

A boy who never had the chance to do anything thanks to his illness always spent his time in the hospital. The only thing that brought colour to his life were Marvel and DC comics. NOTE : THIS IS AN AU ( ALTERNATE UNIVERSE ) [This World is a Bridge between the DC and Marvel multiverse, all the possible information you know about the characters is totally useless since there is a possibility that it will never happen or it will happen differently] Disclaimer: I do not own Marvel or any of it's character. I own my own elements and my OC(s). --- WARNING : English's not my Mother tongue So there will be grammar and paraphrasing mistakes Hope it'll be readble -- UPDATE SCHEDULE : NOT FIX

Xuefang1 · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs


Looking at the body of the Adaptoid in perfect condition with Lucy on his shoulder, while Agumon who had come out of his cell phone a few minutes earlier watched them reading the plans and documents Lucy had stolen from the AIM computers about the Adaptoids.

"What a unique sequence" commented Derek "As much as I hate to admit it that bitch is a genius".

Lucy: "Don't forget she's a freakin' freak with no scruples."

Derek : "I know honey"

It had already been two days that Derek still hadn't found a way to get Lucy to be able to control the Adaptoid like it was her body.

Of course they didn't just stay locked up as that would be suspicious more knowing that others would be able to know that they were on something.

So they didn't do anything that would be more suspicious and continued with the daily routine they had been doing so far.

But in this time he had been here the one who bothered him the most was Reed who ignored everyone and especially his team.

Derek couldn't help making a grimace on his face when he saw how Susan tried to talk about the Baxter Building and its applications to society, but he just ignored her concentrating on his work only to tell her "We can talk about this later Susan I'm bus"

All being heard by Derek thanks to his superhuman senses. Susan came out of there very angry for being one of the several times he saw these days.

Derek could only deny when he saw her leaving while she was wiping a tear, she noticed him without knowing what to do she smiled forcedly and turned around and left

Susan : "Haaa Reed is not only an idiot in the comics, now he is also an idiot in real life"

She mentioned when she remembered what happened, Derek was still reading about the adaptoids.

Hours passed until finally Derek understood why Lucy couldn't enter the Adaptoid's body

Derek : "I see the Adaptoid itself is integrated with different AI's that are in charge of programming and adapting its unique sequence so that it learns and adapts to any situation, while I change the code and functioning of the Adaptoid making it adapt to its enemy" he smiled while coming up with an idea

Derek : "Lucy I want you to put those little AI's under your control, once you do that you will have control of the Adaptoid as a hive mind".

Lucy: "I don't think I can do it alone."

Derek : "Don't worry I'll help you, between the two of us we'll have this Adaptoid under your control by night"

They both went to work like mad breaking down the Adaptoid's defenses slowly.


Yelena who these days has been spying on Derek at Natasha's request in case he got out of control, was frowning as she walked down the hallway

Yelena : "Haa... this is all bullshit, that idiot Reed Richards keeps testing me like I'm his guinea pig since he discovered my powers as part Adaptoid back on"

She said as she held out her fingers showing that she had copied Reed's powers, then her hand turned invisible and caught fire returning to normal.

Yelena : "But I still have this feeling that these kids are hiding something, the worst thing is the look on Derek's face I can't help but want to punch him in the face every time he smiles at me"

She walked into the safe room and looked at the camera screens set up in the training room, it showed Derek training as he has continued to do these days, Yelena sat bored looking at the screen still thinking something didn't add up about all this. (Not knowing her feeling was right)


By the time night came Derek was still typing on the laptop connected to the adaptoid just like Lucy's body "And that's it" said Derek pressing for the last time on the laptop "How does it feel" he asked looking at the adaptoid.

First it was a minimal movement of the fingers, it was repeated again and slowly it started to incorporate staying seated, the characteristic blue energy that is always shown in the adaptoids changed to another color being red, the body also started to change to a female figure, surprising Derek by this sudden change.


Lucy: ".... I'm fine, I was just adapting this body to my liking."

Replied Lucy getting up and moving all the joints of her new body and quickly getting used to having a body with human characteristics, seeing this Derek nodded happily, he kept everything in his inventory watching Lucy walk around the room to then run, jump, even walk on her hands.

Derek : "Okay Lucy with this we are ready for tomorrow, now we just have to rest"

He approached her and took out his phone where Agumon had returned to get in after eating, you could see him sleeping in a corner of the screen very placidly

Derek : "You should come back here Lucy, tomorrow you can return to your new body".

Lucy: "So soon, I had already started to get attached to this body."

Lucy stopped testing her new body and walked towards Derek putting her consciousness back into the cell phone, the Adaptoid body stood still without any apparent change, seeing this Derek just touched the body and put it in his inventory making it disappear as if it had never been there.

During the night, Captain America's face appeared on all the televisions around the world.

