
Dragon Ball Z: Self Insert

One second I am in my world and next, I was Goku's older brother. Getting thrown into Dragon ball world was a little disheartening but nothing I couldn't handle. Plus I get to have awesome superpowers. Could be considered as self-indulgent. Self Insert (SI) (Story is a bit dark in some chapters otherwise its pure adult comedy). Lemons will be there

Hit1903 · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Meeting Shu and Mai

Chapter 7

Meeting Shu and Mai


Bulma stuttered out "Y…You have a real Tail"

Goku naively replied "You're surprised by my tail. Oh yeah, you don't have one. All Boys have a tail"

Bulma thought about it "All Boys, have it? Is that true? That can't be. But then again I have never seen a boy's naked butt before so….. I thought they only had things growing in their front" She murmured the last part.

Goku interrupted her thoughts "Yeah even Baali has one. But my grandpa was a guy and he didn't have it"

Bulma loudly exclaimed "That's what I thought! See he didn't have one either, Right! It's not normal to have one, Right!" In the end, she was begging to be told the truth.

Goku innocently replied "But my Grandpa was one weird guy"

Bulma angrily replied, "You are the weird one here!"


I came on the scene just as Goku got ready and was making his way to the bathroom. Now Bulma doesn't know that I know that she is bathing. So I went with Goku anyway. I saw her lying inside the bathtub which was filled with bubbles. Her nipples were covered by the soap but her boobs were bare to see.

Seriously how it is that Bulma is so sexy. Her perky boobs were making me dizzy. I came out of the daze when Bulma shrieked after noticing us both standing there and ogling her. She quickly dove into the tub.

"Hey what the hell do you think you are looking at?" She asked angrily.

"You helped me wash me so I'll help wash you," Goku said while I lied still ogling her chest "I did not think anybody was here so I came to bathe"

"No thanks! Now leave me alone. Scram" She said shooing her hand away.

Goku totally ignored her "Girls really are different! Instead of a tail, you have an extra butt. Why do you have butt up there" He said motioning to her breasts. I suppressed a laugh at his naivety and just ogled her. Seriously I have to stop doing that.

Bulma predictably got angry at his remark "You idiot! How could this be a butt?! It's a bust, a bust! You are 10 years too young to have an interest in these"

"I don't know about Goku but I can assure you I have very much of interest in your boobies," I said with a perverted giggle.

"Son-Kun how are old you anyway?" She asked with a blush on her face after muttering about little perverts. I frowned when she submerged herself in the tub. Now only her head was outside the water.

Now I don't know from whom she was asking so I replied too.

I lied "10" whereas Goku being dunce replied "14".

Knowing I will have to leave my eye candy if things continued the way they were, I immediately smacked Goku.

"You idiot, we are 10, not 14. He doesn't know how to count so ignore him" I said to Bulma to assure her. I don't think he even listened to me. I kept the fact that we will turn 13 next month to me. As I said I didn't want my eye candy to be gone.

Goku lost interest soon so he got out of the Bathroom meanwhile I remained there planning to get her to open up to me more. Oh! Who am I kidding? I only wanted to see her naked more. She was still hiding in the water. I really wanted to see her boobs again.

"So I heard you washed up Goku," I said to her to which Bulma warily nodded, probably thinking I will ask her to do the same for me. I will be lying if I said the idea didn't cross my mind but again I didn't want that. I quickly took out my clothes so that she doesn't ask me to leave the bathroom. She tried to say something but I spoke before she could turn me away.

"You know we should save water. We don't know when the capsule would run out of water. I could even wash your back if you want. And I have already seen you naked so you don't have to be shy about it. Without a tail, it must be hard to wash it properly" I tried to sell my theory and convince her. In reality, I didn't give her any choice by taking off my clothes. Now if she makes me leave she will look a little bad.

Still, I was not totally sure about that as she may not care that she is coming like a bad person. She looked a little bit frustrated but in the end, acquiesced "I guess you are right but no funny business you understand" She said. I nodded rapidly not wanting to miss the chance. It was then she noticed my tail tied around my waist.

