
Dragon Ball twelve modifiers

Hayama traveled and was reborn as a Saiyan baby in Dragon Ball. After crossing into the high-risk and high-strength Dragon Ball world, Ye Shan said that he was too panicked. Fortunately, there are still benefits for travelers. Twelve Modifiers Version 1.0! F110 times the training speed! Let you feel the sourness that your cultivation is like sitting on a rocket! ~ F210 times savvy! ! There are no martial arts moves in this world that I can't learn, just let me take a look. Just a glance! F3 unlimited strength! ! Just look at the name! ! F4 .............................................. has twelve items Modifier, Ye Shan said, slaughtering gods and destroying Buddhas is a breeze~~! ------------------------------------------------------ This fan-fic is not mine, all property is the original author I will only publish.

povmcpixel · Fantasy
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220 Chs

Chapter 4

Chapter 4 Arrived on Earth

  Ye Shan received a mission target very close to the earth, and there was no doubt about it. After all, he was just a scum with 300 combat power, and no one cared.

  Of course, he just took a mission to indiscriminately destroy intelligent life on the entire planet. Yeshan couldn't do such a brutal thing. Therefore, the mission was just to find an excuse to leave Star Vegeta. This mission Yeshan never wanted to complete. Fortunately, the target planet had to pass through the solar system on the way. Yeshan made a plan and flew directly to Earth. .

  1 year later! ~

  Ye Shan's spaceship reached Earth and landed on a deserted beach.

  "This is the earth that has nurtured many dragon warriors! Kakarot should be less than 2 years old now, and if it's not unexpected, he should be adopted by Son Gohan, leave him alone. Go find the old turtle fairy and learn from him. The signature stunt first." After hiding the spaceship, Ye Shan breathed a sigh of relief.

  "It's so strong, is there a visitor from outside the sky?" On a small island, Immortal Turtle looked in the direction of Ye Shan and pondered.

  Turtle Immortal, who was still in a tall human form, immediately turned into an old man, picked up an h magazine beside him and looked at it with a wretched face.

  Turtle fairy! Currently the most powerful martial artist on earth, world famous collector of h magazine. According to statistics, since Turtle Immortals lived in seclusion overseas for more than 100 years, the collection of h magazines has refreshed the world record collected by H magazines dozens of times..

  "This... such a powerful breath. God..." Bo Bo said to God with a worried look on his face.

  "This qi from the universe is both good and evil, and I don't know what it is for when it came to Earth. I hope you stay safe, otherwise, even if you fight my life, you will be killed..." The gods looked straight at you. In the direction of Hayama...

  "Bo Bo, pay close attention to the owner of this qi. See what he wants to do when he comes to earth."

  "Yes, God."

  Of course, Yeshan didn't know that the little bit of power he showed was regarded as a big enemy by the various martial artists of the earth.

  Although it is said that in battles, those with high combat power often overwhelm those with low combat power. However, when both sides have similar combat strength, it depends on the experience of both sides in combat, the timing of timing, and the use of qi which is better.

  However, even if Ye Shan is now showing more than 300 combat power, it is not comparable to the current Earth Martial Daoists. With more than 300 combat power, he can crush all the current Martial Daoists on Earth without any skills.

  What's more, Yeshan's body is hidden with a combat power of up to 480,000. If he releases it with all his strength, the gods and the gods of turtles will be scared to pee.

  "This is the Western Capital. It's really prosperous. There are all kinds of bird-like creatures." Walking on the street and looking at all kinds of strange creatures, Ye Shan had to sigh at the magic of this world.

  "Ah! ~ Help. Someone robbed the bank!"

  Suddenly, a gunshot came from the bank ahead, and with the sound of gunfire, more than a dozen citizens fled from the bank gate in horror.

  A young woman dressed in fashion unfortunately fell to the ground amid the crowd. He looked at a kobold wearing a bandit outfit and looking like a dog behind him with a light machine gun, glaring cruelly at her. "Run~ Haha, why didn't you run?"

  Sudden ~! ~ Sudden! ~ Sudden! !

  A burst of fire!

  The young woman closed her eyes in despair...

  "Miss, are you alright?" At some point, Ye Shan had stood in front of the young woman and blocked the bullet that was about to end her life.

  The bullet, shot on Yeshan's body was like shooting on metal, and it wiped out tiny sparks, which were neither painful nor itchy, and could not cause any damage to Yeshan's body at all.

  Looking at the young woman who had been stunned without answering herself. Ye Shan shook his head and swept her aside.

  "Impossible, what kind of monster are you? Go to die, go to die..." The robber cried out, shooting wildly at Ye Shan with a machine gun in hand.

  "Have you shot enough? Go to hell to repent when you've shot enough." Ye Shan didn't bother to pay attention to him, a robber who had lost his mind. There were still many qualities waiting to be rescued.

  Although Ye Shan is not considered a good person, since he can help others by reaching out his hand, why not do it?

  Immediately moved to the front of the robber, grabbed the dog's head and vomited, and continued to walk in without turning his head.

  "The boss is not good, Klee has been killed." A robber who was guarding the hostage shouted when he saw his accomplice lying on the ground.

  "Just kill him, hurry, hurry up and collect the money. We'll leave right away."

  Ye Shan walked into the bank and glanced around. There were more than a dozen hostages being held and all squatting in the middle of the bank, guarded by four robbers. There were several apparently dead hostages lying on the ground, blood all over the place. The three robbers in the back were quickly loading bundles of money into their backpacks in front of the window.

  "Such a murderous robber, you can't keep it." Looking at the dead hostages on the ground, Ye Shan's eyes flashed with anger.

  boom! ~ Sudden! Sudden ~!

  "Haha, are you scared to move?" The four robbers laughed wildly and shot at Ye Shan. Hayama's body slowly became transparent, and then dissipated into the air.

  Within 1 second, Ye Shan flashed behind the four robbers and gave each one a punch. The four robbers kept laughing and fell to the ground.

  "Damn, where did the monster come from. You monster, don't come here. If you dare to come, I will kill the hostage." The terrified robber leader grabbed a middle-aged man in a white coat from the hostage and aimed the gun at the young man. The human head, trembling, Shuangyue retreated and shouted loudly at Yeshan.

  The two behind them were still speeding up and continuing to put money in their bags. Ye Shan was ashamed to see that, really Nima wants money or not life.

  "Oh? What can you do, shoot me. Scumbags with less than 5 combat power!" Ye Shan laughed.

  "Bastard, go to hell. Hahaha." The robber leader took out a grenade from his trousers and was about to pull the grenade away.

  call out! ~

  A light blue qigong beam came out from Ye Shan's finger, and instantly shot through the head of the robber leader.

  "You two life-threatening talents also accompany your boss!" Ye Shan said flatly. One person rewarded a qigong beam, ending the sinful life of the two money slaves. *