Cap: "This is Captain America speaking, to anyone who resists the tyranny of AIM, to all those who are afraid and do not know where to turn, the Avengers are back and will not let you down again."

Said Cap surprising everyone watching the broadcast on their cell phones, television or any media, then the screen changed showing Tony.

Tony: "Listen, I know some of you may not believe it but AIM, not your leader, wants to kill all the Inhumans, since they can't cure the Inhumans they will eliminate them all by releasing extreme amounts of dark terrigen and this is only the beginning, I can assure you."

Then a hologram was shown with a map which showed different flight paths.

Tony: "What you see here are warships leaving San Francisco where it all started, we the avengers have decided to go to fight we will not allow thousands of innocent people to die."

So the transmission cut out with Tony looking at his team

Tony : "Alright guys since we are going to face off against AIM and his damn army, we better do it in style don't you think?"

The walls of the command room slid open showing suits armed with Stark technology specialized in enhancing the qualities of the user.


"And that's our cue" shouted Derek with everyone already equipped with the equipment he enhanced and created for them, the only ones without equipment were Jen and Derek, when everyone was ready and equipped they walked out of the training room, only to stop when they saw Johnny looking at them with a smile.

"Did you'll really thought they could get out of here easily, like it was their home" said Johnny.

"We have to go and besides we never expected you to let us go easily" replied Derek earning a look from him.

Johnny : "I know and that's why I'm here, I'm going with you guys too and no!. I'm not asking you, I'm tired of being cooped up here so come and follow me I'll get you to San Francisco quickly" he turned around and walked down the hallway expecting them to follow him.

"Just follow that idiot" Jen complained annoyed as she pulled Derek by the shoulder making everyone follow.

In less than ten minutes the group had arrived at where Reed keeps the ship that the Fantastic Four use to move around the world

Johnny : "Cute right?".

"Damn and here I was thinking of borrowing it, but your idea pleases me Johnny" said Derek.

"Haha Susan is going to be pissed when she finds out" laughed Jen.

They all agreed that they would be in a lot of trouble for this even so they climbed into the vehicle with Johnny as the driver, the hangar opened and the ship powered up, starting to hover.

"Where do you think you are going" said a thick voice with heavy footsteps along with two other softer voices being Reed and Susan who looked at them annoyed especially her brother and Jen.

Johnny : "Sorry sis, but this is the perfect opportunity to get out of here and let the world know that not only the avengers are back" without further ado he pressed the throttle watching as a blue shield began to form in the hangar.


Was the only thing heard when the ship left the hangar before Susan sealed it, Derek could only shake his head seeing Susan's furious look and Reed's irritated face.

Everyone was nervous including Derek, moments later everyone was looking at the ruined city of San Francisco, taking out his phone he ordered Lucy to look for any sign of the adaptoids, terrigen, Tarleton and the Avengers as he made a metal mask covering part of his face.

Lucy: "I have mapped the radiation signals."

Lucy said showing a hologram of where the A-DAY began, we could see large buildings, some warships and the Avengers destroying everything in its path especially the Hulk and Thor demonstrating why they are the heavyweights of the team, Tony was in charge of the air battlefield but what was most appreciated was the new armor with the classic red and gold colors, Nat and Cap were in charge of fighting on the ground against whatever crossed their path.


Before Derek and his group arrived in San Francisco, the Avengers looked at the place where DAY-A happened which was just a destroyed area.

Jarvis:" An interference has been detected."

Jarvis said and on the windshield the scan of the bay showed all the AIM buildings and ships.

Jarvis: "I found Mr. Tarleton, he is in the highest area, sir."

Understanding what Jarvis said Cap ordered them

Cap : "We have to go down, while Jarvis uses the ship to destroy the control tower" explained Steve opening the hatch and jumping out of the ship along with the rest

Cap : "Tony, take down as many generators as you can. If we stop the signal, we stop the warships"

He then looked at the Hulk smiling at him

"Hulk do me a favor buddy and clear the way" he said looking at the hundred or so synthezoids running towards them.

Hulk smiled back.

"Hulk smash" he roared running against the synthezoids, the moment they touched Hulk's body they were destroyed others flew away taking other synthezoids with them by the force they were sent flying until he was stopped by an armor matching his size surrounded by purple energy indicating who is controlling him.

Tarleton: "I was wondering at what time you would come here my friends hehe my eyes are misting up seeing you gathered here."

Thor who was in the sky throwing Mjolnir against the warships that were starting to take off called back his hammer when he saw and heard Tarleton through the armor.

Once Mjolnir was in his hands he threw it against the armor with all his might destroying the head and the body making it split in half in a horrible way.

Thor : "Stop calling us like we're friends mortal, you are not worthy to call yourself a friend of the avengers and never will be with all the evil and blood of innocents on your hands" roared from the heavens Thor as if it was a declaration.

Tarleton: "You are right I have blood of those who deserved it especially Derek I wonder how he is now, although I can already get an idea by not seeing him here."

