he's naturally protected against telepaths, I had to see the minds next to him to find him, right now he's with the Fantastic Four" said Professor Xavier.

"Then we know where we have to go" commented Emma walking towards the door ready to go after Derek followed by Magneto.

"Wait" shouted the professor making them stop

"It's not a good idea to go right now from what I could see in the memories of what surround him his mutations have evolved bringing him more changelings, we must let him adapt to them, if not he will become wary of us" suggested Xavier fearing that the mutant and inhuman doesn't want to know about them.

Elsewhere a bald person or rather a woman that if Derek or Deadpool saw her they would say Saitama, she was in meditation position while on her neck a necklace with a green gem glowed, she smiled as if she was seeing something.

"I can't see your future it's like he is covered by a fog, but the fate of the people he has been involved with have changed for the better, how interesting and in what little I could see he is a great magician with a great affinity to the mystical thanks to his lineage" said the woman or better known as the ancient one.

Meanwhile the person being named and investigated by all these people was entering the training room where he had fought Jennifer, but just stood there watching as he found Kamala training as if her life depended on it until she herself stopped panting on the floor dead from exhaustion.

Derek : "You know, I knew you were taking the training seriously but I never expected it to be to this degree Kamala" he said approaching her and sitting down next to her exhausted figure.

"I just want to get stronger...I don't want to feel useless, I don't want to get others into my problems again, I don't want to be rescued and I don't want to see someone so important to me get hurt to near death again, I know I am useless and I tend to get into trouble" said Kamala now a little recovered sitting next to him with her legs folded and her face hidden in them.

Derek : "Kamala, don't take this the wrong way but you underestimate yourself too much and your fears don't let you see the truth."

"The truth?" she asked.

"Yes, you are a wonderful beautiful and gentle woman, you know I thank heaven or God that allowed me to have met you, thank you for coming into my life" said Derek wholeheartedly remembering everything that happened to get to this point.

How he met Kamala a scared girl who did not know what she was doing but despite everything with great courage managed to convince and gather the avengers of course she did not do it alone, he himself had to do in all this but still that does not detract credit to her.

Kamala hearing those simple words said with so much love towards her made him shed tears and look at him surprising him to see her doing it.

He got closer to her starting to wipe the tears that were falling down her face, without them noticing it their faces started to get closer and closer until they were just a hair away from joining their lips, their breathing was irregular along with the tense atmosphere

"I.... I" Kamala tried to say something but couldn't say anything when her lips were sealed by Derek's lips, kissing her tenderly, arms pulled her closer still hugging her while another arm held her head.

Kamala shivered but moved closer, as her arms wrapped around Derek's neck.

His hands began to gently and slowly roam her body reaching her hips and slamming down to her buttocks beginning to massage them "Haaa" earning a seductive moan from Kamala who blushed at this, still Derek didn't stop kissing her until she trembled causing him to part her lips.

"I was worried about you, I thought you would never wake up" she said still hugging Derek

Derek : "I'm sorry, I know what I did was selfish and caused you pain, I'll make it up to you, after this AIM thing is over, I'll take you somewhere special if you want."

Kamala : "Haha, you're asking me out on a date, I didn't think you cared about such matters, but what do you plan to do about how Cassie feels about you and how you feel about Natasha" she said making Derek stop his caresses and kisses on her neck.

"I... I don't know, I love you and you are important to me but..." said Derek unable to form the last part of the sentence as he felt his body heat up and feel like he could barely control his desire to take her, rip her clothes off and rape her.

"But you feel the same way about them too, especially Natasha" what Kamala said made him concrete on her again.

"Did you know that?" asked Derek.

"It's hard not to notice with the looks you give them especially Natasha" Kamala said with a reddened face moving her lips and showing how inexperienced she was giving him a quick kiss, making it harder to control herself but this time it was her who parted her lips from his.

Kamala : "I love you, no I love you Derek and I want you to be happy, I care about you and I had to realize how I really feel to tell you all this after what happened to you, I was afraid of losing you and not telling you how I really feel."


+ 10 of affection with Kamala

Congratulations, you have reached 100% of affection with Kamala.

You have won the title *Prince Charming*.

Prince Charming : It gives you the possibility to raise your affection faster if a woman likes you, it all depends on how much she likes you.

They gave each other a last kiss and Kamala separated from the kiss as from the embrace kissing Derek's cheek and getting out of there, with his senses he heard Kamala's steps moving far enough away, to finally let go starting to growl as if he was an animal, clenching his fists trying to control what his body was asking him to do.

System: [ Host I would recommend buying a cold potion to lower your lividity level to an acceptable one.]

"Do it" without further ado the potion was purchased and appeared in his hand, he uncorked it and drank it, it took him a few minutes to control himself but he managed it, even though his attempts were screaming at him he could control them at that level.

Derek : "What is happening to me system?"

System: [ Host you are being influenced by your instincts as well as your Dragon Slayer powers, there will be times where you will be cold or even sadistic, your testosterone levels and lividity will rise to the limit when you are fighting or with a woman thanks to the changes to your race, you are now experiencing what it is like to be part Dragon. Although this won't be for long because this is a result of him just getting used to the changes to his body.]

Derek : "Any suggestions on how to approach this?"

System: [do physical training, eat your fill, meditate and learn more about yourself or have sex.]

Derek : "Ok I get it, you mean I have to feed my lust."

System: "Yes"

Derek : "I see, now tell me what will be my punishment for the time I haven't done the daily mission"

System: [ Because this time the host did not forget to do his mission and was in a state of unconsciousness nothing will be taken away but when host uses the job change dungeon key and enters it.]

System : [ Host your Dragon Slayer powers will be sealed until you complete the mission, I also recommend that you use your golden box and ticket as well as equip yourself with weapons, potions and equipment before entering because the inventory will be sealed until you finish the job change, and do not forget to feed your familiar, I have been in charge of stopping the egg time so that nothing happens to it until you wake up.]

System : "Good luck user."

Derek felt happy but he felt like cursing, he already imagined that his job change mission would be difficult, but with his sealed powers it would be more difficult now, already decided to this the first thing he did was to take out his Digimon egg.

He created a kunai and cut his palm putting it on top of the egg, Feeling his blood being absorbed from his hand with the other he started to send his mana

"Calm down little friend I know you were worried but I'm fine" said Derek feeling how the little one was sending his feelings of worry through his connection, as time went by the egg started to fracture and break little by little.

So far.


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