
Dragon Ball Z: Self Insert

One second I am in my world and next, I was Goku's older brother. Getting thrown into Dragon ball world was a little disheartening but nothing I couldn't handle. Plus I get to have awesome superpowers. Could be considered as self-indulgent. Self Insert (SI) (Story is a bit dark in some chapters otherwise its pure adult comedy). Lemons will be there

Hit1903 · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Taking a night break

Chapter 6

Taking a night break

We were traveling for more than 8 hours when we crossed a bridge and I was seriously thinking of begging Bulma for the ride. But only my pride and ego didn't let me do it. The sun was setting on the horizon. My breaths were more than a little labored. My lungs were on fire while my legs felt like jelly.

Still, I continued to run. I preserved. My main focus was on getting the next step and then next. That way I was able to block out most of the pain. Like they say: 'Baby steps at a time'

We only took a 15 minutes break, some 3 hours ago to drink some water and taking a leak other than that pterodactyl incident. I couldn't eat lunch as both Goku and Bulma were not hungry. Moreover, Bulma only took a break as she wanted to rest a little bit. Her hands were a little tired from all the driving she did. I literally stopped mySelf from commenting something sarcastic on hearing her whining. Seriously how spoilt was she?

But no matter what, I didn't comment as it did give me some time to calm my breaths. In the meanwhile, Bulma also changed her clothes to a pair of boots, gray pants, and a blue jacket with a white tank top underneath with her hair unchanged as it was getting a little chilly outside due to the sun going down.

She also changed her bike to normal looking one. Its speed was a little slower than the previous one but I wasn't complaining. It really helped me keep up with her in my tired state.

"Hey, we will need to gather only 4 balls right. That will easy" Goku remarked sitting behind her taking me out of my musings.

Bulma frowned "Are you crazy? I guess since you are a country bumpkin and live nowhere, you don't know, but the world is a large place and we have to cover a lot of ground" She said being her usual Self – mean and bitchy.

"I am hungry," Goku said not listening to her which really annoyed her and amused me.

'So now he is hungry? What happened when I was hungry?' I thought bitterly. Listening to him, my stomach made itself known and growled loudly. I tripped a little there in embarrassment before balancing mySelf. Thankfully Bulma just thought it was some wild animal while Goku remained oblivious.

"Yeah, it's getting dark so we should stop here," Bulma remarked and stopped the bike. I really wanted to crash for a bit so I was very glad to be able to stop.

Once the bike stopped I immediately stopped running and lied down on the ground huffing and puffing. Only after getting my breaths in control, did I move. I was running for 8 hours at my full speed after all. I later learned that we covered 300 kilometers today. I heard them talking while I just laid there to catch my breaths. I even forgot that we had to stop at a particular place so that the turtle could have found us.

When I remembered it just before sleeping, I just shrugged and left it at fate. It's not like I could do something about it. I could just find him after the adventure is over. He would be fine for 10 more days after all he did spend a year outside without any help. And even if he didn't, it doesn't matter. He was not that important to the story. Only later I realized that without him, Goku won't get the Flying Nimbus Cloud.

"So are we going to gonna camp out here tonight?" Goku asked Bulma and then continued "I will go, get the soft leaves for my bed"

Bulma being Bulma scoffed "No way….. Do you really think a delicate girl like me would camp out in the field like this?!" Her reply was oozing arrogance. She really was a spoilt girl.

Goku being naïve questioned her "Then what'll we do? There aren't any houses around here" to which Bulma replied in a sing-song manner "Capsules…. Capsules"

I tuned out the next part of the conversation. Bulma used another one of her luxurious capsules to spawn an entire home for all 3 of us after ordering Goku to make some space. Seriously if you have 4-5 of these capsules you could travel the world easily. Goku being Goku got scared again by the notion of that being Black Goblin Magic.

"A-are you s-sure you are not just s-some witch?" He asked Bulma with a stutter.

Okay! Enough is enough. First, it was hilarious but now it was really getting annoying. So to avoid further incidents like this, I explained to him with the help of Bulma, their use in modern society, and how it wasn't related to magic or witchcraft in any way. It made the monkey tailed boy even more excited to see a city.

Still, there was one question I was thinking about for a long time. "Err Bulma what will happen if someone is in the car or house and by mistake, they turn them into capsules? Will they live?" I asked her.

If I didn't see it I won't believe it but Bulma became Ghost white.

"Umm their bodies will be unharmed but I don't know whether they will live or not, hahaha," She said while laughing awkwardly.

