
Dragon Ball twelve modifiers

Hayama traveled and was reborn as a Saiyan baby in Dragon Ball. After crossing into the high-risk and high-strength Dragon Ball world, Ye Shan said that he was too panicked. Fortunately, there are still benefits for travelers. Twelve Modifiers Version 1.0! F110 times the training speed! Let you feel the sourness that your cultivation is like sitting on a rocket! ~ F210 times savvy! ! There are no martial arts moves in this world that I can't learn, just let me take a look. Just a glance! F3 unlimited strength! ! Just look at the name! ! F4 .............................................. has twelve items Modifier, Ye Shan said, slaughtering gods and destroying Buddhas is a breeze~~! ------------------------------------------------------ This fan-fic is not mine, all property is the original author I will only publish.

povmcpixel · Fantasy
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220 Chs

Chapter 3

Chapter 3 Return and Departure

  The dark blue Lanshan star, a small figure flying in the sky at a speed several times faster than the speed of sound, one by one qigong bombs emitting light blue light bombarded the hiding places of life on the surface like no money.

  "It's been 10 years, and it's been 10 years on this planet that can be said to have given me a new life." Above the sky, Ye Shan, who had been fishing for three days and two days in his previous life, sighed with emotion. He never thought of himself. stay in one place for so long.

  In the past 10 years, through various hard training, Yeshan's combat power has reached a high of 480,000. This is still the result of the practice without the cheating device of Dragon Ball Warriors - the gravity room. If there is a practice cheating device called the gravity room, Yeshan feels that now Your combat power can be multiplied several times. The trick to hiding one's own qi was already researched by Hayama three years ago.

  "If you are a low-level fighter, it should be normal for the combat power to reach 300 in 10 years." Yeshan adjusted his combat power to around 300, and was satisfied for a while.

"Next, quickly destroy the last two natives on this planet and go back to Planet Vegeta."

  huh~! ~!

  The whole body exudes blue arrogance, and Yeshan rushes in the direction of the indigenous people who are almost the highest combat power on this planet.

  In less than a minute, Ye Shan was standing above a small stone house.

  "It's really disappointing. I thought the highest combat power on this planet would be intelligent life..." Ye Shan was slightly disappointed when he looked at the two half-human, half-tiger tigers below.

  After 10 years of travel, Yeshan is still eager to see a smart life that can communicate.

  In that case, you can't blame me! ~ Condensing a light blue air bomb the size of a basketball with one hand, Hayama murmured.


  The entire mountain peak on the small cave on the ground was hit by the gas bomb from Hayama, and then it exploded like a small nuclear bomb.

  The light blue aftermath dissipated, and the entire mountain had disappeared, leaving only a deep pit 10 meters deep and 100 meters wide.


  A round spaceship shot out of the blue mountain star, rushed out of the atmosphere, and flew to the colorful cosmic starry sky...

  "This feeling of being accused is really unpleasant. It's all because of my lack of strength. If only I could have the strength to beat Frieza now." Sitting in the spaceship, Ye Shan scolded for a while.

  "Fliza's strength is normally 530,000, not to mention that he has 4 transformations. In the final form, Frieza's combat power has reached 120 million. It is far from what I can compare to now. With the current 48 Wan's strength to fight Frieza is like hitting a stone with an egg, just sending a head off."

  Although Yeshan said he was unwilling to be controlled by others, he didn't take it too seriously. After all, he was only 10 years old. When he got out of Frieza's control and arrived on Earth, he used the gravity room to practice for a few years. Cheater, Hayama was confident that he could beat Frieza in minutes.

  In the vast starry sky, a streamer flew towards Planet Vegeta.


  "Has another soldier come back after completing the mission? Who will it be?" Lidham stood at the spaceship reception and looked at the round spaceship that was about to land in the sky, and laughed.

  When the spaceship was about to reach Planet Vegeta, Hayama woke up from his sleep.

  "Yo~! Isn't this the rubbish son of Kalis? A rubbish with only 3 combat power was born, but he didn't die outside. What a fate!"

  The spaceship landed on Planet Vegeta's mission, and as soon as Ye Shan stepped out of the spaceship, he heard a laugh in his ears.

  Looking at the Saiyan who was operating on an instrument and still mocking himself, with exaggerated muscles, Hayama frowned.

  "Are all Saiyans so arrogant and arrogant, this race full of conquest, no wonder it will be destroyed by Frieza in the future."

  "Hey, Kamo kid, get out of here after completing the task." Lidham shouted after submitting Hayama's task.

  "Uncle, do you know where my parents are now?" Ye Shan asked, resisting the urge to destroy the muscular man in front of him.

  Although I don't like the parents of this body, but since I came back, I still want to go home.

  "Haha!~ Poor kid, both of your parents died on a medium-sized planet that they conquered 4 years ago. You are the only one left in your family now, so go back quickly."

  "By the way, uncle, do you know Bardock?" Ye Shan tried to see if he could get useful information from this big Saiyan who was full of muscles.

  "You mean Bardock? Of course I know, almost no one on the entire planet Vegeta doesn't know him. Bardock himself is also a low-level warrior with a combat power of 4200. He gave birth to one similar to you, with a combat power of only 5. The trash son of Kakarot, haha, the Saiyans of Planet Vegeta are ridiculing him. Two months ago, Bardock seemed to send his son to some inferior planet to perform a mission."

  "Kakarot has just been born. From this point of view, Vegeta should have been born for several years. Planet Vegeta is still under the control of the icy family Frieza, and it is only a year before Planet Vegeta is destroyed. No more. No, I have to find an opportunity to leave Planet Vegeta quickly." Hayama ignored the muscular man and walked straight to his residence.

  Saiyan's residence is not very good, it can be said to be simple, after all, Saiyans who are born fighting mad are only interested in fighting and conquering. There are no other requirements.

  When I got home, the house was covered with a thin layer of dust. Saiyans are extremely cruel, and they take family affection very lightly. In Hayama's house, there wasn't even a photo or something to keep as a souvenir.

  Ye Shan didn't even know what the biological parents of this body looked like, and of course Ye Shan wasn't interested in knowing, anyway, he wasn't their child at all.

  After resting idle for a few days, Hayama couldn't stay any longer. Staying on a planet that is in danger of extinction anytime, anywhere, no one can stand it.

  "I can't stay here anymore, hurry up and take a mission to leave this Vegeta star. It's better to find a mission target close to the earth..." After packing up his mood, Ye Shan flew to the mission reception point.*