"Umm Baali do all boys have a tail in their back," She asked hesitantly. In the meanwhile, I too submerged mySelf in the tub and took out the shampoo. I didn't go commando. Instead, I took out my pants when I submerged mySelf in the tub. I did not in any case, wanted her to see my little dick. I seriously waited the day puberty would finally kick in and my body won't look like fucking 10 years old.

"Bulma your King is a dog and you must have seen many other species of children in the city so why are you fixated on me and Goku having a tail. But still to satisfy your curiosity – No! Not all boys have tails on their back" I exasperatedly replied while massaging my scalp with the shampoo.

The population of the earth was quite small. Most people lived in 4 cities. I would say 50% of all the human population lived in those big cities. Then comes the people living under other kings. They contribute to somewhat 30%. The rest 20% were scattered throughout the planet. Most of them didn't even know that earth has 1 king above all. Although in truth he is the only king of 4 big cities and surrounding areas.

I suspected that the reason why some people have the features of animals is due to King Piccolo. When he destroyed almost all the humans, they couldn't reproduce with each other. So they fucked the animals. It was a disturbing thought, but I strongly suspected it was true.

Oh! God! How I missed this feeling after living in the wilderness and bathing in the rivers only. I can't really describe the heavenly feeling I am feeling. Trust me I never had a 'bubble bath' and 'shampoo' in the last decade. Someone has said true – You don't value the thing until it is taken away.

When she asked why I had a tail in the first place I replied, "I don't know. My grandpa said we were born with it but he was not sure since he found us in the forest"

Bulma didn't know what to think about that. She tried to rack her brain for any kind of possibilities as to why that Goku and Baali were the results of some kind of gene-splicing experiment…or maybe they were naturally half monkey? She shuddered at that one and hoped that wasn't the case. If anything else they didn't look like a monkey so that assumption was probably completely wrong in the first place. They were one big mystery.

We remained there for quite some time in silence. She was still submerged, neck-deep in the tub after all. I hadn't got any chance to see her boobs since she saw us ogling her. Still, as time passed she became lax. After a few minutes I could easily see her boobs again and what boobs were they.

Still carrying out my next plan I shook my head in the game "So Bulma do you need me to wash your back" I said a little hope seeping in my voice.

She looked at me suspiciously. I tried to hide my perverted smile but couldn't do it. She saw it and angrily replied negatively. Still, I felt this plan was partially successful – I saw and bathe with Bulma naked and she didn't even try to bash my head off. The problem arose when it was time to get out of the tub.

We both didn't want to flash each other. But I totally wanted to see her pussy. In the end, I turn my head towards the wall while she got out of the tub. She didn't know but I could see her reflection from the window mirror. Not that I got to see anything good – Just her cute firm butt. When she was gone I followed her example.

When I went outside, I saw Bulma wearing her pink nightdress, drying her hair while Goku was asking for food. She was wearing a slightly overgrown, hot pink colored nightgown with her signature, beautiful turquoise hair being left down for the night as it appeared to be still somewhat soaked from her bathing session, showcasing her beauty as the wet hair gleamed magnificently in the depths of the glistering room. She also wore pink socks and blue sneakers.

While in anime it didn't show but here her boobs were seriously outlined in her dress. I had to stop mySelf from looking in their direction for a long time not wanting to come off as a creep to Bulma.

It didn't take much time for Bulma to make dinner, although it wouldn't be called even snack by Saiyan standards. The whole time I watched Bulma's behind hoping to get a glimpse of her ass in the skimpy nightdress but I wasn't lucky.

Goku was really confused and wondered out loud "This is food?" when Bulma served it. As I already ate that pterodactyl so I had no problem eating some bread and salad. The coffee was good too. But Goku didn't like that at all. For him, Bread was soft and light while soup (coffee) was bitter.

Bulma opened her mouth to say something (probably nasty and degrading) but a look from me dissuaded her.

'What do you know she can be taught after all' I thought with amusement.

I knew he was going to hunt some food when he started wearing his shoes and put Power Pole on his back.

"I am gonna go and get some real food," He said.

It was a perfect chance to know whether this is manga or anime. Now I could go with him and not let him destroy Mai and rabbit ninja's airplane if it is anime. On the other hand, I could give Bulma, company.

In the end, I decided to go with Goku. It isn't like something could happen with Bulma and me while I was still a runt.