"Guess you didn't think of it," I said knowingly. Bulma slowly replied negatively shaking her head.

"Well don't worry I am sure you could make some protection around the switch. After all, you said yourSelf that you are a genius" I remarked off-handedly.

Bulma's expression changed 180 degrees. She puffed her chest out, giving me a good look at her budding breasts, and took out another capsule filled with all types of tools. It was the same capsule in which she asked me to move her destroyed car.

It didn't take much time for Bulma to make a lock on the part where buttons were. I rested enough in the meantime.

She sighed in relief when it was completed. She took the key to that safe with her for safekeeping.

When she was done, I implemented my plan to get her to make me and Goku refrigerator and some other things. Well, time for buttering her up.

"Wow you really made a lock for the protection," I said faking awe.

"Of Course, It's me you are talking about," She said arrogantly.

"So you are good at making things?" I asked her after some time while walking beside her now that my lungs weren't on fire.

"Yeah," She said proudly.

"Think you can make a large refrigerator for us," I asked her and added 2 cents preying on her sympathy for us. Not that I believe she was capable of a little bit of sympathy but it didn't hurt to try "Usually we have to hunt food same day we eat, but if we have some big refrigerator than we could store quite an amount of food in it as you know our diet is quite big"

"Hmm I will need some parts but it can be doable" She answered offhandedly. Still, I noticed that her eyes gained a mischievous look on my last sentence.

"Think you can make it," I asked. A little hope seeping in my tone,

"I can" She answered affirmatively. But I noted that she didn't elaborate if she would or wouldn't.

'Did she saw through my plan or is she just damn mean' I thought

I sighed and asked in the end "Would you do it?" I asked already knowing the answer but I still asked.

"I don't know. I already gave you a warehouse for that favor. Maybe when you have another favor" She said the last part in amusement.

She probably thought she wouldn't need us as much. She didn't know but by the time I am done with her, she would be in neck-deep with the favors. I just nodded. After all, I could just get her to make it in the near future. Just as we finished our talk, we reached the door.

When Bulma opened the door, Goku like in canon was totally surprised by the lights. He thought there was the afternoon in the house. I totally forgot that Goku hasn't seen much of the world. I had to assure Goku again that Bulma wasn't a witch and she didn't turn night into the day. Seeing outside was still dark really helped in assuring him.

My eyebrow twitched when Bulma wondered out loud "You don't even know what Lights are? I didn't know you were that much of Bumpkin. You have a long way to go Tarzan"

"You know it is very foolish to make fun of people who are protecting you," I said to her. My voice was totally calm when I said that but Bulma caught my meaning. She immediately raised her hands trying to placate me.

I waved my hands and said "Don't worry we won't leave you but you should keep your tongue in check. Otherwise one day, you could get into a problem that you won't be able to run away" I gave her sound advice but it depends on her whether she heeds it or not.

"Of course….. Of course" She nodded her head rapidly but I wasn't fooled. I know teenagers don't usually listen to any advice. Ugh, now I am sounding like an adult….again

In the meanwhile, I checked the rooms. The house was quite big for a single person. A couple could easily live in the house without feeling cramped. Seriously these capsules were quite handy. An idea formed in my mind. I know what I would need from her other than a refrigerator. Sleeping in the wilderness wasn't as awesome as it sounds. My back would definitely agree with this.

Goku, like me, was still satisfying his curiosity by checking every nook of the house. Bulma got a mischievous smile on her face when she saw him around the T.V. Knowing what was to come; I stood there watching them making a fool out of each other.

Just as Goku was in front of the T.V, Bulma turned it on. Goku jumped in the air from the surprise and wondered what was the guy doing in there. Meanwhile, Bulma kept giggling at Goku's mystified face. A smile also cracked on my face on seeing his innocent awe-filled expression.

Feeling the fun was over, Bulma changed the channel. It was a romantic movie scene. Hero and heroine were going to kiss so naturally Bulma was interested. Sometimes I forget she is still a teenager believing in prince charming and ponies. Drool started to come out of her mouth when she saw they were going to kiss. Seriously those 2 were taking quite a time kissing each other.

Bulma was so engrossed in the scene that she didn't even notice Goku taking the remote from her hand. Just as they were going to kiss Goku changed the channel and in place of the kiss, Bulma got to see an ugly dinosaur. Bulma let out a shriek and backed away from the TV. I couldn't help mySelf. I laughed so hard that my ribs started to ache. Seriously that reaction was damn funny. Goku laughed too with me.