He said mockingly from a synthezoid surrounded by purple energy, Natasha reacted by hooking him with her hook drawing him to her, she spun her entire core into a spinning kick transferring all her strength and weight bending the robot's head with a dent then charged her fist with electricity striking the head and ripping it off silencing Tarleton for the moment.

"Don't let him get in their heads" ordered Steve trying to get the Avengers to calm down, Although no one said anything he knew they heard him

Cap : "Hulk go ahead and clear the platforms"

Hulk nodded jumping to the next platform unleashing his fury at the robots on it, they all moved on already knowing what they had to do.

Cap and Nat who were following the Hulk, jumped from platform to platform destroying the straggling synthzoids to where the Hulk had broken through a wall, as they entered they saw what looked like a command room, focusing on the giant monitor they saw a live report.

Phil Sheldon: "Look the ships are throwing up a strange dark fog."

"This can't be" whispered Cap.

Phil Sheldon: "People are starting to panic! They're running and screaming! It's very similar to what happened on A-DAY."

You could see people running away from the fog, even so some people stumbled especially a girl about 6 years old who was crying looking at the dark terrigen about to reach her, the girl closed her eyes waiting for pain or for something to happen but it never came.

When she opened them she saw a woman with a blue suit that made her figure stand out and a four on her chest with her hands raised she was holding a blue wall of energy protecting everyone from the dark terrigen.

"It's time to fight" said a thick voice jumping out of a building as if it had been shot from a cannon falling on top of the Ship that was releasing the terrigen, piercing it and starting to destroy it from the inside causing it to fall.




From the ship on the ground could be seen as fist marks formed until a section of the ship was ripped off by sheer force and the figure came out of there, managing to see at that time Ben known as the mole.

Susan not wanting the dark terrigen to affect innocent people made sure to contain it until it managed to enclose much of the black smoke in a blue sphere of energy.

"Haa first those kids run away with my ship, now AIM openly attack citizens, no matter what deal I made with the government anymore" said Reed with a metal backpack starting to suck up the leftover terrigen with the help of some drones, unnoticed Yelena watched everything from the same building Ben jumped.

Yelena : "Haa, Nat is going to scold me for not being able to keep an eye on some kids."

Then the screen changed showing several cities with ships spreading terrigen.

But they all had something in common other than the ships was that heroes like Spiderman, Luke Cage, Daredevil and a recent Iron Fist with a little tape on his face that covered half of his face and eyes were helping people and looking for a way to stop the ships, Spiderman began to throw the cars that were in the street, the others began to do the same. The screen changed again showing Tarleton in his mechanical chair.

Tarleton: "Captain Rogers, it's good to see you again, although I would have preferred it not to be this way."

Captain : "I think the same, although this is not supposed to be like this George you are not like this."

Tarleton: "Don't call me that The bug! MODOK! It won't, we can't cure this.... It was what we became.... The power cannot be controlled so it must be destroyed...the sacrifices will be remembered."

Said the now Modok unreasonably touching his head looking at Cap with a very mad grin as if he had come up with an answer and the image cut off.

"No" said Cap tapping the screen with his shield "I guess you all heard."

"We have to destroy that signal antenna" said Nat next to him being heard by everyone, but a third voice that shouldn't be able to be heard spoke.

"And don't forget his face" said Derek over the earpiece.

"Derek?" named Nat sounding like it was a question.

"You didn't think we'd leave all the fun to you guys" said Kamala surprising the avengers further.

"And don't even start with you shouldn't be here, this is our right" said Cassie.

"Hahaha looks like Bruce owes me a drink, I told him these kids wouldn't stand idly by" laughed Tony as he saw the ship of the fantastic four and on it Derek and the rest.

Both Thor and Tony in the air smiled at the sight of them, Hulk, Steve and Natasha who came out of the command room saw Derek with a metal mask that only covered half of his face leaving only his mouth free.

He stood up stretched his arm and a metal spear was formed, fire began to cover it for final touch began to spin in his hand at high speed, Derek activated Gigantism only in that arm holding the spear with all his strength and threw it against a warship.

First it went through it as it continued on its way destroying its energy core going out and through another ship, as it went through the second ship the fire that had built up in the spear was released destroying the entire ship along with the unactivated adaptoids on them.

Modok: "Damn it, you should be dead or in a serious condition."

He shouted from an Adaptoid he was controlling.

Derek smiled seeing the Adaptoid that Tarleton now Modok was controlling, wanting to mock him he said the following phrase

Derek : "You can't kill me I'm like a cockroach I don't die I multiply, I have God on my side! You hear me bitch!" for final active touch Berserker making him look intimidating by the increased musculature especially the look he was giving him.

Tarleton unconsciously took a step back when Derek's gaze was completely focused on the Adaptoid he was controlling.

"Damn that's an entrance" Tony complained over the comms.

So far.