Still, before going away I asked Bulma to check with maps about our location. I can't be too sure that we will find a way back to the house. I didn't want to be lost at night just because I was careless.

Bulma just shrugged and took out a map from her purse. According to it we were in Skull valley. Ryugadani was just on the opposite side of the cliff about 2 kilometers away from here. I made sure to remember our location. I didn't ask Bulma to lend me that map knowing she won't give it for free.

I could also collect more wolves now that I had a storing warehouse capsule if this turned out to be anime. With that, I took off with Goku to hunt some game.

Try as we might, we couldn't find any game. Goku caught a big centipede but that was it. Suddenly we heard an engine above us. I noticed it was an airplane but Goku made up his mind that it was some sort of bird.

'So this is an anime. Still, I couldn't be too sure as it could be a mix of the both' I mused

We reached Ryugadani by following the airplane. It was a dark valley just below a cliff. I saw Mai and Shu some feet away from the plane.

Mai was a fairly tall woman with blue eyes and long black hair with bangs. She was wearing red eye shadow and lipstick. Mai also wore a teal trench coat with a red star insignia on each shoulder, a brown belt with a pistol holster attached to it from the right hip, beige slacks, and brown combat boots. Her overall uniform resembled that worn by Soviet secret agents portrayed in the 1950s/60's spy films. All in all, she was hot as fuck though her makeup put off me a little.

Shu, on the other hand, was even shorter than me. He had ginger or light brown fur covering his entire body, and a tan face and paws. His ninja uniform consisted of a purple hood, a purple kimono with a yellow shirt underneath it, purple pants, a pale blue or white sash, black socks, and straw sandals. He carried a wakizashi (Japanese short sword) on his back. His ginger fur made him look cute instead of menacing.

Just as we reached there, Goku proclaimed that he saw that airplane first so he is going to eat it. I literally facepalmed at Goku's ignorance and naivety.

I was distracted when I heard them talking about us. I looked up to see a small rabbit/fox in an outfit of a ninja and a teenage girl in a military outfit.

Shu asked us "Who are you?"

I was just about to flashily introduce myself when Mai cut me off and commented "What pathetic outfits. You must be from the sticks. Hurry back, little boys. This is not a place for 2 little boys"

My eye twitched when I heard her 'superior and arrogant' tone. Bulma was enough, I don't need another one. Now I don't know what sticks is but her tone was really irritating me. It really hurt my ego when she commented on my height and called me a little boy. But I guess I can't fault her for that, I was in a little boy's body.

She was sure hell as hot though but I know when it comes to sexual parts she is like a blushing virgin bride. I wanted to smack her ass upside down for her tone and 'little boy' comment. I was even just going to do that when we all heard the unmistakable sound of growling.

One by one over a dozen wolves came out of the shadows. Their eyes even glow red in the dark. While Mai and Shu got scared by seeing the wolves, I was happy. These wolves could sustain us for 3-4 days. We won't need to hunt for the next few days. I could store them in the storing capsule and their skin will also fetch a good price in the market.

I already confirmed that they will decompose slowly while they are in the capsule from Bulma. I also theorized that these wolves are probably the reason why this area is devoid of any prey.

With that Wolves charged at us randomly. It didn't even take a minute for me and Goku to make a short work of them. While we were fighting the wolves, Mai and Shu made a run to their airplane. We were not far behind them. Goku still wanted his favorite Roasted chicken after all.

Now in the canon, he destroyed the airplane leaving Shu and Mai to their fate but I had other plans regarding them.

Before Goku could attack the airplane I blocked him.

"What's the big idea Baali? I want to eat that bird before it flies off" He said. I could clearly see that both Mai and Shu were puzzled and scared shitless.

"You Moron, It's not a bird it's an airplane. It's made of steel! See" I said. I took his hand made him touch the plane so he could feel it himself.

"Oh, man! I wanted to eat a roasted chicken" He said while laughing it off.

"I know. Now go and collect all the wolves, we would store them in my warehouse. You can eat a wolf instead of a chicken. It's basically the same thing. Now go, I need to talk to these 2 about something" I ordered him which he followed without any fuss.