Naturally, Bulma became angry. When Goku remarked that drool was coming from her mouth and asked whether she is also hungry, she immediately changed the subject with a blush on her face.

Bulma took a whiff and caught a horrid smell. Her nose wrinkled. The stench made her want to gag.

"You two reek!" She said holding her nose. "You two need a bath"

Of course, I reeked; I was running for the last 8 hours while she was just sitting and whining about everything.

Knowing what was coming, I took the leave. I don't want to see Goku naked. "I will bathe after you two. I need to do something" I told them before leaving. Thankfully I educated Goku in some things like a bath. I knew in canon he didn't even know what a bath was.

Just a small distance from the house I collected some wood and started a fire with a KI blast. Goku doesn't know this technique for now as I used it scarcely. I could easily use it. I think I could even do Kame Hame Ha. I haven't done it yet feeling if Kami was watching me, I wouldn't have any explanation for it.

Night soon fell and there was a bit of a light breeze blowing through, whistling through the foliage of the forest.

I took out the warehouse capsule and threw it in an open space. After taking out the pterodactyl, I cut it in half and started skinning it. I threw the unusable parts which were not much (mostly eyes). I could eat it raw now after living in the wilderness for so long. But just for taste I threw them and stored the skin and another half into the capsule. I could easily sell the skin in the city. It will definitely fetch some money.

I'd had pterodactyl steak and sausages half a dozen times in this life, having been taught the recipe to the perfect pterodactyl steak by Gohan years back. Well, he didn't teach me. Rather I learned it while watching him cook.

And while tough and somewhat greasy, it was honestly surprising great when prepared correctly, much like bear meat. When you'd grown up in the wilderness for as long as I had, you could eat any type of meat that would come across, practically possessing the ability to immediately examine the meat and conclude over whether or not it was dangerous for one to eat or perfectly safe, almost like a sixth sense of some sort.

Now, when you add that to the fact that being a Saiyan gave you much more of an appetite and much keener senses to go along with a more advanced metabolism than that of a human, I immediately knew for a fact that I could eat the entire pterodactyl in just two sittings after using my energy in running and even missing the lunch. And true to my sense, half of the entire behemoth of a monstrosity had been snacked upon and stripped down to its boney skeleton by only my Saiyan extreme appetite and love for fresh meat.

I ate enough to feed a hungry adult Saiyan, which is to say enough for 10 men. All the energy I used today for running was restored right away. Well, not all energy was restored but I was not on the verge of dropping now. And to think I will be able to eat more when I grow up.

That done I instantly smothered the flames that had already filled the purpose of roasting and preparing the scaled creature for my superhuman appetite. Half of the entire skeleton of the 'stripped-of-all-its-meat' overgrown reptile was lying completely cleaned and free of meat or skin on the cold ground outside of the home.

All that was left was a night of good night's sleep. A reptilian-smelling burp managed to carelessly escape my mouth as I slowly walked up to the capsule house. With a second thought, I stopped and went back. I stored the bones just for shit and giggles. The warehouse was quite big after all. I could fit more than 3 dozen of the pterodactyls inside that thing of the same size and still leave some space.

Now I went out for 3 reasons.

First: I wanted to eat as I was feeling very hungry. I was literally on the verge of collapsing.

Second: I didn't want Bulma to see my little penis.

And Third: I need to preserve a little bit of a timeline just for the sake of my sanity. In canon, Bulma bathes Goku so it was fitting that she bathes him now.

Ok, you caught me. I just want to have fun and see Bulma, naked again.

As if on the queue, I heard Bulma's shriek. She probably found out that Goku's tail is real and not fake. Not wanting to miss seeing Bulma naked for 2nd time I sped up to the house.



3 pm: 15 minutes break

6:30 pm: Stopped to a night out

7 pm: Baali ate his dinner


Power levels:

Bulma: 04

Goku: 43; Oozaru Form: Height and Power x10 (430)

Baali: 48+; Oozaru Form: Height and Power x10 (483)

Many complained that Mc should be stronger than Goku by a huge margin.

I disagree.

Saiyans need powerful opponents to become strong by battling with them. Still, MC was 5 power levels higher than Goku while he didn't know jack shit about martial arts in his previous life.

You know the story of 'half cup water and full cup water where water represents knowledge and cup represents mind'. Goku's mind was empty so he started great whereas MC was already an adult so he took much more time to start. But once he started, he eclipsed Goku due to his hard work.

In time, the gap will increase further.

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