"W…What do you want to talk about?" Mai stuttered out scared shitless. She should be. We just killed more than a dozen wolves by ourselves.

I smirked at her a plan forming in my mind. On one hand, I could ask for something perverted but she is not my type, much. Moreover, I know she is destined to be with Trunks. Although I don't have any problems with stealing his future Girlfriend or anyone's girlfriend for that matter, I did not want to do that now. It was a long day and I was feeling really tired after all of the running, I had done today.

The crux of the matter was I wouldn't be able to appreciate anything for now. 'Damn my small underdeveloped body' I cursed in my mind.

"Well there is a matter of payment for saving both of your lives," I said seriously so that they know I mean business.

"We don't have anything on us except this plane and we will need it to go home. Please don't take the plane away from us" She begged. She knew she can't defeat me so she had to beg. Although she might be just trying to manipulate me thinking me a small boy. Well, I could play her game and let her do as she pleases, for now.

"Okay I guess but whenever we meet in the future you better be prepared for paying me," I said knowing I will need to cash that favor. They nodded and hurriedly got into the plane.

With that, they flew away in their airplane quickly thinking they made a fool out of me while I knew that it wasn't that case. We were going to meet in the future and I can cash that favor then. If they refuse well I know how to take what is mine.

In the meantime, Goku had collected all the wolves in a heap. I took out the warehouse capsule and threw it in a large clearing. I counted when I stored them away. There was a total of 16 wolves. I stored 15 wolves while Goku hauled a wolf on his shoulder.

With that done we were off to the Bulma's capsule house….

The reaction of Bulma was hilarious when she saw Goku carrying a wolf and a centipede.

Goku repeatedly asked if she wanted to eat but Bulma was quite stubborn clinging to her vain morals and tradition.

"Are you sure you don't wanna eat? I could cook your's medium" Goku asked once again.

"Shut up. Heck, there is no way I would eat that stuff. Don't even make me think about it" She said.

Meanwhile, I helped Goku in preparing the meal. I even stored the skin of the wolf for selling. I also used some of Bulma's rations to make it healthy by adding some vegetables. From there I got an idea. I asked Bulma to put her 2nd refrigerator in the house. That way I would be able to use vegetables and other things while cooking my food too.

After brushing my teeth, I was literally dropping. When it was time to sleep, I didn't even argue about the bed or futon. I already tuned out their bickering and dropped on my futon.

By the time I hit futon I was asleep.

P.O.V change

Pilaf was daydreaming about his glory days when people will bow before him as he passes. Just then the door opened and his 2 lackeys – Shu and Mai came in running. Pilaf hopped off from the chair but not before putting the dragon ball on its stand with great care. It was after all his ticket to greatness.

He turned towards them and asked, "So did you get the Dragon Ball?"

"That's it Pilaf Sama" "The information was apparently false," Both said at the same time while huffing and puffing.

"What?" Pilaf screamed

"Not just that, a pack of wolves surrounded us," Mai said trembling as she remembered how close they came to death while Shu picked up from where pilaf left "and then 2 monkey-like boys showed up and…."

Pilaf had enough and cut Shu midway "Enough of your pathetic excuses. Stop wasting time and go find some information" Pilaf screamed at them

"Yes, sire" They instantly got alert and saluted him. With that, both went away from the room in a hurry. Meanwhile, pilaf just huffed and grumbled about incompetent lackeys.



7:10: Baali bathed with Bulma

7:30 pm: Baali went hunting with Goku.

9 pm: Baali went to sleep

Total distance covered 300 Kilometer to Aru Village. Remaining distance 940 Km.


Power levels:

Bulma: 04

Goku: 43; Oozaru Form: Height and Power x10 (430)

Baali: 48+; Oozaru Form: Height and Power x10 (483)

Mai: 06

Shu: 04

Wolf: 08; Wolves (x16): 24

I didn't realize that 2k-3k words are considered more than enough for one chapter when I started publishing my stories here.

I was quite confused why my stories weren't getting popular despite better than most stories whose grammar, common sense, and usually everything was shit.

Then, I realized that they publish 1k words as a chapter daily or every other day, and thus get more readers.

I decided to do the same for all my stories so this coming week will be for editing the current stories. Sorry, for the inconvenience.

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